The Anatomy of Your Empathic System & Why You Mismanage Emotional Overwhelm

Published 2020-07-10
JOIN my new Masterclass - The Empathic Soul & Love Rebel to go deeper into this material. You can check it out HERE:…
In this new video I look at shifting your Empathic/Emotional/Psychic Overwhelm by mapping the Anatomy of your Human Empathic System.
I cover these topics and more:
--Empathy’s origins as a Human Survival Skill
--Different types of Empathy & knowing yours...
--What comprises the Anatomy of the Human Empathic System & how it's evolving...
--The crucial role Psychic Empathy & your Esteem System play in how you mismanage Empathic Overwhelm now
--How your Subconscious recruits Archetypes to manage an unhealthy Empathic System
--The difference between Empathic Perception & Personal Projection

All Comments (21)
  • @aquilaidha4154
    I think there is also an issue around the notion of ethical boundaries. When one has empathic and psychic capacities whether conscious or unconsious, how do we know the point at which we are inadvertently breaching someone's privacy boundary? In part learning to tune out of people is part of a courtesy that is not learned because there are so few to teach it early on in life (if any). Access to more data, means its easy to read people, but unless we pay attention, we might not realise we are going too far into someones psychic space, and we might justify it to ourselves as curiosity or that we're doing no harm, or that if we can see it then surely thats fine etc. But I think some of the time, psychic toxicity from others is a karmic effect of tuning in to people too deeply. For me prevention has always been more efficient than cure - far better to avoid toxicity than to process it. Cleansing rituals are band-aid solutions which are useful but we must recognise that the need for them means we've lost integrity somewhere along the line, and that we are responsible even if we don't know how. In my case usually after some scrutiny of my experience i can see if i've overstepped the line. Overstepping tends to happen when we try to rescue people; jump in to save them, when they are better off saving themselves. It is a learning curve, so we can be gentle with ourselves when we appear to keep failing.
  • @jannie6359
    My dysfunctional solution to this was to isolate for almost 20 years. After such discomfort from it. Then i found, even by being isolated, i Still "read" the Collective field and daily energy of it!. Sometimes it is dark and purging. It Is messy! Look forward to navigational tips, Robert. Thank you. My late mother also said to my obvious question, "theres Nothing wrong with you", cause i asked.
  • @lightnlove446
    Nothing can stop what is coming. We are going through a shift, upgrade, Ascension, rapture. You aptly chimed into the same as what Dolores Cannon talked about with the 3 waves of consciousness of people that have come and continue to come into the world over the past 70 years to assist with this transition. The children are our teachers, we need to protect and help them with the learnings you speak of. Please consider offering YT clips to assist parents with this. Thank you for all your love, support and contribution during this time. 🙏🏽 🌟💖🇦🇺
  • @juliefarin
    Yes, Robert! I got my "value" by endlessly feeding a vampire -- until I wised up, found my esteem, and banished the blood-sucker. 👐
  • @wendilynn5771
    I am so grateful to have stumbled on this. I am 50 years old and have felt crazy, nuts and like there was in fact, something wrong with me. You have explained exactly what has been happening to me all my life. This is so accurate its scary.
  • @idaberge91
    You are the only person who has explained this topic so well. It's scary how little we know and talk about this. Having lived in fight or flight most of my life, my nervous system is slowly but surely calming down, and I'm moving from the HSP/empath victimhood to empowered, awakened empathic soul! Thank you Robert for sharing your light and truth.
  • @aquilaidha4154
    Like all things there's a light and shadow side, and high voltage empathy is awesome if you are lucky enough (from an ego persepctive) to have it with your incarnational package. Emotion has a lot more bandwidth than linear thought; there is so much more information available. Its like living in High Definition - perceiving incredible amounts of detail within the space-time matrix; decoding in a very different way. This is like having highly tuned taste buds - great food tastes amazing and bad food tastes awful. Part of the skill is purifying the judgement patterns so that one can experience difficult emotional data with greater forebearance and neutrality. I have to remind myself from time to time that most people are almost blind in comparison and live in a different reality frame work as a result. Empathy enables one to experience the aliveness in all things. But it can happen that it can feel like a curse especially when day in day out it is mostly about drowning in everything. I agree with Robert that its not that we perceive the data thats the problem, my view is that sometimes its hard to let the data go; we somehow identify with it, probably due to shadow elements, old wound patterns etc. In the long run empathic overwhelm seems to be stimulating self mastery, but it can be gruelling. There is an obvious vibrational difference between ones own emotional emergy and the emotional-psychic data extracted from the collective field or other people, and one can slowly by paying attention each time, learn to differentiate between the two, and if it is a case of 'both/and' discern the ratio and then that allows one to release the portion that isn't personal while resolving ones own highlighted material. The notion of an empathic soul is appealing as it opens up the way to find a better orientation, which may allow for more acceptance, steadfastness and endurance. High volatge empathy means accepting a different road, and not comparing oneself with traditional lifestyle models; we need to honour our innate skill-gifts and learn to cooperate with them in order to find the resonant ways in which to put them to good use. Patience. Life is a process toward fulfillment and we are not all in the same 'race' so to speak. Success is garnered in the living of the life we were born to live.
  • @Hummingbird1880
    This is the first time I have ever heard HSPs / empaths discusses in this way! Mind blown! Thank you Robert
  • You've made me discover I am an empathic soul! I feel other dimensions, I felt angels, dead relatives, students 'energy which drains me at the end of the day...I "fight" with them...
  • @devilmtn
    Yes. The objective is to channel the energies. This IS the empathic soul's contract.
  • @Rachelle-Rising
    “Sage ain’t takin’ care of that!!” LOL 😂😂😂 Oh my gosh! Spittin some truth as always Robert! Thank you! I deeply appreciate your intuitive perspectives and wisdom!! 🙏♏️🥰💫♒️❤️‍🔥
  • @Girlonawhirl
    Just landed here today, right day and time to listen to this learning, and, to read the first brilliant and correct comment from Aquila. I am so happy to have arrived x
  • @leuw357
    greatings from a high voltant soul >>🐾🦁🐾 rhs A neg. + 4 color green eyes 200 % EMPATH its all given to mee and I am still standing . copperblod is my "secrit" 🙌
  • When I read an article about one of my former students is looked for by the California police because he shot two people, I started crying in my house, instantly, taking to him in my soul:" Why, Dreon, why? "
  • @joybird5495
    So happy to come across your videos. I am an empath who has tried all my life to be a type A extrovert, and I’m exhausted.
  • @RachPearlman
    I am so grateful to have found your work. I am picking up what you’re putting to down to keep it simple. Thank you!!!
  • Thank you Robert! You are wonderful! Much love and appreciation towards you! 🙏❤️