The Path of the Horse - Full Length documentary

Published 2012-10-15
The Path of the Horse is the documentary I made while I was searching for ways to understand horses and work with them without using pain, coercion or force. In the years since it's been released, it continues to touch people in the deepest places.

A lady I was recently speaking with said, "The first time I watched it I cried so much I had to watch it again to see what I'd missed."

Another said, "I watched it 7 times through when I first got it, and now I watch it at least every year."

Others have told me they've been using it at the beginning of their therapy groups and during retreats.

This movie continues to change lives. What is it in this documentary that opens hearts? Set aside 60 minutes to see for yourself.

Update: I now offer a highly-rated online Equine Communication Training course! It will put you on the fast track to communicating clearly with horses and other animals from a place of mindfulness and compassion. Better communication builds trust, improves the quality of life, encourages innovation, increases engagement, and reduces conflict.

What you'll learn
• How to understand and communicate with horses through an effective practice of presence
• Develop mindful, 2-way conversations
• Understand yes, no, and ambivalent responses from equines
• How to set and respect healthy, compassionate boundaries
• Exploring consent
• Understand and identify conditioning and learned helplessness
• How to use an understanding of neuroception to keep yourself and your horse safe
• Identify welfare concerns, what harms a horse?
• Find novel ways to solve problems with equines

This course was a great investment when it was first released at $197. but to make it more accessible to a wider audience, it is now available for only $29.99 on Udemy.…

Learn effective exercises to quickly quiet mind-chatter so you can hear what horses are saying. Approach your animal in a certain way and they can help you find an expanded awareness. Learn how to open doorways to peace, harmony, compassion, and understanding.

This course will get you on the path to creating a relationship based on authenticity, empathy, trust, and love with your horse, dog, cat, or any loved one.

Who this course is for:
• Horse enthusiasts
• Equine owners
• People who work with equines in any capacity
• People who want to communicate better with animals, especially horses

The course includes nearly 6 hours of video and audio exercises contained within 77 lectures. Give yourself and your animals the gift of clear communication. Lifetime access to the materials!…

If you are not sure about your next step and looking for support and a proven system to step out of traditional training paradigms and into a harmonious dance and understanding with horses I'm happy to talk and see if my courses or personal coaching is right for you. Use this link to schedule a free call:

* More about the Path of the Horse and all my projects at

* Go deeper into your own relationships. Join our free Facebook group, Compassionate Communication with Animals and All Life.…

* Like our page on Facebook!

* Buy the DVD with bonus features and subtitles in French, German, Spanish, Polish, Italian, Danish, and English:

* Download the Path of the Horse eBook documenting research done for the movie as well as telling more of Stormy's story in the years following the release of the documentary.

If you value what is presented in this movie, please go to where you can support our sanctuaries and service projects by purchasing our products. You can also become part of the Many Paths to the Heart community exploring the future of horse human relationships focusing on creating new, peaceful ways for horses and humans to heal each other and the planet.

Film Synopsis:
Watch The Movie That's Changing Lives...

'The Path of the Horse' documentary explores the future of horse-human relationships. Join former horse trainer Stormy May as she travels the world to interview today's leading horsemanship teachers and visionaries; Alexander Nevzorov, Klaus Hempfling, Linda Kohanov, Mark Rashid, Carolyn Resnick, and equine artist Kim McElroy.

You can find the song, Set me Free, on Angelika's album, "Love keeps singing (Love songs for the true self)" at

All Comments (21)
  • @gusthepuppy
    Simply beautifully done. And I am living this. I am 56. I have been riding 3 years. A beautiful 8 yr old Arabian mare. Took lots of lessons. Fell over and over. Would not let go of my "horse dream". Yes, she was young, yes, she's an Arabian, yes, I was green - more so than her. But when I stopped "thinking", and started "feeling", that's when the magic began. Friends will never "get" the bond we have. I am told horses don't "love", but after seeing this, I am more convinced than ever that they do. Thank you for the inspiration.
  • @CarolynRose98
    I am 16 years old and I've been riding horses since I was 8. I have recently taken up a bit of Natural Horsemanship and love it, but, watching this, I realized that so much that I do with my horse is wrong. Natural horsemanship is definitely better than the way I used to ride, but now I understand what is the best for my girl and I. Thank you so much for sharing this, it brought me to tears a few times, but it definitely opened my eyes and inspired me to change, both in my riding and my actual life. 
  • @saverearth1017
    Now I know why I have so much joy just being with my horse and doing nothing. She is so good at making a hectic, noisy world go away for awhile.
  • @ClissaT
    For many years of Natural Horsemanship, the saying has been "When you remove the halter & lead all you have left is the truth". These days working at liberty, I have taken that one step further & now say "when you remove ALL the tack (& the fences), all you have left is the truth".
  • @Eleivana777
    I had horses as a young girl. Spent hours riding the hills bareback with just a halter and a rope. My gelding was so gentle and I loved him dearly and miss him even now 55 years later. Horses are truly spiritual creatures in that they connect with us on a deep heart level. This video made me cry in places. So well done and thought provoking.
  • When I was young, I used to ride bareback, with no bridle.  In those moments, I always felt that the horse was teaching me... It's wonderful to see so many people discovering this beautiful connection.
  • @chrissanta6091
    I pity those who disliked this video that represent the life in it's deepest sense... a horse is not a toy, a horse is a wonderful creature that has heart and soul... don't damage it through the cruel horse sports, receive it with kindness and peace and the horse will never fail to enchant you with it's endless beauty
  • @Sarah-xn8kg
    This saved me in every way a person can be saved.It changed my way of seeing things and interacting with horses.Truly thank you,from the bottom of my heart,for sharing this video.
  • This isn't just about horsemanship. This teaches us how to live and the way to live in a real, deep seated way. Thank you!
  • @suzy4376
    It's about what WE can learn from horses......than what we "could" teach them......the horses are the teachers.....more wise than any human could ever be.... 🐲🐲
  • @gtmohr
    I find it amazing that anyone would dislike this. Working with wild horses, it is AMAZING the connection you can make if the relationship is a partnership, not domination through pain. Some people just don't get it.
  • @vtccac
    Just watched this movie for the 3rd or 4th time. I grew up with horses (now in my 60s). They saved my spiritual life in a fairly dark childhood. As a kid, I intuitively felt what this movie talks about. I evented, was in horse shows, went on fox hunts, etc. I wish I'd had a teacher who knew all of what's in this movie. Never could afford to have a horse as an adult. I love horses beyond words, and I apologize to Sean, Rocky, Bonfire, and Pepper for what I didn't know. 
  • I grew up riding, and knew nothing of any of this. I'm a great grandmother so this was many years ago. But it's heart breaking to know that I was a party to causing pain in animals that I loved so much. How I hope that the horse world is evolving into the correct way in training these beautiful God given gifts to us. Continue to get the truth out there and I pray that more and more horse people will adopt this way of training their horse's for the betterment of the future for horse and rider.
  • @fenlow
    i've always felt this way since i started riding at 5 yrs old (i'm 17 as of writing this), but could never figure out how to put it into words, so this was really nice to listen to - validating, honestly
  • I have watched this document several times. This time, I finally heard it. Horses can help us become who we are truly here to be. Soft, expanded, conscious, open, in the flow of God. Thank-you for your wisdom and courage in creating this documentary. May more and more of us hear and be with our gracious messengers.
  • @SylvanaRoses
    A real eye-opener. I admit, I Always trained, no... abused horses the way I train. It's time to change. And that's what I'm gonna do. Thank you, for this video, this journey, this new road. I hope all good riders eventually will ride like this.
  • @sharonazar1
    I am in tears and profoundly inspired by this woman's powerful journey of strength and compassion. I have learned many lessons from dogs and can see a correlation. The 'connection' she speaks of is essential to our finding a way to live on this planet with breath, understanding, kindness and compassion.
  • This has completely renewed my faith in having a loving and mutually respectful relationship with a horse. Thank you!!