Prostate Cancer | Symptoms Of Prostate Cancer Enlarged Signs

Published 2021-11-01
Prostate Cancer with Abraham the Pharmacist. Symptoms Of Prostate Cancer, Signs. Enlarged Prostate. What Is Prostate Cancer and Lots More.

In this weeks video we’re looking at the Symptoms and Signs of Prostate Cancer or an Enlarged Prostate. This is going to be your simple, step by step, scientifically backed guide.

00:00 Prostate Cancer | Symptoms Of Prostate Cancer Enlarged Signs?
00:51 What Is Prostate Cancer and Who Is More At Risk?
02:39 What Are The Symptoms and Signs Of Prostate Cancer?
06:40 How Do They Test or Examine For Prostate Cancer?
08:54 Conclusion about Prostate Cancer and Seeking Medical Advice

The prostate is a small gland in the pelvis, found only in men.

About the size of a satsuma, it's located between the penis and the bladder, and surrounds the urethra.

The main function of the prostate is to produce a thick white fluid that creates semen when mixed with the sperm produced by the testicles.

This video covers the common signs and symptoms of prostate cancer that should prompt you to speak to your healthcare professional. Please remember that not every person with cancer has symptoms therefore if you feel something isn’t right or the way your body usually works has changed then please speak to your healthcare professional and don’t leave it - Spotting cancer early saves lives.

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men in the UK. It usually develops slowly, so there may be no signs for many years.

Here are the common signs and symptoms that should prompt you to speak to your healthcare professional urgently,
• Having difficulty peeing
• Struggling to start urinating or having a weak flow
• Struggling to empty your bladder or feeling like it hasn’t emptied properly
• Needing to pee more often than usual, especially at night
• Experiencing sudden urges to urinate
• Leaking before you get to the bathroom
• ‘Dribbling’ pee even after urinating

Sometimes prostate cancer can eventually spread further and into other parts of the body, and this is known as advanced prostate cancer. Symptoms of this can include,
• Dull or stabbing bone pain, such as in your back, hips or pelvis
• Leg swelling
• Blood in your pee or semen
• Difficulty getting or keeping an erection
• Feeling generally tired or unwell
• Unexplained weight loss

As mentioned in the video here are a few useful resources on this topic,…
PSA testing informed choice programme in the UK -

Common signs and symptoms of cancer in men and women everyone should be aware of -    • Cancer Symptoms and Signs In Men or W...  

#prostate #prostatecancer #abrahamthepharmacist

This video is for information only and should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions. Abraham The Pharmacist has used all reasonable care in compiling the information but make no warranty as to its accuracy. Always consult a doctor or other healthcare professional for diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions.

All Comments (21)
  • @robstone6917
    Love you, Abe. Never seems to amaze me at how much you prepare for videos like this in such little timing due to your career. I highly appreciate the information.
  • Cancer is a major issue , thanks to you who remind people on their health awareness
  • @pharmclare
    I am getting value here. Thanks for sharing
  • @guzavevic6736
    I appreciate this video. You covered a lot of my questions in a short detailed amount of time.
  • @manojhraj5864
    Just in time for Movember, thank you for the video!
  • @ME-xh5zq
    Anyway I enjoy how you use physical props in the videos like how the prostate wraps around the urethra. Helps with understanding. Similar to the bottle and acid reflux.
  • @thames4557
    Great video and explanation and you are wholeheartedly agree, prostrate cancer is normally associated with older men but I was 45 when I was diagnosed. Unlike most videos on looking for signs of prostrate cancer I had no signs symptoms at all. It was finding out I had the braca 2 hereditary cancer gene that set the wheels in motion for the next few years.Retrospectively I had a wet patch in my underwear, about the size of a penny, after passing urine, and this was the only clue. So looking for any other symptoms wouldn’t have helped. I feel like yourself more awareness amongst the younger generations is important, say 40 above to get checked. Most men still think getting checked will involve intrusive embarrassing procedures to discover prostrate cancer, but a simple blood test is all what is needed. A PSA test will show a result and then from there if you are shown to have cancer cells your journey will start. I feel there should be standard screening for prostrate cancer at the age of 40 onwards, incorporation in your yearly health check. Just like women have a cervical or breast screening program men should have a prostate cancer test. I hope younger men discover your prostrate explanation although I tend to find guys won’t search for information about prostrate cancer until they think they have it so we all need to discuss this more openly across the generations to make sure the messages are passed along. Thank you again for making your video 👏
  • @FryPanMusic
    I am a Gleason 9. Looking back early warning signs.. rash on my forehead, cold feet, tiredness. I am now on prostap hormone treatment.
  • @stupot1952
    just had my psa done abroad and it was 1.873ng/ml it said normal but just checking for my own good thanks
  • My going to doctors today...he has all the symptoms...said very painful going to toilet....and hard to go...struggles..yes goes often..??
  • Hi. I watched your video with some degree of concern if I'm honest. When you were describing the symptoms of Prostate Cancer, I realised I had 8 of the symptoms. However, at the moment (in fact for the past 2 and a half years, I've had bladder stones, so this may be what is causing my problems) I have been on the 'waiting list' to have these bladder stones treated, and the long and short of it is, I'm STILL waiting. I'm now in agony. On top of all this, I have Spina Bifida, and catheterize intermittently. This is very painful to do. I have recently had some blood tests done, and apparently there is no sign of cancer, no problems with my kidneys, liver or anything else for that matter. But the pain I'm in at the moment is unmanageable. I don't seem to be able to get an appointment to see my GP for love nor money!
  • @faisalraja6607
    I had been having the sypmtons you mentioned for the last 6 months. Thought it was due to kidney stone etc. anyhow I finally decided to visit my GP and he confirmed swelling to one side of prostate after DRE. He did an urgent 14 day referral but hospital wanted a PSA before booking a MRI scan. I had my blood test taken last week but no news from the hospital. Chased them today and was told that test results are with the consultant (don't know who he is at this moment in time). They have now booked a date for an MRI scan which is next week. I also asked if i could know the PSA level but was told no. I am praying that MRI scan is as positive as it can be i.e. it's early stage and can be treated successfully.
  • @akshat9364
    Dear Abraham, Please make a video on healthy sleep cycle, how to wake up energetic and on time. I sometimes sleep upto 10 hours, how to reduce that. Reminder 9
  • @duff107
    Gooday woodie Thanks mate ya never can tell these days most of us guys avoid the doctor like the plague Till something gets worse Had the diget exam thank christ He had little fingers Mine was only 8 or 9 but still classed as abnormal it's scary shit I wish you all the best hang around mate us Aussies need you poms to pick on Seas my favourite place to
  • I have all of these symptoms. I also have had an enlarged prostate for about 24 years now. My GP thinks the PSA test is the only thing that will tell if I have prostate cancer. He seems to be gaslighting me and doesn't see the need for a visit to the urologist. I'm going to schedule it anyway. Is there a possibility of the psa not detecting a cancer when, in fact, there very well could be?
  • I'm 28 and have every one of these symptoms except for weight loss lmao. Shoot .. I'm scared of the exam lol. But it's worth living for ten more years (hopefully more)