Why Bernstein calls it a 'really ugly scene' around Biden

Published 2024-07-19
Journalist Carl Bernstein discusses President Joe Biden's new round of defections from Democratic lawmakers publicly calling on him to leave the presidential race, and addresses Democratic donors’ push for the president to step down as the Democratic nominee. #CNN #news

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All Comments (21)
  • @FirstyPaul
    All of the people around him are more concerned about their jobs than the country.
  • @SimonAZ
    If you had elderly parents we all know there is a moment you have to say "let's not renew your drivers licence". That's not lack of loyalty. It is caring.
  • @saabguy303
    Loyalty Is One Thing,Blind Loyalty Is A Whole Another Thing!
  • @RBS314
    Remember in 2020, he ran as a one term President?
  • When we told my mom she can’t drive anymore. She was angry. But she was getting dementia. Same exact behavior. It will get worse fast.
  • My goodness, this is the wrong attitude to have entirely! It's not turning their backs, a personal attack or being ungrateful . Shouldn't the focus be on the fact that he seems to be too frail and have some cognitive illness? Being president of the U.S. is an incredibly difficult job for even a younger person! Shouldn't his family and those around him be more concern about his health and the office of the presidency? The Dem. Party and Biden should have chosen someone else much earlier. His poor health is evident to everyone, regardless of party affiliation. This isn't personal.
  • Last week they were all saying he was as sharp as ever, this week Obama gives them permission to tell the truth
  • @sachiperez
    cooper slips and calls biden "the former president". it's over.
  • He is making it ugly for himself. To use words such as "abandon", "loyalty", etc. when it is he who has lost the confidence of others means he is putting his position ahead of the country's. He doesn't realize that organizing an orderly selection of a new nominee is the best thing he can do. Most disappointing.
  • Why would any person get out when they’re aware of how they were installed four years ago without campaigning?
  • @dandaluz1
    Any 81 year old grandpa would get mad when you tell him he can’t drive anymore. It’s normal for him to become upset.
  • @deesee6009
    I love how CNN are 4 years late reporting the news
  • @VPDJTrump
    He couldn't remember Lloyd Austins name 😳
  • @john-brady
    He’s 81 years old and there is no hiding it…
  • @SteffiReitsch
    When my mother was his age, 81, she was exactly like him : slurred speech, mumbling, memory loss , stiff walk, confusion. She had been diagnosed with Lewy body dementia, the third most common form of dementia. Like him, she was stubborn and insisted she was still on the ball. I'm sure this is what Biden has. This only gets worse, folks, those brain cells don't come back. By 84 she was creeping around drooling, screaming, and bat sh*** crazy. It was hard to take care of her. Maybe he can finish out his term, but that's it. But 4 more years? As they say in NYC : "FUGGETABOUTIT! " He's got to GO. However the prospect of another Gump presidency is horrifying. They've somehow got to get the old man to quit and choose someone else a.s.a.p.
  • @xjww8623
    Comments are full of people that would argue Biden is a genius just last week.