how to download a wistia video without any chrome extensions in 2021

Published 2021-10-13
Trying to download a wistia video off of a website or inside a course can be extremely frustrating. Rather than reverting to OBS and just screen recording, or using some scammy website or chrome extension for Wistia downloading, I found some simple code you can use to make the process easy.

It took me an hour or so to really get fast at it - and then saved this video to mainly help myself in the future :)

Here's "how to download a wistia video without any chrome extensions in 2021" Enjoy.

Any content inside the video is shared under fair use as educational content.
Copyright disclaimer - don't download content you don't have the rights to. Even though this video makes it easy to download videos on the internet - particularly Wistia videos in 2021, don't be a rule breaker.

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