The Tragic State of The Finals Season 3

Published 2024-06-12

All Comments (21)
  • @ember3527
    What annoys me is he's acting like he knows the game so well and just gets things wrong (e.g. he said throwing knives were added in season 2)
  • @3tap
    "its not another unreal engine game" does... does he know?
  • @stickdude1420
    What is tragic about this video is the loud malding of a game that has good devs
  • @janlukegabriel
    At the end of the day, what matters is that YOU PLAY THE GAME. Forget about popularity. I often hear people comparing this to the slow, low key, early days of Apex Legends. So long as we’re here, that’s all that matters.
  • @windupperson712
    The game isn’t as competitive as you think it is. The new weapons are for FUN. F-U-N I know it’s a long forgotten word in this current tryhard era where everyone is trying to be the best player in the match, but it’s meant to be fun and change up the way you normally play.
  • I've been a fan for a long time, Slorgs, but I don't agree with a lot of points in this video. It's a shame you're not enjoying the current state of the game, but not every game needs an "Overwatch" or "Csgo" mindset. Cashout is still the CORE game mode. They’ve been separated into two categories, and now Cashout will receive more attention since it has its own space and progression. We’ll even get new custom map modifications exclusively for the World Tour! Terminal Attack works really well as a "classic ranked mode" that appeals to other competitive players, with its two sites and bomb type of gameplay. It’s really sad that some major voices are discrediting the game before the season has even started! A couple of things I wanted to add: I don't personally think melee weapons are unviable in ranked, and I wouldn’t say that adding new "gimmicks" is a bad thing. This season proves that Embark is working on both new content and the whole ranked system. Check out the video on the official The Finals YouTube channel; it may not have been out when you posted this video. Not every game needs a meta or perks. Saying the game is a breath of fresh air and a good thing, and then making a video suggesting it will die, doesn’t help your beloved game. "If people want to support us, we will live; otherwise, we’ll die." I won’t dislike the video or unfollow you because this is your channel and your view, and I’m here for it. Love you, slorgs, and I hope to see you in the arena soon.
  • @ThisIsGlitch
    Not every game needs a meta, we can have stuff only for fun
  • "They added throwing knives in season 2." This guy clearly knows very little about the game.
  • I understood nothing from this video, like do you want new content to shake things up or not and have it still be “stale”? The whole point to adding and changing things is to experiment with the game and what it can do yet people look at that fact and cry like it’s ruined the game to try different or similar things
  • @slappyjo1046
    Im tired of yt yapping about how bad the game is when you can just have fun
  • @cannedtoes
    for someone who talks about content creators playing the event then leaving you dont sound like you play the finals to a competitive extent at all and just login every once in a while, the finals doesn't even use a proprietary engine it's literally just Unreal Engine 5
  • @Mightywaterbear
    This dude could have waited two days to ACTUALLY play the new season before making an opinion but he’d rather be sad I guess?
  • @cameronmays5422
    Its gonna be real funny when you see ruby players that use exclusively melee weapons. There are meta weapons and there are meta builds. The finals has meta weapons like the Ak and the throwing knives and the lewis among its aeaplns. But then there are builds that utilize those "non-meta" weapons like the dodge being used with the sword. Your entire video about the weapons being 'gimmicky' and non meta like is assinine, close-minded, and downright idiotic. If you need weapons to be 'meta' go back to cod. Ive seen entire teams melted with a heavy with a sledge or a medium with a riot shield.
  • @TriFekt
    So, the real reasons the Finals fell off. 1 the game is harder than the braindead shooters that are super popular. See xdefiant/CoD. 2. There were tons of server issues / cheaters that drove a lot of people away from the game. 3. There is fatigue from hero shooters in general, and the finals technically is one. Ultimately, the game has enough of a dedicated fanbase that it will be fine. The doom and gloom everyone has for the game is unjustified if I'm being real. Just enjoy the game, and tell people how much you like the game and why they should give it a shot. That's all you can do.
  • @UndeadRage25
    I think the reason why some people like the terminal attack is because you as an individual have more impact on the game and don't have to have those team mates that work with you because let's be honest most don't.
  • The FINALS is for FUN.... its a game where you can choose what you want to use and play in a creative way... it is NOT a HARDCORE all weapons have to be super balanced competitive game... IF the game wanted to target and focus the game towards MOSTLY the competitive scene... IT WOULDN'T HAVE GONE THE ROUTE OF BUILD AND MIX THESE SUPER OVER THE TOP CRAZY MECHANICS TOGETHER IN ANY WAY YOU WANT.... you pick what you want, you blow shxt up and you watch the chaos ensue... that is the game... and yes you try to win...
  • @creature44
    The more you crap on the game on YouTube, the less people are gonna play. Season 3 is awesome, the new map is BEAUTIFUL and super fun to play, yeah the melee weapons are kinda busted rn and TA isnt the best choice for ranked, but it’s still the same finals we know and love. Cashout on World Tour is still good sweaty fun. Idk what everyone’s b**ching about honestly. The last thing prospective players need to see is “the tragic state of season 3” like cmon, this type of stuff is killing the player base.
  • @pepacrow6794
    This person is very ignorant to say that Throwing Knives and melee weapons arent viable. A damn sword is very much capable of turning an entire match around as much as an mp5 and, in some cases, even better Throwing knives ever since the most recent buffs, they are actually insane powerful as long as you can use em effectively Daggers are a massive hit or miss but its not rare to see someone that has master it one shot entire teams But I do agree that the new ranged weapons have been pretty shite like the famas and raffica
  • Honestly i have none of these issues solo queue and all, the game is just fun, everyone looking for meta this is the wrong game, and also the ttk issues, not every game needs to be cod or battlefield, and ive played since beta, Yes ranked is meta but all the other game modes are fun And ive gotten to gold with the riot sheild, yet not sweaty enough to try n do it till diamond cuz i okay the game for fun