Can Keir Starmer fix the UK economy? | DW News

Published 2024-07-05
The United Kingdom has a new Prime Minister, and he's promised to restore economic stability after years of chaotic rule. On Keir Starmer's list of things to fix: high taxes, ailing public services, low productivity and lackluster investment. DW Business speaks with Greg Thwaites, research director at the Resolution Foundation, an independent think tank focused on improving living standards in the UK.


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#uk #economy #primeminister #election #keirstarmer

All Comments (21)
  • I'd like to thank the host from DW news on not interrupting this gentleman as he makes his point. It came off as very genuine
  • @koen6903
    The EU will never give the UK the same trade deal they had, its a dream that will never happen..
  • Not going to happen , even without Brexit the UK economy faced massive challenges which will take a generation to fix - under investment in everything since the 70's and money often wasted due to incompetence and short-termism can't be fixed in 5 years, particularly on the back of the post COVID level of dept.
  • Before economy they should adapt good policy because its failure of policy.
  • @101yayo
    Immigrants are buying multiple houses ,nothing to do with the rich people who see houses as investments. Tax empty houses and owning multiple houses- the housing market will sort it self out.
  • @QueenetBowie
    Chicken and egg. They need a bigger economy to have the money to invest in its people, but they need to invest in its people to get the bigger economy.
  • @Kiwi-Ahh-Nah
    Nothing will change except the way success is measured. The poor will get poorer and those with money will do everything to protect their wealth.
  • @Elliott_Wave
    looks, like there is very little room to move... so more spending, higher housing and weaker currency. Buying a house is shorting the currency, crazy trend that wont change.
  • @KS-zd4ew
    also get out of funding wars that benefits USA
  • @Kwippy
    The economy is likely to improve anyway. The wars in Ukraine and Gaza will end, or the world will learn to live with them, and stability will bring economic recovery. What Starmer will inevitably fail to do, is to fix the NHS. He can't do that without raising taxes, so either he will fail, or he will raise taxes, and the British people will vote his government out.
  • @jebbo-c1l
    there are many Switzerland like bilateral deals the UK can do with the EU and should do
  • @deano_bites
    How about start manufacturing scrap red tape get people working again ????
  • @np2917
    Who ever win, British down turn would not stop 😁
  • @geralldus
    Houses are built for profit and low cost housing is less profitable than higher end properties, so what incentive will contractors have to build them?
  • Lost trust from EU. Chosen to be withdrawn rather than embracing the hardship together. Hard to expect the same trade deal tbh😢
  • Send more money to Ukraine they need it more than the UK