Call to Action for Standing Rock • Lyla June

Published 2016-10-05
*The International Days of Prayer and Action with Standing Rock | October 8-11, 2016*

Ways you can participate:
1. Organize a prayer or ceremony on one of those days
2. Boycott all gas stations (especially Phillips 66) for one or all days
3. Halt construction of a pipeline near you ;)
4. Organize a letter writing party to tribal, local or national officials
5. Close all accounts with the following banks on October 11 for the #DivestFromDAPL campaign:…
6. Share the attached flyers
7. Pray by your local water source/mountains/sacred sites
8. Round dance in public places/demonstrate
9. March/Pilgrimage for Standing Rock and other local issues
10. Translate flyer to a foreign language you know:…

One day for each sacred direction.
We are mobilizing 5000 prayers and/or actions around the world.
We say "with" and not "for" Standing Rock because we are asking people to also tackle local issues: It's one thing to inspire the world to rush to your aid, it's another thing to inspire the world to stand up for their own water, their own air, their own climate and their own communities. Let's give Standing Rock that satisfaction by not only working for them, but also taking action to protect our own respective homelands! :)

Please take 1 minute to record your action/prayer here so we can make a map of all the people taking a stand:

All Comments (21)
  • @kareng7965
    Neverstop Praying Prayer changes things
  • For the children. Thank you so much. Since losing my only child, it’s hard to think that anything but the children matter. Seems much of the world has lost its way. Thank you for your amazing teachings & music. Blessings beyond belief for everyone reading this. I hope you know how amazing you are.
  • Much love from the irish/blackfoot bloodline:) love the song keep it up Sky isn't the limit for 1s like us just heavens edge so shoot for the stars my dear sis may The Maker bring blessings upon the tribes and families in them may the rain be healing rain may the cold be used for good purpose not bad may not 1 die freezing to death like so many every year band together and LET'S RISE
  • @mdt4541
    Lyla, you are so great, I like what you do, I like you.
  • @glowballdom9979
    you rock SISTA and so does STANDING ROCK <3 WATER IS LIFE the whole world is watching thanks for ALL youse do PRAYERS & BLESSINGS <3 gbd
  • @bellevans
    Thank you for adding to the information-- which seems so hard to find!--about Standing Rock.  Love this rap.
  • @sheilakcollins
    What a fabulous way to get the message of sustainability and peace out to the larger world Lyla June. I'm dancing and singing with you on these 4 days. I'll try and take a photo to share it on your map.
  • @ericgarcia6799
    keep up with the great work this is ur boy buddha out of Waco Texas and Hallsburg Texas
  • Beautiful Words of Wisdom! @GaryZukav directed me to your video. Lyla, I loved your words. And it is fitting that today the Obama Administration stopped the construction of the pipeline and the Army Corps of Engineers are going to issue an Environmental Impact Review of the project. Our prayers and #standingrock efforts have made a difference. I am hoping and praying that a solution is found that will not jeopardize our drinking water and the native and sacred lands of American Natives.
  • Shalawam family! This is only the start of a change that has been sleeping for a long while; but is now waking up. The Most High Power Ahayah Ashar Ahayah is shaking this great valley and His people that were once dead are coming back to life. May the peace and the power of Ahayah be with all my people!