My Ordinary Time (TLT Mashup) | My Ordinary Life | I Got No Time

Published 2017-12-04
Original songs: The Living Tombstone
Enjoy this new Mashup! (and got new profile pic by Grimmixx on Deviantart :P)

All Comments (21)
  • @EndarkoYT
    This songs feels like when you have a singing or speech competition. One side of confidence and the other side, fear of not doing good enough. Really a masterpiece
  • @FranthiaMapping
    Top 200 reasons I love this song 1. Skill 2. Reflexes 3. Strategy 4. Communication 5. Teamwork 6. Accuracy 7. Adaptability 8. Decision-making 9. Map knowledge 10. Positioning 11. Aim 12. Map control 13. Map awareness 14. Loadout selection 15. Timing 16. Patience 17. Aggressiveness 18. Game sense 19. Map control 20. Map awareness 21. Resource management 22. Risk assessment 23. Objectives 24. Mobility 25. Team composition 26. Game knowledge 27. Counterplay 28. Awareness 29. Mechanics 30. Weapon proficiency 31. Stealth 32. Communication 33. Focus 34. Leadership 35. Endurance 36. Stamina 37. Decision-making 38. Adaptation 39. Coordination 40. Reaction speed 41. Reaction accuracy 42. Planning 43. Vision 44. Awareness of surroundings 45. Grenade usage 46. Resource denial 47. Counter-strategies 48. Mind games 49. Positional advantage 50. Cover usage 51. Reload timing 52. Team coordination 53. Communication accuracy 54. In-game economy management 55. Reconnaissance 56. Escape strategies 57. Ability management 58. Damage control 59. Flanking 60. Predictive positioning 61. Juking 62. Team synergy 63. Pressure 64. Risk vs. reward 65. Shot calling 66. Patience 67. Vision control 68. Map rotations 69. Tactical awareness 70. Environmental utilization 71. Resource gathering 72. Awareness of enemy cooldowns 73. Map control 74. Ambush tactics 75. Cooldown management 76. Awareness of audio cues 77. Item control 78. Pathfinding 79. Deception 80. Reaction prediction 81. Exploiting enemy weaknesses 82. Game sense 83. Mindset 84. Intuition 85. Reaction efficiency 86. Precision 87. Environmental destruction 88. Feinting 89. Tactical retreat 90. Team morale 91. Risk management 92. Endgame strategy 93. Victory celebration 94. Map navigation 95. Power-ups 96. Resource efficiency 97. Zoning 98. Map control 99. Reflex coordination 100. Situational awareness 101. Flaw recognition 102. Predictive aiming 103. Counter strategies 104. Coordinated aggression 105. Analytical thinking 106. Mind control 107. Spatial awareness 108. Strategic positioning 109. Stealth tactics 110. Defensive play 111. Offensive play 112. Resource allocation 113. Camouflage 114. Tactical positioning 115. Team communication 116. Map adaptation 117. Ammo management 118. Reload control 119. Team morale 120. Noise discipline 121. Line of sight control 122. Team rotation 123. Health pack control 124. Energy management 125. Combo execution 126. Reaction prediction 127. Backstabbing 128. Multi-target tracking 129. Cover fire 130. Awareness of objectives 131. Control point dominance 132. Shield management 133. Flank prevention 134. Resource denial 135. Tactical reloading 136. Audio localization 137. Escape routes 138. Critical hit aiming 139. Stalling tactics 140. Sniping skills 141. Melee combat 142. Mobility control 143. Hiding spots 144. Healing prioritization 145. Movement prediction 146. Combo interruption 147. Scouting 148. Resource regeneration 149. Weak point targeting 150. Effective cooldown usage 151. Critical thinking 152. Objective prioritization 153. Positional punishment 154. Collateral damage 155. Target selection 156. Offensive cooldown usage 157. Defensive cooldown usage 158. Target tracking 159. Critical damage optimization 160. Game-breaking tactics 161. Cover management 162. Baiting 163. Sniper lanes 164. Suppression fire 165. Silent movement 166. Burst fire 167. Charge timing 168. Melee counters 169. Trap setting 170. Area denial 171. Team baiting 172. Crowd control 173. Resource hoarding 174. High ground advantage 175. Resource conversion 176. Tactical retreats 177. Attack combos 178. Movement combos 179. Counter-strategy 180. Awareness of power spikes 181. Tactical reloads 182. Aiming for headshots 183. Awareness of range 184. Sound masking 185. Shield breaking 186. Ammo conservation 187. Resource sharing 188. Predictive defense 189. Wall bouncing 190. Crosshair placement 191. Environment interaction 192. Weapon switching 193. Flanking routes 194. Energy conservation 195. Map control 196. Trap detection 197. Trap avoidance 198. Evasive maneuvers 199. Strategy adjustments 200. Mental resilience
  • @grrimmm
    “losing sleep while i lose my mind” and “i feel fear for the very last time” fit the story behind “i got no time” so perfectly it’s poetic. these masterpieces were meant for each other
  • @exranz2552
    the transitions between the parts of the songs are smooth asf and its the reason why I love this mashup. I love how I got no time interrupts my ordinary life right after their part finishes.
  • @Riseo
    This is literally one of the coolest mashups I have ever heard. This is so good it's going on my MP3 Player. :o
  • @타임키퍼
    I really like the combination of two existing songs, as if the adrenaline rush of combining two famous songs is so great! This song is my best remix fav song......
  • @Chihuahua03
    この曲を聞き始めて約2年経つが未だに飽きない。ほんとに神曲 今日もこの曲を聞いて元気に生きる
  • @LordBoros001
    10 reasons why this is my favorite song, 1. Strength 2. Speed 3. Durability 4. IQ 5. Battle IQ 6. Experience 7. Combat 8. Abilities 9. Hax 10. Overall
  • @Ddoodin
    Can we agree that this is literally the perfect mashup
  • @CanecaManFace
    I know the internet well, and I know that everything that becomes famous is forgotten after practice, this happens over time with YouTubers, memes, songs and video styles, this song may even be famous now, but then it will be forgotten by the internet, but I personally will never forget it
  • This song has gotta be one of the top notch mashup’s that came out of nowhere but truly hits as one of the best mashup to ever exist.
  • @roboticruler
    2:18 to 2:30 is literally just perfect. The mix of the piano with the lyrics is just 😩
  • @ThePolulos
    0% Nudity 0% drugs 0% alcohol 100% strength 100% speed 100% stamina 100% iq 100% biq 100% feats 100% hax Solos verse negative diff Edit: yes dudes I know song mentions pain pills no need to mention it for the 83837th time, get the joke or go home.
  • @Conquostor