Phobias - specific phobias, agoraphobia, & social phobia

Published 2016-03-02
What is a phobia? Phobias are a type of anxiety disorder where somebody has an irrational and debilitating fear of something—whether it be an animal, a situation, or natural phenomenon. Find our full video library only on Osmosis:

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All Comments (21)
  • @rishabhdue
    Phobia : Extreme Fear of Something, regardless if that thing can cause you harm or not - People go great length to avoid coming face to face with that phobia - Affects 10% of the Population - Powerless in face of it 1. Specific Phobias 5 Categories : 1. Fear of Animals 2. Fear of Natural Environment 3. Fear of Blood and Needles 4. Fear of Situations 5. Others : ex. Fear of Clowns etc. 2. Agoraphobia : Fear of Public Places 3. Social Phobias Causes : - Unknown - If family member has one - Traumatic Event Treatments : - tailor to individual - cognitive behavior therapy - systematic desensitization
  • Just learned I have social phobia, I knew I wasn't normal but I didn't know it had a name, I hate eating in front of people, especially messy or large foods like burgers or ice creams, I refuse party invites ( by making up excuses) so I don't have to talk to people or make conversation because I feel awkward and embarrassed when I talk even when there's no reason to be. I even sometimes avoid going out with close friends and I worry for days even weeks sometimes because I don't wanna go out. Well you learn something new everyday :)
  • @misspapayausa
    I have a severe phobia & my friend thought it was funny to taunt me with said phobia (as a lot of people have) and I ended up literally crashing a car while trying to get away. The situation was dangerous for everyone involved & extremely embarassing for me, I even could have gone to jail. It’s no laughing matter. This is the reason I don’t tell anybody my specific phobia anymore. Don’t take phobias lightly.
  • @HweeTengLee
    Who invented names for these phobias? I'm scared of these long words.
  • @EllieSmith3
    I have arachnophobia and I was able to watch this video in full length and not look away! That is a big improvement for me!!
  • @emmavaughan1080
    People say they have a phobia but they dont. Edit: Okay what I meant by this is some people just say they have a phobia when all they have is a small fear spiders. There is a difference between having a fear and a phobia
  • @gattoleone1843
    Emetophobia here (fear of vomit/vomiting). I'm still getting it treated, but there have been huge progresses considering that at the start I was feeling nauseous all the time even if I was perfectly healthy, stopped eating lots of foods, barely got out, developed some obsessive-compulsive behaviours because I thought if I didn't do my rituals I was going to be sick, got an addiction from over using some gums against car nausea, avoided getting out at all, got anxious even if I thought I heard that word somewhere and even didn't want to see my cats because of furballs; while now I can even pretend I'm vomiting to joke about it.
  • @batteriacid7392
    i wish when people made videos about phobias they made them friendly to people who have phobias to watch. i have arachnophobia and i had to physically cover the screen every time spiders came up because so much as a drawn image sets off paranoia.
  • lol the sound effects for the line "by getting attacked by a pack of angry racoons and getting rabies" was hilarious
  • @chips726
    I am diagnosed with agoraphobia. It’s such a painful process. For me anyways, I describe it as the fear of having a panic attack in public specifically. Like I didn’t just have this fear of public naturally, it developed after I started having panic attacks. When you don’t know what a panic attack is, and it just happens to you, it’s completely vile. it felt like I was suffocating. I started avoiding public areas and even just leaving my house in general because I was afraid another one of those “moments” (panic attacks, but i didn’t know at the time) would happen, and it would be shameful or difficult to hide.
  • @TaeNi95
    March 2020 no one asked but this is my story: I have three of the mentioned phobias. And they are diagnosed phobias. My spider phobia is the most 'chill' one because I don't get confronted with spiders a lot. But if I do, I freak out, getting a panic attack, crying, thinking about k*lling myself (depends on situation). I think this fear was given to me by my mum. Then we have the social phobia. I had it since I was probably around 9 years old. Kids were mocking me starting in first grade (age six) and I still gotta deal with the consequences now (age 24). I already did a therapy in which I also overcame my depression. But I am still affected by social anxiety. I am actively staying away from situations I might be judged in and I rethink every word someone said to me, worrying if they liked me or not. It really affects my life negatively a lot. But I am slowly progressing. My worst fear is the one that I can't even spell out without feeling I might faint. It was mentioned as the third category of specific phobias. It was caused by a traumatic event which also led to my ex-depression. I am struggling with it everyday. Sometimes my brain is just like: "Hey, wanna think about horrible pictures? Here you go." And then I have to try not to faint on the spot. I can not behave normaly. I can't listen to specific topics being discussed. I can't watch movies that I don't know (in the fear I might see stuff and faint)... I have to be extra careful not to accidently hurt myself. I wanted to quit my job every day for over 3 months. But surprisingly I got through. I am a fighter. I am currently looking for a new therapist (got an appointment soon) hoping to be better one day. I really wanna make progress and improve myself to make my life easier for myself and also the people around me. :) I hope I can update this on day.
  • @makayla8823
    I have social phobia for most of my life. Today two adults honked their horn at me when I was walking to the store for no reason then they started laughing. I had so many thoughts come into my mind of why that happened. I felt like it was my fault and also felt completely useless. I had an anxiety attack and panic attack while paying for groceries and when I was walking back home. I cried...
  • How about fear of death. Even the word "dying" can make me hyperventilating, which I am now.
  • @ghost-hc3fl
    I have DEFINITELY hemophobia, i cant see blood and when im about to get a needle in my arm i am like screaming
  • I have yet to meet someone with my phobias or even a name for them. But I’m afraid of hydro and electrical systems, and warning labels. Street signs, telephone poles, hydro towers, shower heads, pipes, this list goes on and on. I’m currently in therapy and am working on coping mechanisms for it. It’s caused a lot of struggle in my life and a lot of self hate because I didn’t know why I was so terrified of simply taking a shower. Since I’ve been diagnosed I’ve come to terms that they’re a part of me and I’m continuing to work to get better with them.
  • Agoraphobia here! Thanks for educating people about my disorder.
  • I have a fear of going to my towns library. If someone even mentions going there I suddenly become quite, start panicking, and feel like I will cry. I also have Social Phobia.
  • i used to be really bad but my friends and family always put me uncomfortable positions and i just grew through it. but sometimes i’ll still avoid it
  • @evedouglas1172
    This is going to sound weird but I have an extremely severe phobia of eyes. I’ll hyperventilate, stop breathing and pass out. It’s bad.
  • @zhyarjasim
    As someone who have mysophobia I could relate to each part of this videos and I would say this phobia is ruining my life my relationship , I can't help it , sometimes even when I'm in home I don't feel safe , it often makes me really angry and sad whenever I run into a situation that have something to do with my phobia .