10 minute Vocal Warm Up - Do this before you sing!

Published 2020-05-10
What are some quick vocal warm up exercises that I recommend to all my voice students?Hyperlinks to jump to specific parts of this video:
* Activate your diaphragm 2:20
* F sound for a quicker response 4:05
* Lip trills to balance pressure 5:30
* Yum sound to blend registers 10:20

I am Madeleine Harvey. Thanks so much for hanging out with me today. Per your request is to put together a very basic very gentle very easy quick vocal warm up for when you don't have a lot of time to invest in a vocal warm up. What are some really good essential things you must do to get your voice ready to be used?

So if you'd like to his video please be sure to give it a thumbs up. It could get subscribed but below I'd love to see here more often. So a couple of things a couple of really wonderful things that you want to make sure you activate right before you sing is that you activate breath and tone right. So those two things are what we're gonna be really focusing on today. Now you can augment and modify a warm up based off of a particular style that you're singing. But this is all about keeping it nice and easy today. And again something that you can quickly do if you don't have a lot of time. So how do you activate breath. Well we want to make sure that we activate the diaphragm in an almost athletic way. This involves feeling it a little deeper and giving it the primary response ability for the sound. We want to encourage it to start behaving right in a more committed more engine like way.

So a really great way to get it active is to create an s sound for eight counts then hold the breath or suspend it. I prefer and then S for another eight counts. This will encourage your diaphragm to stabilize to really steady itself which will also in turn give you a more consistent tone. So here's what we're gonna do. We're going to ask for our eight counts. We're going to suspend the breath meaning don't breathe in don't breathe out and then we're going to s for another eight counts.

You're ready. Here we go. Take a breath in. Good good good good. So you can feel that as we lift that die from we don't want to give all of our breath away but we lift it nice and steady and then we suspend the diaphragm in a lifted position. What this is going to do is it's gonna start communicating to your brain when you saying that if you start to feel that you don't have enough gas in the tank to not pinch off at your throat but continue to go to the diaphragm go to the center of the body for what you need. Let's try this again. Excellence so your ad should be really feeling it really encouraging that day from to lift from the deep from the inside. Now you don't have to force your diaphragm to do anything it's just a natural consequence of that s consider it.

So to encourage a little bit of a quicker response we're going to change our consonant to F so notice how the diaphragm lifts a little quicker. When we say right. Good. So we're just now we're just going to regular f pulse for just eight. Now at this time we're just going to f pulse for eight. Here we go. Then good. Very good. Now as pulse for eight. Hold for eight and see if we can manage that. Any breathing in. Good. Good. Now. Now your diaphragm is awake. It's understanding what's required of it. Now we're going to add tone to this and we're going to do it in a way that is nice and gentle and can balance pressure so there's not a better saying that balance is pressure in the vocal world than a simple trill. Now you can do tongue shrill or you can do literal. I prefer the electro but I'll let you decide what's right for use. We're going to pulse on a single pitch five times. You want to make sure that movement is coming from the center of your body.

So where we'll go. OK. Feeling that gentle almost like we're babies bouncing around and a little bounce. So here we go. Now we start middle C guys if you want to start an optical go that's peachy keen fine with me. Here we go. Ready are you hearing that speed the diaphragm is now behaving in a way that's more agile quicker giving you a lot more flexibility and adaptability and flexibility when you sing three recovery well again really feeling that almost athletic approach to the center of your body you want to be able to communicate that it's the center of the body where all that power comes from. But now that we've activated the diaphragm and we've pulsed giving it a little bit more speed now let's get some tone in this mother.

If you'd like to this video please be sure to give it a thumbs up with that subscribe button below. I would love to see here what often. Thank you again for hanging out with me today. I hope you've enjoyed this for much and I will see you next time pileups.

All Comments (21)
  • @KellyMangiliman
    After 2 months of not vocalizing. There's a huge difference in my voice. It feels harder to project. This is perfect 😍 thank you so much.
  • @yenikkidays6949
    I love how she just pulls out a keyboard out of nowhere But really, this is an amazing vocal warm-up, and I can already see and feel the difference <3
  • @shrek9367
    Did anyone else get that add where- “ hI iM alEx aNd I hAvE beEn siNgIng for 10 yEaras. * INHALES AGGRESSIVELY*
  • @vocalescapade
    Me: NYUM NYUM NYUM NYUM... The people on my floor: What the fu....
  • Everybody's gangsta... until Ms. Harvey pulls out a piano from her desk.
  • I'm using these notes to speed up my warm ups, however please watch the video a few times until you comprehend why they are being done Active your diaphragm 2:20 F sound for a quicker response 4:05 Lip trills 5:30 Sync speech and sing mechanism through Yum sound 10:20 Thanks so much for all this content! So much effort and creativity put in every video, greetings from México! ❤
  • @tashabags2157
    I love how she seems so comforting and calm giving the viewers trust. She has a nice fitted home and says stuff like “I would like to see you more often.” I don’t know it just give me trust and comfort! 😊😊😊
  • @thatboyberi
    “Now let’s get some tone in this mother💀😭🤣🤣🤣🤣” Felt that one
  • @Sam-fe4ex
    Not singing for a year has really changed my singing voice
  • @PorterB
    I feel like an idiot doing these, but I need to learn just to try and record my own songs. One thing I just learned is that after doing these exercises, to also sing my songs in just 'yum yum yum', then I was finally able to sing them with an almost consistent and perfect tone just from my first 10-20 minutes of using these exercises.
  • @Aurora-ji5db
    I had a bad experience once when I sang for the first time infront of people (some bullies I was singing with pushed me so I sang off key and at least 100 + people laughed at me) and after that, I got a huge anxiety for singing. Every time I try to sing, my voice stops and I start shaking. Im terrified someone hears me so if I manage to sing, I sing low and starts shaking if I sing to loud. Its very depressing.. cuz I really enjoyed singing. I miss it.. but yeh- I can't.
  • @fade9209
    My mom walked in and was just staring at me like wtf you doing?
  • throughout quarentine, my singing voice died. I got to a new school and joined the advanced choir, however have not succesfully sung anything yet. I have been trying and trying to gain what I had back, but I really thought my voice was gone. until thins video. Thank you so much, I believe I can finally sing again.
  • I love the silliness, I can feel the difference in vocal strain when I just let myself be silly
  • @ariabrazier7464
    My neighbours loved my singing so much that they throw rocks at my window and break it only to listen to me more clearly😚😚