Smooth B Tells A CRAZY Story About Seeing A Woman's Face Morph Into A Monster At The Club With 2Pac!

Published 2022-04-02

All Comments (21)
  • @ericgriffin2495
    I am from Washington DC, and I was in a basement party and I seen this girl who's vibe was evil, I felt evil all over her, so I told my best friend to leave her alone. To make a long story short she set up this cat from my neighborhood to get robbed and in the process he was killed. God give us intuition for a reason.
  • My ex-husband was standing in the front doorway. He laughed about something; I looked up at him and laughed too. When he looked at me, his face morphed into something that looked like a gargoyle. I immediately closed my eyes, put my head down and started praying. When I raised my head up and opened my eyes, he was walking by me with a smirk grin on his face. After that I was diagnosed with Stage 3 ovarian cancer that had metastasized. He was sent to destroy me....BUT GOD!!! I divorced him and focused on my healing. I had surgery to remove the cells and a total hysterectomy then chemo. 7 and a half years CANCER FREE !!!
  • @BMynroeLoyren
    Real Transparent Moment: When I clicked on this video, I did NOT 😳 expect it to be so spiritual, philosophical and deep. Thank you Smooth B. đŸ™đŸŸThank you sir, for this 💎!
  • @moonsauce480
    I recently had the same experience. I was in a church program and this woman came into my life doing all these kind things for me. She never wanted money. She started making meals for me every day and doing my chores and always watching my child. She was always trying to pray for me and hold my hands and after awhile it got overbearing and i had a weird feeling about her. One day i caught her looking at me and she was "smiling" but it wasn't a smile. She was grimacing and her teeth were baring, lips pulled back. It was so creepy and after seeing it that one time i couldn't unsee it. I stopped letting her do me favors and i stopped eating her food and told my counselors that something about her just moved me the wrong way. All they said was "you are right" and not much more. They knew her better than i did. They told i have a gift of discernment because usually people can't see evil past "good deeds" but i stopped messing with her and i have no regrets. Please be careful in this world and when you have a bad feeling about someone please leave them alone, no matter who they are or what they do for you.
  • The Bible states we are not at war with flesh but principalities that cannot be seen. That’s why I stay praying, and no lie the Lord has kept me safe even when I was walking in the shadow of death. Don’t just believe in the Most High for the sake of believing truly Love Him and He will keep you safe.
  • @mashan1978
    I personally haven't seen people's faces change, but their whole way of being. I've walked into places where I immediately feel a sense of doom, evil, or something bad. Some of these rappers nowadays give me that vibe and I can't go for it.
  • I met a chick in the 80s named Fenna .she was Halle berry times 10 with body. We went to her crib drink smoked layed up all night. I went back a week later to her crib An old lady saw me knocking and said that apartment was condemned over 17 yrs ago cause a girl named Fenna took some sleeping pills and died yrs ago. I told her I was just there a week ago. She look at me like I was insane and slammed her door
  • @TonyKOtv
    Man I remember me and my ex looking into each other’s eyes, suddenly her face changed into this monster looking thing with a deformed face and I was shocked and couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Later on I found out she was cheating on me our whole relationship, she wrecked my car on purpose, and she really was an enemy sent to destroy me. Pay attention to what the most high is showing you guys. These demons are out here
  • @brooksy3281
    Listen, trusting your instincts is crucial. God didn't make us stupid!! I used to see this young lady that was very sexual and promiscuous. I knew she had a wondering eye and didn't want to commit, but through circumstances at the time, I was staying at hers for a while. One evening I blacked out in the living room while we were watching TV. When I came back to, she was standing over me calling my name (trying to snap me back to consciousness). As I opened my eyes and looked at her face, it was the most grotesque, deformed and evil thing I have ever seen and made me scream and jump back about 10 feet while still on my back on the floor. Some of the situations she has put herself into in life have been very detrimental to her family and children. No-one has ever treated me the way she did and thank God for changing my circumstances quickly and enabling me to cut ties with her soon after. Intuition is from God. If anyone need to hear this:- WHEN PEOPLE SHOW U WHO THEY ARE, BELIEVE THEM🙏🏿
  • @Vsal23
    Evil doesn’t always show as ugly. Deception is paramount. My ex has the look of evil but does it smiling, you can still see it in her eyes. It’s to the point where my children don’t want to be around her and cry when they have to go there. They don’t feel safe. Kids can sense it better than adults.
  • I've had that happen to me too. These girls were trying to throw me off a two way street. I ended up losing the wheel, I spinned out, and almost hit the side wall. People came running out their houses to check to see if I was ok. the two girls came back around to see me and they were laughing! Both of their faces changed into something morbid and demonic when they were laughing. Still give me chills till this day.
  • @WARAT69
    Growing up as a kid, the old folks use to say they could “see demons and spirits!” all the time! I ask “do you still see them?” Her reply “not hardly” I ask “why?” She said “the demons and some evil spirits figure out how to get inside people and take control!” Judging from how evil mankind is acting, her story is very believable!
  • @Panther-
    I believe him...there are other forces and beings living amongst us for sure
    YESSS! THANK YOU for not being afraid to share this! This experience is very REAL!đŸ’đŸœâ€â™€ïž
  • @Elijahlowee
    My ex was like this. Girly got in trouble with the law and adopted this persona that was nothing like who she was before, but I did my best to stick by her side until it got to be too much. She had her friends convinced that I wanted to physically hurt her one time on this trip we went on and when they were all confronting me about it I just saw her sitting in the bathroom with this extremely evil look on her face. It was absolutely terrifying and I never want to be involved with someone like that again. From here on out I trust my intuition when it comes to these broads because that one derailed my life after I finally got it back on track.
  • @queenwinning
    He's telling the truth. For those of us in tune spiritually, we can walk in any room and sense or see evil within other "humans". I've ended bonds quickly because people aren't who they once seem. Stay blessed and protect yourselves spiritually. Never ignore energy. The devil appears as a false delight.
  • @kekokid72
    If you from the Bronx and ever met smooth B on the street this is exactly how he is, salute to the O.G
  • I also had an experience like this with an ex-coworker. Not really sure what he was on this day but it all started when he came to me for help one day because he had a flat tire at work. Sure enough I had everything in my vehicle he needed and was more than willing to help him. He was very thankful and we developed a pretty good relationship after that so I thought. About a month goes by and now I am the one with car problems so I go to my guy for help and he gives me the weirdest look like why are you coming to me with this and completely blows me off. I saw it for what it was, apologized for bothering him and completely cut him off after that. Needless to say he noticed it and I guess he couldn't handle it and decided he wanted to come for me this particular day at work. Funny thing is when he came around the corner and started walking toward me I was sitting in a chair but I felt the negative energy immediately. He was coming to actually fist fight. I politely sat up in my chair with a slight smile a calmly told not to walk up on me and he stopped dead in his tracks. Lol. I let him talk his little trash and get what he needed off his chest. I really didn't make any better by laughing at him the whole time. He finally walked off and that was the end of that. I was the supervisor in my department and all of my employees saw what had happened. They started commending me on how I handled the situation and was even joking about me never getting up out of my chair and still making him be the one to walk away. When asked why I never got up I told them that as soon as he came around the corner I literally saw a demon attached to him! I don't know if he's going through something or what but that's definitely not the person that I met a couple of months ago. I am a child of God so when I saw that demon approaching there was no need to be afraid!!! Therfore there was no need for me to ever get up!!!
  • @nrgao
    I saw a guys face change into a demon/ monster back in 2009. It scared tf out of me. We were at his house with his roommate. It was my first time meeting him, and it happened in my peripheral vision a few times. Then I saw it in my direct line of sight. he was just sitting in his chair staring out into nothing. I honestly thought I was having like a stroke or something. I left without saying anything to anyone. The whole way home, I had one of the sickest feelings I’ve ever had.