Berlin in July 1945 (HD 1080p color footage)

Published 2015-04-28
That's how it looked like just after the German surrender! Fascinating moving pictures in color show the situation of the city in summer 1945 and daily life in the ruins.
Watch here the preview of the brandnew documentary "Spirit of liberation", restored original color and High Definition:

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Pictures from the destroyed city, the Reichstag, Brandenburger Tor, Adlon, Führerbunker, Unter den Linden, rubble women working in the streets, the tram is running again.

A collage of archive material
produced by: Kronos Media

All Comments (21)
  • @ayuwoki453
    Imagine filming that and not knowing that 75 years later it would be seen by millions of people in some weird thing called youtube
  • No noisy music, no attempts of making bad jokes while commenting the places... Simply one of the best vlogs of all time.
  • My brother was born July 4th,1945 in Berlin. I was born 1951. I played in the streets & ruins as a child.
  • @TEO_YAR
    Мою прабабушку в 18 лет увезли в концлагерь в Дрезден, а потом их спасли англичане. Один английский офицер очень в неё тогда влюбился и звал переехать в Британию, но бабушка отказалась. При этом он ей ещё очень долго писал письма и рассказывал про свою жизнь. Мой прадедушка, её муж никогда не ругался. Потому, что был благодарен, что этот человек когда то, спас его будущую жену...
  • @ZapR21
    This is not even a century old. It always shocked me how close this world war was from today.
  • @irobertx5691
    Lol better quality than some security camera's today
  • @sidnat1977
    Страшно смотреть на город но у людей в глазах тепло и на лице улыбки. Надежда на другое будующее, без войны. Возмоно кто то увидит себя на кадрах и всплакнет. Какая была трудная жизнь у многих жителей городов! Новое поколение этого не знает, вот им теперь новое напоминание, что такое война!
  • @sharano53
    Класс! Так атмосферно и качество на высоте! Вот, что значит плёнка с серебром и сохранённая история. А ведь этих людей уже нет...😢. Но хуже всего, что история ничему не учит😮. И вот снова развязанна война... Допишу. Атмосферно пока люди, а вот дальше просто ужас- масштабы разрушения колоссальные. И немцы смогли восстановить снова свои города! Как и наши предки свои. Колоссальный труд! Привет с берегов Дуная!
  • @trixwizz5652
    wonder if the cameraman knew it would get 11M+ views on youtube.
  • @michelleken.
    Imagine getting filmed as a child back then, right after the war, and then seeing it more than 75 years later on YouTube, recognizing yourself.
  • @mattr.1887
    In spite of all the devastation, everyone is dressed so nice and still trying to make the best of it all. I think we've lost too much of that in today's world.
  • @mathiastwp
    "You are now leaving British sector" *Immediate Stalin*
  • @gameexpert2011
    You know, one thing in history they never teach us at school is, how people lived after a war. This is a great footage.
  • @Matthew-fj6eu
    “Berlin in 2020 4K” Comments in 2669 : - Lol better quality than most security cameras nowadays - There’s always a guy missing a leg in this old scenes - German cars are fast no matter what era - When you realize most of the people you see here are already dead
  • @jakoporeeno4654
    I sometimes wish that there were cameras in the middle ages, the antiquity or the Bronze age
  • @Ravie3
    The scale of the destruction is just staggering. There doesn't seem to be a single building left intact. Makes you wonder where all those people walking down the streets came from and where they're going to.
  • “War is a concept in which young people who don't hate each other kill each other for old men who do hate each other but don't kill themselves.”- Paul Valéry
  • I can't believe WWII ended almost 80 years ago. I remember my grand father talking about it in the 90s, he was a soldier back then. It seemed like a long time ago for me but still the culture was still there somehow, people who saw it were still alive. Let's hope something like this will never happen again.
  • @marzaise
    1:37 She didn't know that more than 35M people of the future will see her doing that. Amazing