Montserrat Caballe "E Susanna non vien? Dove sono" Le nozze di Figaro

Published 2022-02-21
Orchestre de Chamber de Lausanne
John Pritchard, cond
May, 1964

All Comments (7)
  • Gorgeous Montserrat Caballé ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
  • @RBP1963
    Early Caballé with a fresh and a real morbidezza excells ❤
  • @Orfeus80
    Caballe brings Mediterranean flare to Mozart that's missing from most Anglo-Saxon Mozart singers. She's an exquisite Contessa.
  • @davidwelch8288
    Thank you so much for uploading this! The sound of this is so amazingly clear. This is a real treat for me. She's been my favorite soprano for decades and I have heard a gazillion different recordings of her, but there aren't very many really clear recordings of her voice prior to her NYC debut with Lucrezia. 💖