Agroforestry on upland farms in the UK

Published 2021-10-28
For more information and resources about agroforestry, visit

Three upland farmers talk about the benefits of giving their livestock access to trees and hedgerows, and why it's good for the animals, soil health, biodiversity, the environment and the bottom line.

Meet Andrew Barbour from Mains of Fincastle in Perthshire, Glasnant Morgan from Pwllyrhwyaid Farm near Brecon in Wales and Freya Meredith from Lower Withecombe Farm on Dartmoor in Devon.

We also hear from Luke Dale Harris, Innovative Farmers silvopasture trial coordinator from FWAG SW, and Kate Still from the Soil Association Farming Team.

Supported by FABulous Farmers
with Innovative Farmers ( and Soil Association Forestry

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All Comments (21)
  • We planted around a thousand or so native trees and hedgerow shrubs 10 years ago. It is now a productive, sheltering and nectar rich life system. Birds, bees, chickens and humans benefit from them. And hazelnut pesto is a revelation. Keep planting like your life depends on it.
  • This video just makes me feel the world will heal sooner if we have enthusiastic agroforestry lovers like those in the videos. My wishes for a good harvest 🙏
  • @HomeschoolSonya
    Really well-produced and convincing documentary showing why it's so important to plant trees. Well done all the interviewees and the Soil Association
  • @mhmdslipe
    This video makes me live safely and freely. It will make the world recover from all stress. We have lovers to grow and invest in crops. This is very beautiful.
  • @itzsleazy6903
    I'm very happy to see initiatives like this in the UK and I hope more farmers can identify areas that they invest in agroforestry
  • @willmcmanus1413
    When sound business includes excellent land stewardship - examples of farmers at their best. Thank you for the inspiration.
  • @Ezmoshe1
    I really enjoyed that video. Its cool to see how the livestock and forest are able to support one another.
  • I'm growing macadamia trees and sharing them on my channel. Macadamia trees grow strongly, are suitable for barren lands and provide quite stable income. afforestation is very good
  • I loved your documentation style. When farmers are compassionate about animals and environment its so heart warming. #Savesoil
  • @dajosee
    This is an education and an inspirational one at that
  • This is just a revival of farming methods of centuries ago before 'we humans' cut down the forests for warfare - all the points made in the video are so relevant and true, why have we forgotten how to live with the land instead of off it? Money that's why - I'm so pleased there is a real initiative for those farmers who have lost sight of this to take this on board proper land management and make a difference. Years of intensive farming have destroyed land, wildlife and animal welfare conditions. This revival of living with the land is long long overdue, hurrah for common sense!
  • It would be great to see examples of agroforestry nut crops in the UK, 40x more efficient in terms of energy over animal farming