MEGA SETTLER Guide For FALLOUT 4 (NEXT-GEN) | Assignments, Supply Lines, Unique Settlers, and MORE

Published 2024-06-16
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How do you assign settlers to jobs in Fallout 4? What kind of assignments can they have? How does their equipment work? What's the max amount I can have at a settlement? How do supply lines work? All of these questions are hopefully answered, and a little more in this guide!

0:00 - Intro
0:45 - Recruiting Settlers (AKA The Basics)
1:54 - Assigning Settlers
2:35 - Assigning With Vault-Tec Terminal
3:10 - Food
3:57 - Scavenger
4:24 - Defender
4:48 - Merchant
5:07 - Beds
5:27 - Equipping Settlers (For Attacks)
6:37 - Increasing Max Settlers (& Moving Them)
7:37 - Supply Lines (Local Leader Req.)
8:42 - Shipments
9:19 - Raider Settlements
10:16 - Unique Settlers

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All Comments (21)
  • @DJ_BJ
    If you can't yet make supply lines, you can load a settler with junk etc & simply send them to another settlement
  • This was a great overview. Usually these things miss major points (equipping your settlers to make them useful for defense, etc). Settlers, by the way, only need 1 round. The only ammo they consumer are missiles and mini-nukes. Avoid giving them explosive things. Settlers are immune to death from sources that are not the player - so armor just affects how long they stay in the fight before sitting down. Weapon range affects their engagement distance. They do more damage with fast shooting weapons - mini guns, flamers, automatics, etc with bigger magazines. Your brahmin, crops, water, and scavenging stations will all fill your workstation - but they have caps on the amount. So, if you want those things to produce, you need to keep your workstation empty of fertilizer, all food, water, and junk respectively. The caps from merchants also caps, so keep those empty as well. If you want to drain your workstations without visiting every settlement, once they are linked you can craft things (adhesive, etc) that consume crops, water, and common junk in a settlement with an empty workstation (just put it in a trunk). You will pull supplies first from your inventory, then the local workstation, then foreign workstations - so if you only have access to the materials from other places you can keep them empty from afar. You cap out on fertilizer production with 3 brahmin, crops and water are based on how much overproduction you have, junk just goes until the fill limit is met, and merchant caps does have a max per day limit as well (don't know that number off the top of my head). If using settlers for suppliers, have them make short trips to the next settlement over - because sometimes the supplier will be a quest giver for Minuteman quests and can be a pain to chase down if they are crossing the entire map. If you want to do "hubs," your best option is to use robots (Automatron) and hub them out of Greygarden and the Mechanist Lair. Robots should NOT be kept in human settlements (including Codsworth, early Curie, and Ada) as they have a fixed happiness of 50 (which will pull down the happiness of normal settlements). The settlement happiness is an average of the happiness of each settler and 50 is low (assuming you have food, water, beds under cover, defense, etc). Settler happiness plays in the calculations of lots of things including production rates. Suppliers (robot or settler) should be made as weaponed and armored as possible. Especially if you are doing the short lines, doing so can keep the roads safe of encounters for you (again, the longer the weapon range, the further from the road they will agro onto targets). This can be a lifesaver in Survival mode. Also, you can have these settlers carry loads for you by filling their inventories with stuff (which you can take back later at the other settlement). Same loads go for moving settlers from one place to another - useful if you have to create a settlement for the Minutemen that you don't care to develop. Once the initial two show up, turn off the beacon, load those two with all the junk from scrapping the settlement to the ground, and send them somewhere useful with it all. Finally, raider settlements. They suck to make and are prone to glitches and crashing. That said, if you are doing a Junkies build, you should do raider settlements as well. First, you need to feed them and that means you need the tribute settlements. You should not just pick someplace random. You should use someplace without fixed people and plenty of space, like County Crossroads, first by building it up as a massive Mutfruit farm. Wear Charisma gear, take chems, etc and move as many settlers there as you can. 30+ is best. Put them all on farming. If you are 180+ food production, you should be good. Then, scrap all the defenses and remove all the scrap - leaving the place bare of everything other than water, sheltered beds, and food. This makes intimidating them easier. Also, strip the settlers of good weapons and armor. If you set it up, that one tribute settlement will produce 120+ tribute value which means you would need over 120 raiders before needing to waste another settlement on tribute. Raider settlements produce raiders up to the settler limit OR until there is a fixed number of "idle" (not working) raiders. So, unless you NEED to, don't give your raiders jobs - they don't want to work, they are raiders. They suck. This way each raider settlement stays under 10 and you can have a dozen or so of them off of one tribute settlement. If you want a raider shop, that will take a raider. You should use turrets for defense, so you don't use them for that. The still only produces vodka, which isn't that valuable, so you are better off avoiding that. The chem stations don't need a worker and are awesome (offering you tons of chems every time you visit a settlement - and you can build rows of them if you have enough antiseptic and power) and the tribute station does not either (for the caps, ammo, chems, and gear - including occasional legendries - that they produce). So, one good tribute station should carry all your raider settlements on a good circuit of traveling between them if you just want to farm legendary stuff that way. If you are just doing the raider settlements to finish the Nukaworld quests for the perks, just pick junk settlements and when done with Nukaworld, come back and murder them all off (along with the surviving gangs - they can't take their perks back).
  • @Flood520
    I ALWAYS assign Sheffield to run my bar. Because I'm a bastard.
  • @Boothenson
    Im surprised you didnt mention Vault 88. very important settlement upgrades from that DLC. Vault-tec settler assignment is a must have when you have 20+ settlers and 30+ settlements. lots of useful things you get there that you can build in other settlements too.
  • As well as just some speculation as to each individual’s role in the small city. I noticed there was a character that speaks to the player like a pet and the big work boss that treats the player as an equal. I thought this was cool and it’s my favourite dlc, Thanks!!
  • @BinaryJoe
    I've gotten into the habit of never leaving a newly discovered settlement without first either assigning an existing settler to supply lines or activating a beacon just long enough to attract at least 1 settler to assign to supply lines. This way, I'm always only sending 1 settler to the last, nearest settlement; both making sure I've got access to resources on the path I'm travelling and making sure I don't forget to connect any. It also allows establishing a supply line and then shutting the beacon off so that you can go back and control the population more carefully. I'll usually activate the beacon at Sanctuary every now and again and then send the arriving settlers where I need them from there. This gives better control over who goes where if you've got unique settlers you want at one location. Also: don't bother with perimeter walls, like Cado says, notice where your attackers spawn and map your security accordingly, but what matters most is your percentage of defense vs pop/food/water. Get that balanced and they can defend themselves. Turrets are a huge help over arming settlers...dont forget to buy shipments from Vault 88...and, uh...have fun.✌️
  • @Bicketybam68
    The only tip I have atm is for some peace and quiet and maybe some hope! Juno and everyone's favourite settler, Marcy are absolute prime candidates to be used as provisioners. Juno, because his moping is worse than hearing about a farm run by ghouls or robots for the umpteenth time (there is a mod for fixing that too - the chatting not Juno) and I just send him somewhere random, but Marcy, I find the most garish outfit I can, give her a crappy weapon and send her off to be a provisioner between Sanctuary and somewhere like Murkwater... and hope and pray she is farkin' miserable. Actually, if you do decide to go with robots for your supply lines, name them the supply line they will be servicing so you know who they are and where they are going should you meet them on the road. Still send Marcy and Juno out, because, why not. :D
  • @chadharger9323
    Payer mod recommendations - Mister Salvage - Don't want to waste time to strip down large settlements like Sanctuary then this the mod for you. This pint sized Mister Handy turned Mister Salvage will do the work for you as you explore the Commonwealth or focus on other parts of settlement management. All scrap is instantly transferred to the Workbench. Mister Tidy - What's the only thing worse than the Raider attack your settlement? The corpses they leave behind plus all the running around to loot said corpses. This where Mister Tidy comes in. This pint sized Mister Handy turned Mister Tidy will remove any all corpses, including any previous human remains inside a settlement, within its scan range. All loot is put into a small box that comes with Mister Tidy. A real neat ability is to be able to have Mister Tidy act beyond a certain distance past the established settlement borders. For example I put a Mister Tidy next to the road along the green settlement border at the Red Rocket next to Sanctuary. A couple of times I was surprised at the amount of loot (and dead bodies) that showed up beyond the Red Rocket's borders over time. Scrapping Workbench - This player mod workbench is great. What it does is breakdown all your junk into scrap in one go. No more dropping junk on the ground then going through each piece or using whatever other vanilla option to do it. It is 100% accurate and even accurately breaks down junk that has multiple scrap like a microscope. Unfortunately what it doesn't do is breakdown armor and weapons regardless of the Scrapper perk rank. But for keeping the junk (scrap) inventory nice and clean this is the way to go.
  • @ArtByLuckyee
    Holy cow, FANTASTIC video! I build a lot of settlements (sink hours into builds) and even I didn’t know about some of the things you listed here! Thank you to everyone in the comments section, too. Lots of great tips and tricks all around. Hmm… As for any insight I can give, it’d pertain mostly to modded Fallout 4. Snappy Housekit is great for building in the style of the rest of the commonwealth, Homemaker-Expanded Settlements is another good one with lots of decoration/furniture items that you can find throughout the commonwealth, alongside their pre-war variants. CvC Dead Wasteland has fantastic custom models alongside kits for more scrappy builds, furniture, tents/awnings, AND has multiple sets of items to place on shelves, tables, floors, etc to make the world feel more lived in. Not ONLY that, but both it and Homemaker have access to different plants and rocks, and I believe CvC uniquely provides graveyard sets with rotting, gross objects if you need them for environmental storytelling. I believe CvC, Homemaker, and Snappy Housekit all also have their own power/resource/shop objects, but CvC goes above and beyond by providing tons of different options for each, including small, medium, and large power supplies to factory style generators, a miniature power box with variants for lighting up homes without the wiring, water towers and pumps with ranging sizes, wells, and more! AND THEN THERE’S THE GUARD ITEMS! Various standing, sitting, gesturing, leaning idle poses for guards to patrol between, guard workstations, guard beds so they can sleep, guard dogs and Protectrons and other trap/trigger items. Protectrons notably don’t seem repairable, but they and attack dogs cost caps instead of scrap to place. There’s two more workshop mods that I’d highly recommend, but I’m running out of time and can’t remember their names off of the top of my head. One provides more utility items and some invisible/visible idle mats to place around your settlements and give more immersion alongside having walls, floors, and presets buildings. The other gives more stations for settlers to forage at so that you don’t have a million of the same scrapping shelf for excess settlers. Both are great immersion boosters, so if I can remember to I’ll check the names and edit/reply with the info on them too! Once again, amazing video. You’ve earned a subscriber!
  • @JohnSmith-bu5zs
    Longneck Lukowski has Trader Rylee Tina DeLuca in Vault 81 and the super secret one Pahka Fukkin Quinn can be Tier 3 Intimidated to escort you to a settlement, then you can move and assign him. I think he shares Ron Staples inventory script.
  • 2:52 Surprisingly that helped me more than many videos did. I had it in other games, undownloaded to make space, started playing again, and didnt down load vault tech and literally thought they got rid of it
  • @geoganicus7238
    If you give your settlers 1 single 5mm round it gives them infinite ammo for all weapons they are carrying. 👍
  • @arronbas6672
    Another one for moving settlers to big settlements even if your settlement is full u can send them as a provisioner then when they are there you can just assign them
  • @snudu
    just want to note a few things that can help others. some settlements are hard to build up or you might not want to build them up rn if this is the case then i would recommend simply placing a beacon and scavenging stations then leaving the settlement and not coming back for a while. another important thing is that new settlers only come if all current settlers have jobs if 2-3 settlers have no jobs then no new settlers will come but this is not took into account if the settlement is not loaded hence why you can have settlements with 10 jobless settlers and why settlements like murk water are best used to fill out your other settlements. using settlers as guards is very useful- i did some endgame tests and they beat every challenge i threw at them with ease- equipping settlers with your spare gatling lasers or miniguns makes them very useful. if you have the vault tec dlc then vault 88 has a unique settler cap of 20+charisma instead of the usual 10+charisma ( i have not tested this just heard about it). if you are having a hard time with raids then it is worth noting that the missile turret can deal with any threat quickly but can kill you and potential settlers but is only beat by a settler with a gat las. finally if you have a T4 merchant then you can build a T3 store and they do not share a inventory. i may of missed things but these are somewhat important tips i thought would be worth sharing
  • Hi Caedo. Request here, I’d love to hear about the fallout 3’s dlc characters from the pit. Werner and madia’s plans for the pit as well as the slavers/supervisors roles in rebuilding Pittsburg in a mock brotherhood fashion.
  • @Drrolfski
    How much income do your shops generate? And how many materials does a scavenging station generate? And what exactly is shared between supply lined settlements? Only the materials from stored junk or also other stuff like stored ammo, weapons, aid, and apparel?
  • @JaxBrundvandt
    What about unique settlers and using the store slot from SIM Settlers ??? Will the stores become emporium when I assign a special settler?
  • Just let you know. I asked the vault tech guy to go to my sanctuary settlement, and he got killed? Never had that before. Odd, to say the least, does this happen to other Merchants??