The Star Wars Iceberg Explained

Published 2024-01-17
Star Wars has to have some of the most elaborate lore I've ever seen in a fictional series. Let's explore it in today's iceberg!

#iceberg #starwars #lore

All Comments (21)
  • @ericmyers0
    In some Legends, Lightsaber crystals can bleed into the Color red by the user committing atrocities and deeply using the darkside, in a nutshell
  • @48Below0
    The illiteracy theory got me. Makes so much sense. Subbed.
  • @MarcMagma
    Interesting that the Rakata were higher than the Rule of Two. Since these Icebergs are usually "well-known" to "obscure", I'd thought the Rakata would be at best around the middle since I'd wager a sizeable number of Star Wars fans don't know about 'em in the first place, unlike the Rule of Two.
  • @ingy421
    r2d2 did far more for anakin like literally saving him and mace windu's live when they were stuck in wreckage of a venator. R2 comes in anakins ship, finds them, leaves and go brings clones and another general to save them and saved their lives. Mace finally says R2 is special. Incredible little story in TCW. i love this video idea
  • @Skye_Writer
    41:11 Empire Strikes Back, with Luke on the way to Dagobah sitting in his X-Wing cockpit, we see the text of what Artoo is "saying" come up on the screen so Luke can read it. Sentients can't speak binary; on Dagobah Luke mostly intuits what Artoo is saying, but he doesn't know for sure. (Ex: "If you're saying coming here was a bad idea, I'm beginning to agree with you.") However, at the -36:20- mark after the leaving Hoth, Artoo questions the course Luke laid in, and the text comes up on a screen in his cockpit. It isn't an alphabet we can read, not in Aurebesh (which was the Imperial alphabet before it became the alphabet for the entire galaxy), but Luke is clearly reading it as his eyes drop to the screen on his control panel to read what is being said. Somehow, EVERYONE missed this, and because Luke talked back to the droid without being able to really know what he is saying, this had led to the misunderstanding that everyone just understands astromechs; we see Mando speaking to R5 as if he knows what the droid is saying, and ofc there is Hera and Chopper (though I'd argue Chopper actually speaks instead of just beeping and whistling; there are times when it's very clear what his meaning is). The truth of the matter is that when he isn't sitting in his cockpit with Artoo plugged in to his socket, Luke is just guessing at Artoo's meaning the same way we do with when "talking" with our dogs and cats. So it's critical that pilots have to be able to read to know what their droids are saying about shield strength and other ships' systems. Look at the control panel of the X-Wing; there are no pictogram displays there. Even when Luke is nearing Dagobah, he's reading info about lifesign readings; in the first film when he's got his targeting computer up, we see text on that screen as well. In Return of the Jedi is when we get actual Aurebesh letters and THIS is where that whole alphabet stems from, on a screen on Vader's SSD when the Rebels are trying to sneak past the blockade. And then there is Coruscant in the prequels, and all those those lit signs with LETTERING on them to advertise establishments. We never see anyone reading for fun, catching up on the news?? At what point has anyone in these films had the time for that. The prequels have Padme and Co. running for their lives, fleeing Naboo to get to Coruscant and start prepping for a Senate appearance, and in the meantime Qui-Gon is fighting off a Sith and cheating at dice to get Anakin into a race, and then the race happens, and then it's off to Coruscant, and then we jump forward to when they are there...George isn't showing us the characters' downtime. I guess maybe if he'd shown a pregnant Padme reading novels instead of dreamily brushing her hair--sure, there was a spot there to do it. But come on...the galaxy is illiterate? Just because there are non-human races in the galaxy doesn't mean that they don't have written languages/alphabets/syllabaries of their own. I just don't buy this one.
  • @TheMimiSard
    I am old enough to remember the "Ewoks" and "Droids" shows (I'm 45, and old enough to remember RotJ in the cinema). As a linked fact, my brother a couple of days ago brought home and gifted me two additions to my action figure collection - one is the Black Series (6 inch humans) Luke and Grogu (Book of Boba Fett), and the other is the Vintage Series (3.75 inch, for humans) double pack of Wicket and Kneesaa (that being a light grey female Ewok of the show).
  • @VoxoR
    The most common way to bleed a Kyber crystal is that the force user takes for example a blue Kyber crystal and puts all of his rage, hate and anger into the crystal (almost like they make the crystal angry) and it turns red, this can also be done the other way around, a Jedi can take a red crystal and "purify" it by putting their good intentions, peace and focus into the crystal making it white. That is how Ashoka got her white lightsabers, by defeating a inqisitor and taking his crystals and purifying them.
  • @Case2_0
    I remember one time I was at a comic con type thing in Dallas and Peter Mayhew waved at me as he drove by on a scooter. It was in 2016 and is still one of my best memories
  • @Nonprophetelias
    After watching your Harry Potter video, I decided to give this one a shot. It is clear that your script writing has vastly improved over the last month. While listening to the Harry Potter video I felt like you were repetitive, and sometimes bordering on redundant with the phrases you were using in this video. I’m only five minutes in and I’m captivated by your word choice and storytelling. you have a bright future on this platform.
  • @joshuawalls6136
    Padme died from a broken heart, no over thinking required.
  • @SorceressBella
    Can’t wait to watch the video! Definitely looking forward to more Star Wars content if you want to make more
  • @joekerr6035
    Droids need a memory wipe because over time they have a very high chance to become erratic and unstable. Just like if you don't system restore your computer once in a while after high use downloading, installing, surfing, watching movies, playing games etc. R2 is the rare exception. Oh and speaking of Astromech Droids. R2 and others can do a lot because they are the top of the line in Droids. Astromech Droids to a Translator Droid is equivalent in comparison to a Smart Phone (basically a handheld computer) to a Translator Device. And they don't get wiped because of "sentience." They can't get sentience, it might seem like it, but they don't. They're only expressing their combined knowledge. It's all data at the end of the day and most the time that data conflicts. Which causes the instability leading to a data wipe. I hope this helps in understanding this part of the berg. Been a fan for nearly 30 years, got a huge collection, was part of Star Wars Book Club in the 90's. Had access to rare books and info. So I'm not giving my personal belief on the subject as an fyi.
  • @Autistic_Artist
    2:24 yes the color of the light saber can change with the user varying slightly or made to bleed from the darkside. That red can turn purple as part of a turn back to the light or they can be purified to white.
  • @Jobiin
    Another great video, keep em rolling
  • @Natalie_Zed
    I remember watching the ewoks and droids cartoon on Saturday mornings as a kid. That, and the 2 ewok tv movies, were the thin gruel that kids had to subsist on if we wanted to watch anything star wars related.
  • Great video! So interesting. It's exciting to think of the places stories in the SW universe could go, when allowed to deviate from convention and experiment.
  • @danimitetwitch
    Kyber crystals are usually chosen by a Padawan during their training and come naturally from planets with deep connections to the force. The reason sith have red lightsabers is because (at least in new canon during the Imperial era) the kyber crystals were taken for use in the Death Star laser, and those lightsabers have a synthetic kyber crystal in them which is also imbued with dark force energy. Course that’s just one explanation…main one is cuz having all the bad guys carry red lightsabers is a visually distinct way to show who is who in battle.
  • @sfkeepay
    Great essay! About as deep as I think I ever want to go, but a very entertaining dive. Your speculations around droid sentience really grabbed my attention. But droids memories aren’t wiped to forestall or erase sentience (if you use the dictionary definition of sentience - which is simply a capacity to sense an environment using vision, hearing, touch, etc. - a very basic level of cognition) Rather, it seems to be for preventing the formation of a strong independent identity - which of course does depend very much on memory - because a sense of self that might engender concerns outside a droid’s specific function compromises their usefulness. (It also has a security function, but that’s not as germane here). But those memory wipes aren’t intended to interfere with basic sentience since that would often make droids useless. A “janitor droid” unable to sense moisture, attenuate the pressure it uses to clean a mirror, or determine whether a given object is garbage or not, wouldn’t be a very effective janitor. Your description about droids being slaves, though? Dead on. Subbed. p.s. Not to be an asshole, but I think you said “Their (the Bendu) clash with the Inquisitor Thrawn (16:02) ….but Thrawn wasn’t an inquisitor, he was an officer in the imperial navy (a grand admiral). If I misunderstood you, please ignore this. p.p.s. Okay, this IS me being a pedantic asshole, but evidence can’t be circumspect. (21:33) To be circumspect is to be cautious, careful, prudent, etc. which is something a living, thinking entity can pull off, but evidence is generally inanimate (unless specifically described to be otherwise, which is quite unusual and not well served by the term). Saying evidence is circumspect is like saying a lightbulb is self-righteous or a brick is gripped by foreboding. Just saying…