Craig Button on NHL Draft, Habs 5th pick, Iginla/Flames, Ullmark, Marner and McDavid's greatness.

Published 2024-06-27

All Comments (12)
  • @Bartman721
    Great interview with Craig Button. Craig always has great insight 👍
  • @TylrVncnt
    I love Craig Button, such a passionate hockey mind and always a fantastic interview. Well done interview!
  • Craig Button is the perfect example for why you should have long conversations with experts like him. He is the Ling of short wrong statements which make him look bad but he shines in long conversations where we see how he knows what he’s talking about
  • @sojiroseta98
    Great interview, but Craig for the love of God i think you've told this Iggy story about 50000 times in the last few months alone 😅
  • @raesmart3305
    Montreal should trade their 1 st for a good/great player. Then your not waiting for development.
  • @galkanftw
    If the Habs pick Iginla I will lose it he is not even a top 10 pick.I don't even want him because the habs need IMPACT players we don't need anymore second/third line players.