3 Traits of Psychosis

Published 2020-05-29
Psychosis can be confusing and scary. Additionally, it is often confused with schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, bipolar disorder, and psychotic depression. In this interview, Dr. Domenick Sportelli, and MedCircle host, Kyle Kittleson, have a discussion about while psychosis is a symptom of some mental health disorders, they are not one and the same.

Here are some behaviors to observe:
- What exactly happens in the brain during a psychotic episode
- What psychosis does and DOESN'T look like (misconceptions)
- The definition of hallucinations and what they feel like
- The definition of delusions and what they feel like
- The different types of hallucinations and delusions

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All Comments (21)
  • as someone with mild psychosis i can say: sometimes we know we are hallucinating or having delusions, and it's REALLY WEIRD. it's like a war in your brain and it can be so, so hard to deal with. Especially because there can be a lot of paranoia and fear involved.
  • @nora_8080
    The last part is i think the most important. Don't try to "fix" people with psychosis, just make sure they are getting enough sleep, eating right and feeling secure
  • i am 25 and i was just diagnosed psychosis, currently i am staying in a psychiatric clinic. For me psychosis feels lik you predict what people are thinking, and sometimes in a negative way for example i am talking to someone and they raise their eyebrows and i will think they did that because they think i'm stupid.
  • @praiseosas2016
    The first time I experienced psychosis, I heard a woman sighing and going like: "Mm! Mm!". I thought it was my landlord's mother mocking me above my room (I lived in a basement apartment). I believed this for the longest time until this woman started following me outside of the apartment. The voices will cause paranoia, delusions and fear. Its truly scary.
  • @beverlykeys4330
    This reminds me of when I learned not to "correct" my mother's hallucinations when she had altzheimers. It was difficult for me because I felt that I was lying to her. Eventually though, I understood how hurtful it was from her perspective.
  • @footlozenge3041
    This guy is so animated, you can tell he's truly passionate about his job. Love that
  • @PrincessHiyahA
    My mom and I was heartbroken when we noticed a dramatic change in my brother's behavior. He went through all the symptoms yet we had no idea what we were dealing with. It was so horrible to see him in that way. Recently, he has been diagnosed with schizophrenia and has been in a hospital to help him get better. As my mother say, it's a "road of recovery," I am so lucky to have my brother in my life and I let him know how much I love him and that no matter what, he will always be my best friend. I have unconditional love for him and he has family support. Thank you for this video because it helps me understand why my mom and I couldn't reach him and why he was acting the way he was. I do believe everyone should get educated on what schizophrenia is so they can hold sympathy for anyone who is going through this. They need to know that they are not alone and that others go through this. And people who doesn't have this mental illness, should understand that schizophrenia people are no different than. Yes they are going through something but put yourself in that person's shoes. How would you like to be treated if you were going through this? ❤
  • @CeCe-os3ul
    I have PTSD but had a psychotic episode due to stress on top experiencing another traumatic experience which triggered a PTSD episode. It’s insane what stress can do to you
  • My older sister has been recently diagnosed with Physcosis and these videos are helpful for me so I can better understand what my sister is going through. I'm from the Philippines and unfortunately mental illness isn't taken seriously here. I explained what I thought was paranoid schizophrenia to my my parents and we got help and this was her initial diagnosis. I'm glad that we sre getting the help we need. I will never give up on my sister because I love her no matter what. ❤️
  • @ariesbabeye645
    I remember when I was experiencing psychosis, I was convinced that everyone around me was fake. And that I was in the wrong reality. And I was at my ex friends apartment and I was so lost, and couldn’t find her apartment and started crying and yelling. And then the cops came and it was so trippy. I had to hide from them because I didn’t want them to see me in that state and send me to a mental hospital
  • I have mild delusions and I know I'm crazy but my mind is fighting to make me believe it. I dont have hallucinations but I get really anxious and have to distract myself from the thoughts entirely or I get stuck in it.
  • @buzzingalien
    I really really hate auditory psychosis. Especially when in public. I try my best to ignore them and hope i look/act normal as possible as i make my way out the establishment I’m in.
  • @marysamir01
    My mother suffering from psychosis 10 years ago.. and it breaks my heart everytime she speaks
  • Yea I went through a strong psychosis after a 1000mcg trip, thought I had found enlightenment. Even though I was delusional and insane the peace I found myself in and the insane intelligence I gave to myself greatly helped me see reality in a much better way than I did
  • I still remember when nurses would get mad at me for thinking I was hearing a low hum in certain areas of the building. Eventually I figured there must have been something sinister going on, as there would be no other reason for them to deny something so obvious. I know better now, but I can definitely see how much more care needs to be taken when dealing with a delusional patient.
    This video was a massive help. My grandmother had psychosis (undiagnosed but I think schizophrenia). I’ve experienced some weird things like derealization and panic attacks and have wondered if I’m next in line, but after hearing these examples I now know it was just anxiety and that since I’m 27 (well past the typical onset) I can rest easy knock on wood. Nothing but sympathy for those who suffer from it. Thanks you for the clear cut examples
  • This Doctor is absolutely PHENOMENAL. If only every patient who is struggling, would have the opportunity to meet with him. We need more doctors just like him.
  • @beebee8384
    Really taking this 6ft apart seriously, even when it comes to zooming in