Published 2022-06-05
Skills to practice using the board:
Collectively negotiate ideas and knowledge with peers.
Exchanging thoughts and ideas in writing and speaking.
Developing educational relationships with peers around the board.
Giving and receiving immediate and actionable feedback.
Practicing appropriate writing skills for different purposes and audiences. Negotiating ideas and knowledge with peers.
Reading critically and for comprehension to contribute to the team’s discussion.
Making inferences and conclusions to share and negotiate with peers around the table.
Revising peer's work with the purpose of giving constructive feedback.
Taking effective summary notes in lectures to share and revise with peers’ help.
Organizing and depicting information logically through peer review.
Structuring information in summaries, essays, and reports through peer review.
Delegating and sharing responsibilities with peers around the board.
Assisting each other in the learning process. Taking charge of own learning.
Manage and resolve conflict through a collaborative process around the board.
Building consensus. Interacting actively with other perspectives and ideas
Negotiating successfully
Encouraging peers to contribute
Exercising leadership and taking on a variety of roles within a group
Advocating for one’s own rights and needs
Pacing properly to accommodate time-sensitive activities
Using appropriate strategies for organizing complex information
Engaging learning through continuous interaction with peers
Nurturing mindfulness and awareness
Nurturing self-motivation
Developing effective emotional management
Developing a “Not Yet” attitude
Practicing strategies to prevent impulsiveness and anger
Practicing “failing well”
Identifying strengths and weaknesses through peer review
Reflecting better on the learning process
Focusing on the process of creating by imitating the good work of others
Managing time and tasks effectively
Developing new skills and strategies for effective learning
What factors are important for helping me learn better
Reflecting on learning
Collecting, recording, and verifying data
Presenting information in a variety of formats and platforms
Collect and analyze data to identify solutions and make informed decisions
Process data and report results
Practice observing carefully to recognize problems
Gather and organize relevant information to formulate an argument Interpret data
Evaluate evidence and argument
Draw reasonable conclusions and generalizations
Test generalizations and conclusions
Revise understanding based on new information and evidence
Formulate factual, topical, conceptual, and debatable questions
Consider ideas from multiple perspectives
Develop contrary or opposing arguments
Analyze complex concepts and projects into their constituent parts and synthesize them to create a new understanding
Propose and evaluate a variety of solutions
Identify obstacles and challenges
Identify trends and forecast possibilities
Use brainstorming and visual diagrams to generate new ideas and inquiries
Consider multiple alternatives, including those that might be unlikely or impossible
Create novel solutions to authentic problems
Make guesses, ask “what if” questions, and generate a testable hypothesis
Applying existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes.
Use existing works and ideas in new ways
Practice flexible thinking-develop multiple opposing, contradictory, and complementary arguments
Practice visible thinking strategies and techniques.
Generate metaphors and analogies
Use effective learning strategies in subject groups and disciplines
Apply skills and knowledge in unfamiliar situations
Inquire in a different context to gain a different perspective
Compare conceptual understanding across multiple subject groups and disciplines
Combine knowledge, understanding, and skills to create products or solutions
Transfer current knowledge to learning new technologies
Change the context of an inquiry to gain different perspectives

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