@RobloxandNascarfan 22nd, @LordOpal08 16th Birthday(Outdated for @RobloxandNascarfan)

Published 2024-06-26

All Comments (9)
  • Kelly was very emotional when she was singing tears in heaven 😭 because it was a truble for her dog Stormy when she sang tears in heaven Kelly was in tears crying while she was singing tears in heaven I wish I was there Saturday night to comfort Kelly Dickey and tell her it's ok hun don't cry about Stormy I'm here hun I love you Hun 🫂 I will not leave you hun 🫂
  • sigh: after finding out what you have done and the fact you still get in trouble at 21 just makes me think that I can't decide if I can forgive you or not! now don't get me wrong, your series were amazing, but there are people getting their asses chewed out just because they are still supporting you! there are so many users that get called out as pedos just because they are close to someone who commits it! some people are even leaving the community due to how toxic it is! users think that one mistake leads to a permeant end of a friendship! no one is perfect, no one will! I do hope that you'll be careful for what you do next time on the Internet! I don't want people treating you like a dangerous criminal just because of a mistake you made a while back! it's the immature users who can't handle different thoughts, and expect everyone to agree with them!
  • @natefsultan7692
    Happy birthday both of them! Also, I don’t trust you anymore So please Leave these users alone due to your actions or I will be ignore you