Special episode: How the Lubavitcher Rebbe CHANGED the WORLD

Published 2024-07-08
We sat down with R’ Yussie Zakutinsky, Rav Judah Mischel and R’ YY Jacobson to discuss how the Lubavitcher Rebbe changed their lives and the world around them.

🔷 Did you know the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s Chiddushim and Divrei Torah fill over 200 published volumes?

Marking the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s 30th yahrzeit, many prominent Rabbonim are joining a campaign to encourage the study of the Rebbe’s Divrei Torah, but where does one begin? Click here to learn more.


The premier publisher of Chassidus Chabad in English, Sichos In English was founded in 5738 (1978) to accommodate the growing demand for English translation of the Rebbe’s frequent talks. The Rebbe welcomed this initiative and guided the translation process, at times personally editing entire talks or essays directly for the SIE publication.

Its immediate success saw it become a publisher of many classic texts of Chabad Chassidus that were otherwise out of reach from the English-speaking public. Beyond translating the language, its library of hundreds of titles provides elucidation and context, making them a go-to for anyone wishing to experience the world of Chassidus.

SIE’s mission is to present the teachings of the Chabad Rebbeim to the broadest spectrum of English readers, sharing the insights of these chassidic masters as they communicated them, without being filtered through other thought structures. Spreading the wellsprings of Chassidus outward to the furthest peripheries, both geographic and in mindset, we hope to usher in the time when “the world will be filled with the knowledge of G-d.”


All Comments (16)
  • @vsibirsky
    I hope people understand how very important this interview was if one really wants a front row seat in to understanding the unique, spiritual man the Rebbe truly was... and is unique way of "teaching" to anyone who had the ability to listen.
  • His legacy is strong. It was my own fascination with history that led me onto discovering my families old Jewish roots. But it was the Chabad boys who helped me discover Jewish spirituality. I have the Rebbe to thank for them <3
  • @eliyahupereira
    Amazing interview and such a heilege Rebbe from our generation to explain the importance of the previous generations tzadikim
  • Really enjoyed how Rav Judah shared how the Rebbe's teaching is a guiding force in these challenging times.
  • @user-yv2nd5kb5y
    Very very important clarification on 1:00:45 the SIE set is not even a fraction of all the rebbes sichos. There are volumes upon volumes. 5 volumes of selected sichos are translated with explanation, but it’s something like 10 or sichos per volume in what Nachi has. If the Rebbe were to say 1 sicha per month multiplied by the years of the Rebbe’s nesios, that’s at minimum approx 500 sichos. Take it from there…
  • @HM-pb5eg
    beautiful episode about the Rebbe zt"l
  • @popska80
    Momo. The 10 is עשר כוחות הנפש