Oldest Technologies Scientists Still Can't Explain

Published 2019-05-22
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Human beings are capable of building incredible structures, from the latest cutting-edge office blocks to artistic sculptures. Cathedrals, sporting arenas, and monuments all over the world are a testament to our creative skill as a species. In the modern era though, we have technology to help us, from huge mechanical drills to laser cutting curved glass. Builders didn’t have these luxuries in ancient times, so how did they manage to create some of the ancient wonders we’re about to show you in this video? Science still doesn’t have the answers.

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All Comments (21)
  • I honestly think that ancient people were more advanced than we give them credit for. It’s our own pride that makes us think that we are so much smarter than the people who came before us
  • @jf5505
    Imagine what these ruins looked like when they were newly built .. The Design,detail, Colors Must have truly been Breathtakingly amazing
  • @rc3291
    We like to think we're smarter than our ancestors. They just knew different things than we know today. They mastered their world as we try to master ours.
  • “The granite is so thick even modern technologies could barely scratch the surface.” Because they weren’t quarrying and working granite across the world and time. Modern granite works and quarries must be using next gen technology because they seem to do it ok.
  • If you don't know how or when they did it why are you concluding they didn't have the tools or technology necessary.
  • @greybeard8012
    Makes you wonder how many hard resets the human species has been through wiping out all knowledge of people in prior work done on the Earth.
  • The churches carved into the ground in Ethiopia are actually made from basalt, not granite, which is of volcanic origin and is a lightweight, easily chiseled stone of volcanic origin. The churches are still an amazing example of ancient tech and skillful stone carving but there is a massive difference in difficulty if it was actually granite. The story did not need to be embellished to make it seem more difficult and unfortunately in doing so it makes other claims in the video questionable as well.
  • @Alex-vz2jz
    If I were approached by an unknown being saying he can grant me a wish and depending on what I wish for can take my life. I'd ask for the answer to the whole universe from start to end and I can travel anywhere at any time with no caution, almost like I'm a spectator. Id give my life for that wish in a heart beat
  • @T3HR3PP4
    A cave man wouldn't know what to do with a smartphone and the average person in modern time can't start a fire with two sticks. Technology does not follow a straight line of development across time.
  • We from this generation literally underestimating those ancient people and their skills.
  • @FreaknJoshwa
    I have a slight feeling humans were wiped multiple times, those “discoveries” might just be what our cities have now, building... except it’s so long ago, that’s all there’s left
  • Incredible work by unknown people with remarkable tools and knowledge. Makes you feel kind of small and insignificant.
  • @LouLope
    They were built by people who didn't spent all day long commenting on YouTube.
  • Seems working with stone and moving massive and heavy items was common knowledge among the ancients in all parts of the world.
  • @henrylj2660
    u guys needed to meet my granpa a self taught engineer built 70 homes for his people in mexico! he was so smart he would get drunk just to sleep he told me he couldnt sleep his brain just kept going all the time would just do math and make buildings in his mind and make percise blueprints from memory. so i believe in peoples abilities and some people are truly gifted he even had a photographic memory! I imagine people who mades these were led by someone with a beautiful mind! also reminds me of imhotep and his feats !
  • @senwalter7722
    Undoubtedly people in ancient time were extremely intelligent, passionate and hard working.
  • time traveler: "why did you build this?" ancient person: "we were bored."
  • @KarmagaGaming
    Its kinda funny, how modern civilization built all those huge and amazing buildings with so much help from techologies and machines, while ancient people just built even more crazy things like it was nothing but a hobby
  • @anthonyonfire
    indigenous people: yeah our local stories say it was built by giants for their rice wine Scientists: so it must have been used for burial rituals!
  • Who believes here that an advance civilization already existed before us but got wiped out by a catastrophic event like a massive flashfloods caused by an asteroid that hit the earth?