Waking Up From The Jehovah's Witness Organization | My Story

Published 2023-04-23
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Contents of this Video:

00:00 - Intro
01:38 - Born In It
03:42 - Anxiety
05:10 - Meeting Schedules
08:00 - Friends & Dating
09:08 - Unidirectional Convos
10:06 - Public Schooling
11:01 - Debates
14:18 - Higher Education
17:18 - Waking Up
23:56 - Research


Instagram: dr.anereemorgan

Twitter: Aneree_dolly

Email: [email protected]

All Comments (21)
  • I have been studying with JW for a few weeks now and I find a lot of what they believe a bit uncomfortable. Everything is within the JW organization. Its highly controlled. The watchtower produces everything and you are not encourage to do outside sources. Also, I was at a meeting where they talked about being careful of association and are not encouraged to interact with people at your jobs. In addition, I don't like how they look down on higher education. Its WAY too controlling.
  • @freeatlast.
    It's always good to see young activists, because there is always a new generation who need waking up.
  • @Latricia130
    I love your story! I was raised a JW and left about 5 years ago at the age of 40. Everything you said is exactly right. It sounds so ridiculous now that I am away from it. The amount of time it took for meetings, service and studying was one of the things that made me leave. I was so overwhelmed with trying to raise a family and jump through the hoops of the organization.
  • @Chicalitaa
    Its nice having someone articulate everything I experienced. Needless to say Im out of this organization.
  • @rmh490
    Girl i hear you. I too had a panic attack. I spent a whole night crying cuz i couldn't believe i let myself be manipulated and brainwashed like that. ( And I'm a 29 year old man). Sad
  • @tammyg8031
    You brought out a great point. Watchtower " MENTALLY ENSLAVES" their members. BRAINWASHING and ENDOCTRINATION is Watchtower's game. I am so glad that you woke up and feel free. Good for you!!!!
  • I’m an exmormon and I can relate so much! It’s crazy how many similarities of thoughts and feelings there are. So happy you got out!
  • @missrob4538
    You are speaking the truth I cried so much when I found out that all that I believe was a lie I lost 45 years thanks my girl as a Jamaican to a Jamaican glad to hear a carribean person I know lots of pimo are out here but they are afraid
  • Today more and more of us are leaving this apocalyptic cult with unfortunately the same experience. In five years more than a million Jehovah's Witnesses have left this society, which is why today EXJW activism has become the most active, numerous, and dynamic “religious” dissent in the world. The more the years pass, the more this cult will become absurd. The "elastic" generation already proves it and this is only the beginning. Thank you for your video, the number of views shows that there is a great demand on the subject. I hope there will be another. One more subscriber waiting for the next video.
  • @trilithon108
    Happy that you stayed with the panic and did the necessary research. So many end times dates, 1800 something, 1914, 1975 etc...now it's so embarrassing they try not to set any date😅
  • Welcome to your freedom Anaree! I know what you mean by feeling free and just being able to breathe. Nice to hear from a Caribbean island exJW
  • @mxdahliabelle
    The meetings are sooo boring 😴 It’s all you do day and night. The indoctrination is strong. It's been 23 years for me, and I'm still unlearning all the guilt, shame, and self-hatred.
  • Thank you for sharing. New subscriber here. ABOUT JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES:. Of all the Churches that are teaching things that are FALSE I’ve never heard of anyone whose FAMILIES are TORN APART for UNSCRIPTUAL reasons...Mothers can’t speak to daughters, Fathers can’t speak to Sons, etc…..I RESPECT everyone’s right to different believes, but when a Christian Organization teaches things that are NOT true about Christ...Saying that Jesus is not the MEDIATOR between God and humans, saying that Jesus Christ has already returned, that he returned In 1914...They tell people they have no Heavenly Hope if they are not a JW. An Organization telling people they are not to partake of the Emblems...To REJECT Jesus Ransom Sacrifice. Partaking is something Jesus instructed all TRUE FOLLOWERS of His to do. An Organization that is DESTROYING Lives with their constant Flip Flop teachings and peoples prospects for Salvation. This is an Organization that feels they are a SUBSTITUTE for Jesus Christ. They have taught people they were APPOINTED by Jesus Christ and they should TRUST the Governing Body like they TRUST Jesus Christ, then later on ADMIT they ARE NOT INSPIRED by God. Let’s not Forget all of their FALSE PROPHECIES. This is nothing more than a MAN MADE Organization that ONLY teaches people THEIR INTERPRETATION of the Bible which is why they use BOOKS, MAGAZINES, BROCHURES and PAMPHLETS. This is to BRAINWASH and INDOCTRINATE their INTERPRETATION of things….Not the Holy Spirits. Jesus made it very clear at John 8:31-32 “So Jesus said to the Jews who believed in him, “If you continue to accept and obey MY teaching, you are REALLY my Followers. 32 You will know the TRUTH, and the TRUTH will SET you FREE.” People will be SET FREE from the UNSCRIPTURAL BURDENS placed upon them. Also, so many people feel TRAPPED in this Organization because it uses their Families and Friends as a WEAPON to KEEP people ENSNARED. Also, at Ephesians 5:11, it tells us to EXPOSE people of this Caliber. This is the reason I speak out on my Channel. I am not trying to DISRESPECT anyone’s religion, at the same time we are to Obey God as Ruler, rather than man, as noted at Acts 5:29….that includes Daughter or Son. Any group that encourage parents to let their children die, or let yourself die by NOT taking a life saving blood transfusion, or a group that is destroying families and marriages all over the world, a group that don’t properly protect children, along with having so many people committing suicide, they NEED TO LOCK these NUT JOBS up. They constantly violate HUMAN RIGHTS, so their rights should be VIOLATED. JW's do MORE HARM and DAMAGE than good. The Government NEEDS to continue to BAN and lock these HOMEWRECKERS up, and KEEP them LOCKED up for at least 12 years. They are already BANNED in 34 Countries. Google it for yourself at: “Countries Where Jehovah's Witnesses' Activities Are Banned” This Organization is literally HURTING and DESTROYING people and something NEEDS to be done about them Worldwide. Normally I would say the Government shouldn't get involved, but when you have EXTREMISTS like this Organization who are DESTROYING LIVES all over the world, the Government NEEDS to step in and take ACTION.
  • For some reason you got me spellbound from start - maybe the accent. I applaud you for such frank, honest and articulate sharing. As a devout born-again Christian with family members in that organization, I strongly commend you for starting to read the bible with a critical mind. Too many are so badly damaged by JW that after waking up they can't even appreciate God or the bible anymore. All the best on your journey.👍 Please see Galatians 5:1
  • Thanks for sharing your story. As a Jamaican I can relate to your experience. Higher education was definitely frown upon. But you know as well as I do that to live a half decent life in Jamaica and to get a job to just survive, you need to have an education. I’d love to hear of your experience on the lack of available brothers in Jamaica 😂. The congregation I was in while in Jamaica, there was no brothers around my age. So many sisters got DF or reproof.
  • @evvalynnv7414
    I loved your story and sweetheart I am delighted for you. I was born in 1940, married in 1960, wanted to learn the Bible and was taught all about what we couldn't do, shouldn't do and must do. I was in and out several times but because I was so young and inexperienced I went back because I didn't know any better. Now that I'm 82...yeah I know , old ain't it? Now I study the scriptures through lots of very good sights, my life has peace beyond understanding, even though the world is in chaos and I belong to no denomination; can't drive anymore either, but my theocratic life is healthy and I have purpose. So take your time, think about what kind of person you ought to be and enjoy your new life not being spoon fed any longer. May God bless you He is the only one you have to please..
  • Loved hearing your experience! Know what you saying about the routine! After 35 years it got to me too! 😂.Came in when in 20’s now out at 58 and such great relief as I can now do my own thinking and my time is now my own. And the guilt about whether I was good enough has gone and I feel so much more happier as to who I am as a person.
  • You did not lie at all I grew up in the Jehovah's Witness from the 70s until the 80s and you told the truth.