Duping on Pay-To-Win Minecraft Servers Doesn't Always go According to Plan

Published 2022-12-10

All Comments (21)
  • @SalC1
    If you're looking for the report link, I removed it from here just so Mojang doesn't get spammed. If you still want to report the server, just Google for the report form. Make sure to be specific when filling it out!
  • @h3ctic504
    The whole fake sale thing is illegal under consumer law in Australia đź‘Ť
  • @TheAfker
    the fact they're so on the ball with checking plots of new players, shutting down and rollbacks, i think this is the first time ive seen a p2w server being operated like an actual buisness instead of some people just scamming. Not to say they're not scamming, they clearly are but its strange (to me at least) to see it so co-ordinated
  • Imagine being a parent and having your kid come up and say "Hey, can I have 8 dollars? It's for a set of items on this Minecraft server." Also the fake sale thing isn't just a deceptive business practice, it's actually illegal in some parts of the world
  • "Even with duping we can't keep up with the P2W" is an incredible indictment of the server.
  • @Remyria
    above efficiency 39, you get nothing more, you insta break obsidian already
  • That fake sale thing is actually a crime in Australia and the UK.
  • @Ry_By1
    The "sale" lasted for over 4 years or more(I sometimes played this server and it was always displaying"sale"), staff and players just got used to it
  • @Mr.Shwartz
    Its not just deceptive what the server shop did, its actually illegal in certain countries. EDIT: Due to all the new information circulated in the comments, I think it would be best to say it is most certainly illegal in the country the server is listed in and basically every free country in the world. Wow.
  • @kinetic_knife
    Literally doing more then mojang when it comes to p2w servers
  • @thevideoman12
    This would be so much more fun and effective if you guys would stay low and distribute over time to have a lasting impact that cant be fixed with a rollback
  • @sourhour3403
    Something I want to note about the high efficiency on the pickaxe, I wouldn't be surprised if they have custom blocks that take much longer to break. Prison servers are basically clicker games, and you gotto keep scaling those infinitely
  • "Efficiency 120" should become a major meme for this channel.
  • @PinwuMC
    Even tho they acted very fast, it’s still a win if they shutdown the server for 2 hours. That makes players go to another servers and new players to just leave. The time i duped on plateou it was exactly the same. The owner shutdown the server for 10 hours and he did a 7-hour rollback
  • @thefancytiefling
    I know I'm a bit late to the party but I managed to crash an entire server with kelp. It was a money earning server where much like this you could get money to buy upgrades and other cool things through selling resources. I figured out that I could buy with my starter money just enough to forward a large plot of land, a shit ton of glass, two water buckets, and 10 kelp as well as the sand to grow it on. I then proceeded to sell the raw kelp to get enough to get some cobblestone and make myself a furnace as well as get enough coal and wood to make a crafting table and expand my processing. After about 3 days of people looking at my process and laughing at it because of how slow I was earning money compared to everybody else. People stop paying attention to me and I use that opportunity to keep expanding. I bought three other plots around me and connected them together to make a large tank I then used a plant booster beacon to increase their growth speed. What people didn't realize is the kelp when dried can be turned into kelp blocks. My one in-game currency could sell for seven when made into a kelp block. The funny thing about kelp blocks is they can be used for fuel as well. Thus eliminating The need for wood or coal. I also set up a collection system that would compile all of the kelp together and feed it into a massive auto smelter that would siphon off some of the dried kelp into an autocrafter that would turn it into kelp blocks and then would send those via rail all the way back up to refeed the system count blocks and any excess or dropped off into the chest. With the kelp growing at really good speed, each stock being able to bring 75ish kelp per minute. I had effectively made a infinite money generator that id just have to clear out once and a while. No one realized what was going on until I was selling thousands of blocks at a time making thousands of dollars in minutes using it to expand outwards and increase my automation. I added smokers in the next update and the system got even faster going up to about $30,000 every 15 minutes worth of profit. I then bought an auto seller that would automatically sell the items for me so I literally had to do nothing. While I sat back and let it work other people began to see what I was doing and very rapidly started changing over to a kelp base economy XD everyone was selling off their old supplies to the market and starting kelp farms by using my publicly visitable one as a reference. Some even hiring me to make them smaller versions. Between the startup cost of my kelp farm, the efficiency, the infinite fuel for other projects, and the mass of the amount of income. I manage to single-handedly crush them. It was then that they dropped the price of a kelp block from 7 to 1 But people were generating it so fast and mine had gotten so big that even that wasn't enough and they couldn't put a value less than one in their programming. Other people began to swap over that we're holding out up until that point and it ultimately resulted in me getting removed from there for supposed exploiting despite me having played by their exact rules and their exact market. They got so angry that I ruin their economy with kelp that they ultimately ended up shutting it down after everyone demanded I come back on because I didn't violate the rules and everyone either got banned or left this pay to win server. They tried to start up a new one and I joined under an alias and did the same exact thing but this time I didn't make it out of glass and instead made out of obsidian with a pretty good looking iron golem farm on the outside to make it look like it was just a mob Grinder And iron golem farm. Little did they know it was like kelp farm in disguise underneath and they removed me again once I got over a million currency. They got so mad that they started messaging me privately asking me to stop but due to their false ban rather than them just talking to me first then asking me to chill out. I refused. Then they banned kelp entirely in their next one. The problem is bamboo has the same exact qualities but doesn't require water which makes it even cheaper to work and I did the same exact thing. They IP banned me XD
  • @Pritam252
    I've always wondered why I never see fails, turns out Creators like you have to cut out the painful part.
  • @The_Horizon
    I can hear the Purple Prison players vigorously typing "OUR SERVER IS NOT P2W!!!!" in the comments rn
  • Actually, servers that are on a version prior to 1.19 can not be banned by Mojang, because they can use what is known as an SRV Rotator to get around the blacklist, even if Mojang blacklists the server. Many big servers have actually already been blacklisted by Mojang, but continue to operate nonetheless. I think this may have been patched in version 1.19, but I'm not sure. There may be a new work-around as well, and many servers still operate on version 1.12 or even 1.8 as well, in which case the patch will not apply. In addition, many servers these days are beginning to use plugins that automatically, "scan," through each player's inventory every few seconds, and if a suspicious quantity of expensive items is detected, it can notify staff. Some of the plugins are very advanced, and can rollback only the duped items. Some plugins even scan chests that players interact with, and mark the coordinates of any chest with a suspicious quantity of items. Do with that information what you will, I used to be a developer for a large P2W server.
  • You guys opened my eyes to exactly how P2W EVERYTHING has gotten. I'd been on many servers that I didn't think were P2W simply because when the EULA first changed, the server I was admin on just classified everything as a technicality "well technically they could earn this, it'll just take forever" and at first that was my mindset when planning my own server, but realizing how sleezey that was I completely deleted Rank packages and crates from my plans going forward and have forsaken the idea that "they can earn it eventually". now all packages moving forward are planned to be global. if one player makes a donation, EVERYONE gets the reward. If one player decides to be a whale, everyone else will love them for it
  • @JonkerHimself
    I’ve been watching for ages, I am really excited to see how you ratio another server. You’re doing gods work because not only is it lying to consumers and breaking Minecraft’s TOS, there are hundreds of kids and their parents being ripped off and literally feeding these servers. The exploitation is disgusting and just sad