Move Like Jagger (Minicover) HD

Published 2012-04-26

Disclaimer: Move Like Jagger belongs to Maroon 5 and their respective company

AHAHAHA i was so busy that i couldn't find the time to films something U_U..............well actually recorded something a month ago but i don't know what happen it vanished, or i lost it, i really i don't know.

This song i've been hearing many times since i was on vacations in USA (beautiful country btw :3) and i have the urge to do something with it, so here it is XD

Maybe the HD doesn't show perfectly, because of the darkness in the room, but please try watch it in HD :3

This is the first time i use my new camera and its hard to find a good support for it where my whole body appears, but i failed this time and you can only see half of it E_E but next time i'll correct that, i swear. And first time using mirror effect, its a little discordinated but at least it not sooooo bad XD

And finally i must say that i didn't put thje bright and contrast effect because the mirror one will be ruined, and i decided to use for the first time, youtube editor,aaaaannnnddddd.......... i don't like it, but i can say that it's not soo bad.

Without anything to say, ENJOY MY NEW VIDEO!!!! comment, like, and rate!!


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