Published 2024-02-26

This is an explenation about night calls.

I have received so many telepathic night calls in the past for basically nothing, that I do not take these serious anymore.

There seems to be a gang experimenting
with telepathic Psychotronic technology
to call someone out at night into the woods...

You seemed to see me if looking shortly out of the window, by your telepathic dialogue
where I expect that you make your self visible.

Could be such as a scraft softly glowing
of hovering up in the sky.
But basically I rely now
onto the what the real SSP CAN DO
such as EBE's coming into the room
and pick someone up into the craft.!

Even human SSP can do as reported by thruthers
such as Alara Black well, Corey Goode, Black Cousins...

Perhaps it is a different SSP
without this tech.

The past however showed that when ever getting a call, that either some snipers made prank shots or laser designator beams.

So the question is if that is really the SSP or some others exercising some stupidity.
Maybe is a clandestine op by Russian proxies
testing to get someone to a place....

All Comments (5)
    The synthetic telepathic beam seemed coming from a hill ca. 300 meters NW / North of my bed room 50 meter radius around G-maps coordinates 45.9327796, 10.8228891
    ⭐🛸😇 GOOD MORNING SSP ( secret space program ). March 3rd 2024 NEW TLP CALL RECEIVED I have received calls in the night from 2nd to 3rd about 3 times a mental call similar as in the movie " the Navigator " to come out and connect mentally. So I went out and stood out near the Village, meditating and trying to connect to sense who it might be and it seemed to connect to call in. Nothing visible occured. Then again a call at about 2 and 5 AM where I then went to my balcony. It seemed to come from the North direction where previously have sensed Reptillic presences. It might be reptillians from the Moon or other looking like tall Galapagos reptiles but with human body and cat eyes... I think is not vise to come closer because mental scanns showed that they see humans as chickens to eat.
    So for example what happens is that some one talks into the mind. The bed starts vibing with negative energy grooves of death. The external area where one is supposed to go to appears attractive. Seems like a push and suck technique ... It is like a go now or stay for ever in the old shit moment. I believe that this opportunity of getting to the new World or with an SSP is always present.. Because they have such fast resources and technologic capabilities allowing them to get someone when ever desired anywhere... Out of the center of a city such as Munich or other Moons in the Solar System. Because they can shift the craft invisible even for radar and light spectrums because phased into a different areal dimension. They can walk through walls. They can phase a person in the bed into an altered dimension physic that allowing them to hover up the body throught the walls. They can teleport a person by establishing a sphere around one...
    ⭐🛸😇 GOOD MORNING SSP ( secret space program ). March 3rd 2024 NEW TLP CALL RECEIVED I have received calls in the night from 2nd to 3rd about 3 times a mental call similar as in the movie " the Navigator " to come out and connect mentally. So I went out and stood out near the Village, meditating and trying to connect to sense who it might be and it seemed to connect to call in. Nothing visible occured. Then again a call at about 2 and 5 AM where I then went to my balcony. It seemed to come from the North direction where previously have sensed Reptillic presences. It might be reptillians from the Moon or other looking like tall Galapagos reptiles but with human body and cat eyes... I think is not vise to come closer because mental scanns showed that they see humans as chickens to eat. I think that they are in a war with human SSP here on Earth and possibly attempt to catch people using Psychotronic seduction technology. In case some hybrid reptiles front these read that...I do not desire nor intend to join nor encounter you...even if you invite or seduce by saucer...