Ep. 17 Parkinson’s and Quitting My Job

Published 2022-03-08

All Comments (21)
  • @patrogers6297
    I’m struggling to express how much “humanity” comes through in your videos. Nothing artificial. Just very genuine feelings.
  • @MyPDDaily
    I feel you. Tears came to my eyes. I had similar experiences but with teaching. I physically walked into work like a little old lady. It was all I could do to get through the day. Now, all I can manage is teaching one college course two quarters per year. And that has to be carefully timed for my medication and sleep issues. Thank you so much for sharing. You don’t know how important this is to me to hear. But I know one thing if anybody could know you would. God bless you.
  • @1983mojo1
    I was laid off from my job of 38 years in 20020 about 3 years after Iwas diagnosed with PD.I knew it was coming because I could see my performance dropping fast. My memory has gone way down hill and I cant read my own writing . But I will say I have enjoyed being retired though I really wanted to leave my job on my own terms. I was 59 when I got canned and knew no way to get hired any where else.
  • Jeremy, i am so proud of you for hanging in there as long as you did. You have family that would love to re-connect whrn you are ready.
  • Thank you so much for sharing. I was diagnosed seven years ago. Somehow I’m still working which I’m grateful for as I live alone. Nine months ago however I fell down a full flight of concrete stairs. I sustained a couple of brain injuries in different spots. Parkinson’s was never brought up as I still have not told anybody. However I know the paramedics read my bracelet but not sure if they told my boss or not. I’m still off work. My time to walk away is coming very rapidly and it’s terrifying. Thank you for sharing your story. It does help.
  • @Michele2Alpha
    Thank you for sharing. I know that had to be a hard step for you. I was diagnosed last month and started Sinemet a few weeks ago. I was dealing with slowness, limping, and occasional tremor (all on left side). I totally understand what you mean about feeling almost back to normal after starting the pills. It's been nice typing fast again. I'm extremely independent, and I TRY not to think about what my future looks like now. I think like you....I'll work until to the bitter end. Hope all is going well for you now.
  • @ashlax
    I can relate you, God bless us all
  • @wayneteague9266
    Thank You...I'm at the quitting point but hard to bring myself to stop. I'm at the breaking point.
  • @cannontrail348
    That was a tough place even for able bodied people. I couldn’t do that job today. 2nd shift stacking cases yuck. Best of luck to you.
  • @scottfannin5051
    I’m at this point right now and have the same worries you did. Thank you for the video.
  • @aurorascott6829
    Thank you for sharing such a personal and touching video. I was officially diagnosed just a week ago. I turned 58 yrs old this past March. I subscribed to your channel because your videos offer me comfort and a way to relate to someone that is going through what I'm starting to go through. God Bless.
  • Hey Jeremy, thanks for sharing such a difficult and painful story that we all live out in some way. Saying goodbye was hard for me too, but I knew I couldn't win anymore. Well done!
  • @dasmiths69
    Love ya man! Thank you for your transparency. As we spoke a couple of weeks ago, I am worried about my ability to work. Physically I am ok for now, but I’ve noticed my cognitive abilities diminish over the past couple of years. Hoping that will level off and I can get 8-10 more good years in (I work from home).
  • @Mrtd318
    Thank you for sharing🙌🏻 my husband is currently having his early symptoms of PD. Listening & learning on what you’re going through makes me anticipate & understand the process& how heartbreaking it is to have the limitations that you didn’t expect ..It will be tough,but as they say, when the going gets tough, the tough gets going!🙏🏻
  • What ever happens mate do not give up, i have it i know it and have being there
  • @danpalmer7676
    Just seen this and i totally know how you felt.I have Parkinson's(2014) and i have hit that wall of 'can i keep doing this'. I wont bore you with a list of things i am struggling with physically and mentally but it's the realisation that your best days are done. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and i hope you are well.
  • My work life was part blue collar, coming from the fire service and occupational safety and health, so I get the physical aspect. I retired under similar conditions, not pd although I have pd now. The process was humiliating as I had to describe, in writing, the many ways in which I had become a liability. It's the worst way to leave a career. Now, I just have a part time cashier's job in an arts and crafts store, but I love it. I'm having a bit of trouble already, though, and I see what's coming down the road eventually. So, here we go again, I guess.
  • Thank you for the heartfelt video! Watching it, even if I didn’t have Parkinson’s I could still feel your pain and totally relate. Having a supportive and loving spouse is one thing I am so thankful for!! You too have that support, your wife sounds like a great woman!!