Edward Said on Culture and Imperialism @YorkUniversity (1993) #EdwardSaid #Culture #Imperialism

Published 2019-10-20
Edward Said explores the long-overlooked connections between the Western imperial endeavor and the culture that both reflected and reinforced it.

All Comments (17)
  • Currently struggling to read his CULTURE & IMPERIALISMS. This talk helps me feel I am understanding as I go.
  • @maisarah961
    BRILLIANCE! SCINTILLATING BRILLIANCE! Edward Said was a gift to us. All communities and all persons on the face of this earth (no matter the size, minorities and majorities alike) must learn from this great man, lest it is perpetual folly they desire; confined and imprisoned in constructed realities, for people in every community strive to be more superior than every other - every culture, every race, every ethnicity, every tradition, every rite, every ritual (as Nehru once pointed out) Edward Said is urging you to liberate yourself, and thus liberate every human being from this perpetual illusion we often fail to see as a vicious cycle, a mental deformity, a sickness of the soul. What a beautiful man, and what a brilliant mind! My favourite thinker, intellectual, humanitarian, scholar, author, and person from the 20th century. I miss you, Edward.
  • @samibabar
    Thankyou for putting up this lecture
  • @johnjosmith42
    Glorious, entirely ~ thank you for posting πŸ‘ πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§
  • @samibabar
    One word, Brilliant!! An infallible analyst.
  • @AudioPervert1
    Brilliant ! What he says and how he explains the massively detrimental effect of Orientalism and Western Chauvanism. However, little or never he spoke of similar inequalities and unfair practices which exist within each region of the vast Orient .. be it Iran or India or Far East etc etc.
  • @VishmiWijeratne
    This is a great lecture, can I know where and when it was done?