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With the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC coming out for Elden Ring I can see some crazy runs on the horizon, make sure you subscribe so you don't miss them!

Twitch: www.twitch.tv/ginomachino
Twitter: twitter.com/GinoMachino
Discord: discord.gg/FACwsyh
Boss & Enemy Resistances: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BVwmKqB8pvuyJkSTGY…

0:00 Intro
1:42 Limgrave
19:00 Liurnia
31:15 Altus
49:00 Mt. Gelmir & Volcano Manor
58:35 Caelid
1:09:20 Mountaintops
1:30:22 Farum Azula
1:45:45 Leyndell, Ashen Capital
1:54:06 Journey to Mohgwyn & the Haligtree
2:02:06 Haligtree

コメント (21)
  • @2iBMX
    "You can't parry my ass, dude"
    - Gino
  • @SouthernHavoc
    Not using Giant Crusher aganist fire gaint is such a missed opportunity lol
  • @gebaek6021
    As a strength lover, this video fills me with joy
  • @crumpet-kun
    Gino: "That's the thing about Yhorm, you can fight him with any build and have a very reasonable time with him"
    Skumnut: kicks a giant to death
  • My first playthrough was Brick Hammer + Battle Hammer, then NG+ they both grew up into 2 x Giantcrushers, as a strength enjoyer it was like reaching Nirvana.
  • @stonedbeanstv
    it is so nice how you fight, no panic rolls, just jumping, keep calm, dodge ... and here I'm with over 450 hours, finished the game multiple times, up to 100% but still panic roll like a dumbass
  • "Maybe we won't have a 2 hour long fire giant montage."
  • @addaku
    The turn around from stream to video is amazing. I was so used to waiting 1-2 months to get a video version of the run. You love to see it
  • @Cliche8701
    Barbaric Roar is totally slept on. Bit slow for bosses, but it makes all landscape enemies insanely easy since you can just poise through their attacks and usually stagger/stun them as well with the 3 hit combo. Love it
  • @uhm211
    Best part of this run is the "Get bricked and butt slam Renala"😂😂😂
  • @galactic6262
    I have a Strength only character as well. He uses the Prelate's Hammer and is bright red so I named him the Crimson Chin.
  • @moritzbr
    I did a dex build on my first playthrough and whenever I play now I go for unga bunga str weapons. I love the watchdog staff. I unga therefore I bunga.
  • Ruins greatsword is a hell of a lot of fun. My first playthrough I was using Bloodhound's Fang (didn't we all lol), and I wasn't a huge fan of the move set. When I picked up the Ruins Greatsword and gave the AoW a try I remember cackling like a mad woman. You feel like a giga chad lining mobs up and mowing them down with a single L2, and you can score multiple hits on large bosses if you line it up right. If you're a strength build struggling in the Haligtree, that sword will save you a world of grief: it's very good for knocking mobs off of branches and platforms, and for making use of choke points. And it's also great for breaking enemy guard when they're using a shield. In NG+ you can break through the 99 cap by two-handing, and dumping points into int will add (some) magic damage and open up access to spells. Overall, it's just a solid weapon.
  • @jrmako7933
    Gino single handedly revived my love for Elden Ring again and then the DLC was announced lol Want to try my hand at these challenge/specific thing runs.
  • My favorite part of these vids is seeing my own chat message in it lmao
  • Keep it up man. Just recently got into the game but pretty much found you right away, and love all your stuff