Bill Maher Talks Fat Shaming With Adam Carolla

Published 2022-03-29
In his HBO show, Bill Maher said, "Fat shaming doesn't need to end it needs to make a comeback." Bill sits down with Adam Carolla to discuss the American obesity epidemic and James Corden's response to it.

All Comments (21)
  • The cigarette manufacturers missed a trick in the 80s. They should’ve called it smoke shaming.
  • @cynt9697
    Totally agree with Bill. Feel much better after losing 100 lbs. had to get knee replacements, got diabetes, no energy, didnt want to go out in public, eating junk to feel better, I was a mess.
  • @OmegaTou
    Bill missed a great opportunity to say, "We need to be a 'can do' society, not a Mt. Dew society."
  • @BodyByBenSLC
    Bill is spot on. I was a personal trainer for years. I couldn't take excuses from adults any longer. Grown men and women playing dumb acting like at 50 years old they didn't realize that coffee with whipped cream on top has calories. Happened all the time once a had a wife lecture me on fairness and the struggles of women because I suggested that she have fewer calories than her husband that was more than a foot taller than her. If getting off sugar is the hardest thing you have had to do then you have had a spoiled life.
  • Bill is correct. My mom changed her diet and started exercising. She lost something like 60 lbs and looked great. All of her friends started calling her "skinny bitch", rather than congratulate her on her hard work and dedication.
  • At one point in my life I was a little over 700 pounds. No, that wasn't a typo: I was 2 obese people's worth of FAT. I'm still over 300 pounds, and I'm still working to lose more. I had no problem with people "fat-shaming" me, because no one was more ashamed of it than I was (okay, maybe my wife, but her love was stronger than her shame.) I learned early from my mom that I have an innate worth, and that my physical characteristics are only one part of me. No one can tell me it's healthy to be obese. You can say you know it's a risk you accept, or like I did you can say you're trying to change, but the idea we can't have a simple, FACTUAL discussion without "Woke" silliness is an indication of how close we are to self-destruction.
  • I'm a radiologist. One reason I 'opted out' of taking care of patients directly...I couldn't take the laziest that the average American has with taking responsibility for one's own well being. And I sure as hell wasn't going to waste my time lecturing adults who weren't going to actually take my advice to heart. 20 years later, I'm thrilled to have made the choice I did. And now if you criticize an obese person you're 'fat shaming' them? My god.
  • @tbaze27
    I can't stand people that lie to make people feel better .. I was 335 pounds and I didn't have one friend that told me hey man you need ti get your weight under control . But the opposite you look good , you carry the weight well , etc. I've lost 135 pounds and it still pisses me off thinking about it
  • @mencken8
    “Nothing is in so need of reform as other people’s habits.” - Mark Twain
  • @sams9181
    He's forgetting that grocery stores looked VERY different 50 years ago. And most of the time one person was actually at home to cook food.
  • @Norm475
    I was in a doctor's office a couple of weeks ago and I was watching The Price Is Right on the TV. As some of the prizes were shown and the prices are given I figured it had to have been taped in the 80s, so the shows were around 40 years old. What was amazing was that nobody was fat. I did not see one fat woman or man on the show. People have a tendency to gain weight as they get older. But, when I see obese 20 YO girls I can just imagine what is in store for them in 30 years.
  • @johncastaldo728
    Hearing fat shaming from my wife and doctor helped me to go from 345 to 215 in 14 months. Bill Maher is 100% correct.
  • I don’t really buy the whole poor people can’t get good food. Pre packaged food is SO EXPENSIVE. Seriously, I’m a middle class mom of three and there is no way I can afford all of the snacks and pre made items. It’s waaaaay cheaper to buy fresh produce and meat than anything else in the store.
  • @62Cristoforo
    There’s no such thing as ‘fat shaming’. What the woke crowd call ‘fat shaming’ is really just normal, decent people discussing the current medical and health epidemic of obesity in the USA.
    I can't even believe people drink that shit on a regular basis. A couple times a year, for a "treat", I get a Costco hotdog and pop (soda) but I never take the sugary drink. I'm good with water for 90% of my meals. The other 10% is a beer or some wine.
  • @sleazyfellow
    My dad was born in the early 40s and before he passed he had mentioned how fat people had gotten. Like back in his day it was very rare to see one. Look at curly from the 3 stooges, he was fat for his day but he'd be normal now.
  • @kimf5948
    100% Bill. “We are not asked to participate in our own health.” This is why you’re one of my favorites; I like the way you think 🤔 and you’re from Jersey!!! Woop woop!
  • @JerryStevens
    I was in a meeting and a guy was talking to me and began: "You skinny guys..." I'm not skinny. I'm 5'10" 170 pounds which gives me a BMI of 24.4. (25 would be overweight) But being overweight is so common people of a healthy weight appear to be skinny. The guy who said it to me is about 6' and 250 pounds, a BMI of 33.9 which is not just overweight but obese.
  • You can find good deals on healthy food on a low income. When I was a single mom we got our groceries at Walmart. Sometimes Trader Joe’s (I had a whole system worked out). Lots of meats n leaves options there! Cheaper than chips n coke!