Phelian - Lost

Published 2016-11-01
Lost in the atmosphere.
Phelian - Lost
Spotify Playlist:

   / @phelianmusic




*This video was uploaded for promotional purposes. If you enjoy the music, please support the artist(s) and download the best quality version of the track from the link above! If you own any content in this video and would like me to take it down, please contact me (fluidified[at] and I will remove it immediately.

All Comments (21)
  • What a time to be alive. When music seems to be the only escape from reality.
  • @lucian223
    Why i can not find people in reality who listen this type of art music ?
  • It's 2020 and I'm still listening to this on a late night, or a random shower. This is a masterpiece.
  • @zyg0s112
    24 years old... listening to this in a dark room.. thinking about life and where I am in currently, wondering where will I be in the next 5 years. Dear future self, when you're reading this, I hope I made your dreams reality, but it's up to me now, present
  • @mrsharondevasia
    Full lyrics updated ... You're waiting for it And you're waving in it Yeah All you must speak from something If you are so frequently in love You prefer it all to me then my love If you are so frequently in love Yeah You pull it apart and you're just left there They're waiting for it, you're waiting for it And you're waving in it, and you're craving in it If you fill my cup with all you must To speak from something If you are so frequently in love You prefer it all to me then my love If you are so frequently in love Yeah You pull it apart and you're just left there And you're waving in it You must fall in love And you're waving in it You must fall in love Yeah If you are so frequently in love You prefer it all to me then my love Yeah If you are so frequently in love You pull it apart and you're just left there Yeah If you are so frequently in love Yeah You prefer it all to me then my love Yeah If you are so frequently in love Yeah You pull it apart and you're just left there Yeah You're waving in it Must fall in love thanks @Fluidified for the upload Special thanks to @Miller Thyme for pointing us to the lyrics. I have just tried to clean up the lyrics a bit so one can just scroll and enjoy this lovely piece of future garage from Phelian. Thumbs up if you liked it.
  • @jinxed-9838
    2024 and i'm still loving it! Future low-end forever!
  • So here I am, 26 years old.. 1 o'clock in the morning, surrounded by my very few possesions, doing nothing but appreciate my existence. 26 years of hell has brought me to this moment, laying next to the most beautiful and kind hearted girl that I could of ever wished for. After patiently waiting throughout all of my darkest days, she lays next to me, looking so peaceful, the slight smile and look of contentment on her face has spread onto my own, simply from being in her presence. I'm sure the dark days will appear again, someday. I know when they do, she'll be there to guide me home. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I'm no longer lost
  • @ChelseaAlandra
    We are all connected. You can feel it, truly in this song
  • @bareminimum4466
    I'm on here liking every touching comment😭 Its 3am and I cant sleep, the demons we face are so different but the same Love and light to all🌠 Hope we all break free
  • @DrJamstaman
    Wish my soul could burst from this human shell and finally be free..
  • Эту композицию я слушаю уже несколько лет. В те моменты жизни , когда я заблудился. Очень помогает подумать.... разобраться в себе. Ребят, помните, какой бы путь не выбрал человек -это его выбор.....
  • @n8vscience842
    This is the type of music that is so beautifully painful. Reaching into my heart and explaining what its like to a world that shuts down your heart and teaches you to be cold. This type of music heals and validates my wounds.
  • @webig1805
    It's a shame this piece of beauty is not on spotify :(
  • @user-ve2lo7dd5n
    Я рідко пишу коментарі на ютубі, але цей випадок особливий. Я слухаю цю пісню вже роки 4-5 і спочатку для мене це була звичайна спокійна мелодія, під яку можна розслабитись і подумати про життя. Але зараз...вона стала для мене чимось настільки особливим. З впевненістю можу сказати, що жодна з пісень, які я коли-небудь слухав, не значить для мене так багато, як саме цей трек. Я пройшов з ним через найважчі моменти мого життя. Ця пісня була зі мною завжди і є для мене своєрідним притулком, куди я можу втекти, коли відчуваю страх, сум або ще якусь негативну емоцію, дім, який не хочеться лишати. Одягаючи навушники, я дійсно "втікаю" від цього світу. Я не відчуваю абсолютно нічого окрім умиротворення і спокою. Я не знаю, як це правильно пояснити, але є такі пісні, в супроводі яких ти ніби відчуваєш єднання зі всесвітом, тобі здається ніби ти частина чогось величного і неосяжного. І саме це відчуття мені дарує ця пісня. Шановний виконавець, я хочу тобі щиро подякувати за те, що ти подарував мені це все. Бажаю тобі тільки найкращого. І якщо тобі раптом стане сумно/самотньо, просто перечитай цец коментар. Удачі, друже😊
  • @kingnicks5467
    5 years on and it’s still my go to song. Masterpiece
  • @greenmaster9342
    Found this song 3 years ago... helped me in the most difficult times of my life. Always reminding me that my responsibility is to do my best in any given situation and don't put at heart things that are not in my control. My problems are never unique or special in this world , I am not the first, nor the last to confront them and nothing on this earth is worth that much to torment your spirit with it.