I Went to the Location of the Assassination Attempt

Published 2024-07-23
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All Comments (21)
  • Transparency is a much used term… but not with any sincerity! We are dealing with master liars!
  • @allenfrisch
    Thanks Brother Matthew! It's amazing to think how close we came to open civil war if the Lord hadn't intervened in such a miraculous way. I hope people see that God's given us a real chance to repent as a nation and start following a different path!
  • @catholicforever
    Thanks for providing more local insight into this incident. This really hits close to home for myself as well. My Bible study group hosts were at the rally, and were about 30 yards away from Trump when he was shot. It was really traumatic for them.
  • Listening from Australia. Have been following lots of podcasts and very traumatic for Americans. Lots of lie. God s and no truths being told by FBI. We prayed in church last Sunday for Donald Trump that God would have mercy on him and lead him to salvation after sparing his life. Prayed for all leaders in America and of course Australia .
  • @ronlewis9374
    Thank you for your insight into the shooting. Very interesting to see the layout and the lack of due diligence that allowed the shooting to take place.
  • @mrrey8937
    A Representative from Congress, Eli Crane, went to the site and made a video of the roof looking through the window that you described. He also got onto the roof with 6 others, one of them being an 80 yr man, it was that easy.
  • Ive been following you for a couple months now and even have been visiting a PCA church in FL after listening to your content. You always mention you live north of Pittsburgh and thought if you were close by to the location. Crazy
  • @PaulSwansonIdAu
    It would be typical of YT if this ended up being the most watched video on this channel. 😆
  • Thanks for this video. Best view of the building I've seen - just like being there.
  • @rachepreston
    Thanks for this info! Very interesting and disturbing.
  • @Yesica1993
    Oh, goodness, THAT is the supposed sloped roof they couldn't secure?! PLEASE! They talk to us/treat us like we are stupid. This was so obviously intentional. It's horrifying.
  • @AJMacDonaldJr
    It always helps to see something like this in person. It's been reported that there were two sniper teams inside that two story building next door overlooking the roof. Interestingly enough, a round fired from one of those windows would have essentially the same trajectory as those fired by the shooter, just a little bit above him.
  • @Sofiv3
    This was so good! Thank you for sharing.
  • @zsleepwalker
    Not to mention the WATER TOWER looming over the whole scene!
  • My thoughts and prayers are with those who were injured and especially the family of Corey Comperatore, an heroic father and husband, killed in this cowardly act while protecting his family. Thank you Pastor Everhard for speaking truth in an age of lies. It is the act of a coward to shoot into a crowd of innocent people or to attempt to take the life of anyone based on lies. Only a coward believes everything they're fed, it takes courage to search for the truth and go against your own or collective bias. Not caving in to peer pressure just to fit in, which is cowardly in and of itself. What we saw with this attempt at deletion is exactly what many of us, (none claiming to be prophets), have been warning about for years, an escalation of the violence we've already witnessed. This is the natural result of the propaganda and psychological warfare that's been unleashed on the masses. To paint Pres.Trump and his supporters, of which there are many labeled as "Christians", as the most evil people to ever live, attempting to and succeeding in turning neighbor against neighbor. It's just one of the results they hoped would and will continue to happen but thank God for protecting him this time because it is highly likely this nation would have imploded if he'd been killed. With this attempt we see the ineptitude or complicity of the alphabet agencies that are supposed to protect and prevent such things from happening. There's no good reason I and many others can think of for that roof/building not being secured and access denied even a day or more before the rally or at least swept and secured the day of the event. I'm not saying all those that fill the roles of these agencies are a part of what we see happening in this nation but it's far to many to ignore. The abilities and tactics they've been using for decades to overthrow governments and destroy nations have been turned on our own and have been for some time. I'm not saying Pres. Trump is some kind of savior, there is only One Savior of all mankind, Jesus Christ, (Phl 2:9-11 &more). Most of the media, those with influence and political leaders are complicit in this cowardly act whether they will admit it or not. Truth is rarely found in the halls of power in nations, (Pro 15:27, Pro 29:4, Amo 5:12). What we see all around us was prophesied over 2,000 thousand years ago, (Phl 2:15, 2 Tim 3:1-5, 7, 2 Pet 3:3-7,), things that mark these times leading up to the last days. Sadly I've had to self censor the words I use in this comment for it to even remain up for those interested to read. I will never censor His Word or His Gospel and or compromise His the only truth or my faith. Sadly the day is coming and already here when His truth will be censored and hidden from those who need to hear it most but ,(Eph 5:11 &more), tell me what I must do. Should I do as man says or the LORD, we should all know our answer to that question, (Act 4:19-20). A far to often misunderstood and not properly taught command from our Lord is found in, (Mat 5:39b, Luk 6:29a). When people are unaware of historical context and fail to pay attention to detail they will continue to misapply and not understand the clear teaching of Scripture. In the Roman era turning the other cheek to someone didn't mean doing it meekly to just let them strike you again. It meant turning the other cheek with them well aware you'd done so, you were taking a stand. Christians are not to be doormats, they're to defend their Lord with His Word, themselves, their families and all those around them from evil, (Luk 22:36 &more). Our Lord Himself commanded we be armed even if it meant selling outer clothing that was for protection and comfort, so we could protect ourselves, our loved ones and those around us. We must also always be armed with the Sword of Truth, (Eph 6:17, Heb 4:12, Rev 1:16-2:12-2:16), His Word. I must add in defense only, the Gospel is never to be spread by force, only by and with the proven Word of God, (Psa 119:160), as is the clear doctrine of Scripture. Eze 33:8-9 are just one of the examples of stern warnings to those who witness evil and do not speak against it, condoning it by their silence. We see so many quoting, (Mat 7:1), even unbelievers, misunderstanding and twisting what our Lord was teaching, in their attempts to silence righteous judgement. They of course ignore, (Mat 7:2-5), in which our Lord tells us to first make sure it is with and in His righteousness we judge, (Jhn 7:24). Removing anything that could obscure that righteous judgement, ourselves and our own failings must be understood and put aside, before we can see clearly. With the Word of God first informing and giving us all truth, (2 Tim 3:16-17, Eph 6:10-20). Do you think the Apostle Paul was speaking only of himself in (Eph 6:19-20), or was he teaching us all to pray to be given Jesus' truth, for the strength to speak that truth boldly, after having put on the whole armor of God? We can and must take a stand as we are commanded to call out evil we see all around us, take no part in it and not remain silent or allow ourselves to be silenced, (Eph 5:11 &more). Sadly as we see with all cultures throughout history the more you remove the true and living LORD God of the Bible/Israel from that culture the more hedonistic and self-destructive it becomes. Proof in history goes all the way back to Israel, with it's separation into the Northern and Southern Kingdoms. Here in the US we are a nation founded on Judeo-Christian values no matter how many will scream and deny that fact. We've removed God from government, schools and soon the public square and with that come serious repercussions, especially now that we're backing away from supporting Israel, (Gen 12:3). Do not be fooled God will not be mocked, (Gal 6:7), and that is exactly what this nation is and has been doing. Actually read our Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights, God is written into them, He is a crucial part of the very fabric of those documents. Our Constitutional Republic is and was based in the Word of the true and living LORD God of all creation, the God of Israel and the Bible. He's also in much of the writings of those hailed as our founding fathers, as is easily proven by reading them in their own words in the Federalist Papers, personal correspondences and other such documents. You will read them telling us this nation can't stand without a Godly moral people as the majority within it. When it comes to a democracy Mark Twain said it best: "A democracy is nothing more than three wolves and a lamb voting on what's for dinner, you can bet your bottom dollar it won't be wolf on the menu". A wise man once said, "Gentlemen we have a republic, if we can keep it". A famous man once said, "If God does not judge the United States, He will owe Sodom and Gomorrah an apology". (Not that any man can ever correct or give advice to God. We know that God is perfect in all His attributes, (Psa 18:30, Isa 55:8-9, Rom 11:33-36). Think about, (Pro 15:27, Pro 29:4, Amo 5:12), and what they tell us and then read, (Isa 58:2, Mal 2:9). I believe that only a Nineveh type of revival in this nation can or will save it, (Jon 3:5-10, 2 Ch 7:14), if we still have time, today is the acceptable day, (2 Co 6:2 &more). We know He's always listening if we humble ourselves and repent, He hears our prayers, (Pro 15:29 &more). We do not see the US anywhere in Scripture, (without a stretch), not even in end times prophecy. We are watching many of the prophecies,(Phl 2:15, 2 Tim 3:1-5, 7, 2 Pet 3:3-7, &more), that mark the end times being fulfilled before our eyes in this nation, the west, the middle east and around the entire world. They are coming true faster than ever before in human history and it does not take a rocket scientist or great theologian to see it. Humble yourself, repent and cry out to Him in prayer, He will hear you. Pray for repentance, peace, correction and healing in our own land, (2 Ch 7:14), and across the world. Pray for the peace, prosperity and well being of Israel, (Gen 12:3 &more). Pray for protection, provision, healing and guidance, for the truth found only in and thru Him, (Jhn 14:6 &more). We must pray and repent of our sins to Him, the only name under heaven by which man must be saved, Jesus Christ, (Acts 4:12, Phl 2:9-11). Take a stand, speak His truth boldly, God Bless, God Bless Israel and God Bless the USA, (if He still will on the last one). (Num 6:24-26)...
  • @Yesica1993
    Will watch soon! But wow, I didn't realize you were that close. Make sure you keep all of this information well preserved. We will never get the full story from the godless media.
  • @bc5441
    Thank you, Matthew. I thought of you after this happened, but I didn’t realize it was so close to your home.