Could Captain America be a Spartan? | Lore and Theory

Published 2023-09-28
In this episode: we take an indepth look at Captain America and decide 3 things;
1 - Could Captain America be a Spartan?
2 - Could he harness MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor?
3 - Which Class of Spartan would he be the closest match to?



All Comments (21)
  • @rfitzy2575
    If you want more MCU characters for a future video then Black Panther and the Winter Soldier are perfect candidates.
  • @mustard8714
    Given his smaller size, unparalleled speed and theoretically higher reaction time, he'd make a damn good head hunter
  • @Parocha
    Don’t forget: Cap’s enhancements are 500 years older than Spartans’… and he wasn’t chosen due to genetic superiority; on the contrary, he was inferior in a physical and, maybe, even genetic sense, making the Super Soldier serum even more impressive
  • it's a interesting theory; the Spartans were augmented to have greater COMBAT ability but the super soldier serum enhances EVERY aspect of a human body. likely if a Spartan took the serum it would be like a fine tuning of the existing augmentations to be more compatible to individual Spartans biology.
  • @soundblaster3852
    A combo of the Spartan program + the super soldier serum would be interesting.
  • @askyw69
    Due to Cap's unique augmentations it'd be interesting to see what kind of armor he'd wear. On the one hand his insane natural speed could be improved with specialized armor making him a complete speed demon. On the other hand, his reduced healing ability may cause him to need additional protection compared to the average spartan. Also because of his below average vision for a spartan he may get issued some form of spartan grade "glasses" integrated into his helmet and that sounds hilarious.
  • @GoldLBS
    I'd pay for that thumbnail skin.
  • @Kap_Kay
    I always thought Cap was 2-3 times more powerful than a regular human in peak physical condition. I didn't realize just HOW powerful he really is. Makes me enjoy him even more honestly.
  • Cap is said to be "peak human" after receiving the super soldier serum and the vita ray treatment. Yet he consistently performs feats of strength, agility and endurance that are clearly superhuman, just as the Spartans have done over the course of the franchise. Cap in Powered Armor would be a sight to see. Excellent video, keep it up.
  • @darthnovii
    I'd honestly be curious to see what additional augmentations Steve Rogers would need to shore up the differences between him and the spartan 2s. It seems he more than meets the musculoskeletal requirements, but since he lacks the neural lace and many of the less physically impressive sensory augmentations, I'd guess he'd need to start with some pretty invasive surgeries which his enhanced physiology would allow him to survive with impunity. Additionally, I'd be very interested in seeing Halsey's reaction to Steve being dumped in the Halo universe and being inducted into the spartan program. In the MCU, we have proof that using Steve's blood, the US was able to reverse engineer the original supersoldier serum, so I have no doubt that Halsey would be able to replicate this feat. How would the introduction of novel chemical augmentation meeting or exceeding many of the physical requirements of the Spartan 2s affect the Spartan 4 and maybe even Spartan 5 programs going forward?
  • @Krunchbyte1
    I've always thought of MC and Cap as being very similarly built characters with their augmentations, capabilities, and where they act as being inspirational super soldiers. Seeing an actual comparison is pretty cool
  • Imagine a combination of SPARTAN IV augmentation with captain america.
  • @Zenlore6499
    Man, now I miss that old first person Avengers game that was being made ages ago. Imagine tossing a shield around at the Covenant and Banished! And it bounces from one to the other like they’re pinball bumpers!
  • @TCRP117
    Great video once again, really appreciate the Installation 00 approach being taken to these topics. Cap's drop from a Quinjet into the ocean sans parachute from an indeterminate height at the beginning of The Winter Soldier could yield some interesting results regarding bone and connective tissue strength.
  • @alexr5118
    I always thought caps super soldier serum resembled the Spartan 3s augmentations more, it’s nice to you explore these topics I only ever thought about 😂
  • @davidsnyder238
    Aside from the Cap is my favorite MCU character of old comics through modern movies the outcome of your comparison wasn't a surprise. I love that you did this as Steve has always ranked in my eyes with John or the Spartans. In essence not just the original super soldier but truly a Spartan. No I dont want to see a crossover lol. This was however exceptionally well done as I would expect from you. Great job, now time for a sweet William and a glass of Glen.
  • @Cwronaga216
    You should do a follow-up video diving into exactly how well he could perform based on his Baseline stats if he also went under the Spartan augmentation in addition to his base super soldier abilities. Also how effective would his vibranium Shield be in combat in the Halo Universe and potentially how powerful would his armor be if it was made out of vibranium
  • @armycowboy4313
    Now the question is if Steve Rodger after his super soldier serum. Could he get the Spartan Augmentations and increase his abilities even further.
  • @NovoCognition
    Now I'm imagining Steve Rogers wearing MJOLNIR while wielding Mjolnir. Yeah, I agree with the results of the video that Captain America could be a Spartan.