Nuclear convoy passes through an English village

Published 2023-12-01
Very polite nuclear convoy passing through Brize Norton during a cold winter evening. Lots of waves & beeps from the personnel.

All Comments (21)
  • @jaychqpr97
    love how the fire brigade is there to put out the nuke if it goes off edit: the number of you that think Im serious is actually worrying.
  • @smokeybarr
    Plot twist. The nuclear weapon is actually in the Kia across the road going the other way.
  • @CobraEmergency
    A very English convoy. Politely letting the kids cross, hands up, sweet village...etc. Right time, right place, well captured.
  • @TommyBahama84
    I don't think she realised the sheer armageddon that drove through her quaint little village.
  • @jonelson1983
    Nuclear convoy drives by, a once in a lifetime event, and some daft soul just bleats on about not filming kids…
  • "Is there any reason why you need to take the photos" she vacantly asks as the most awe-inspiring military convoy passes by carrying nuclear material... smh, some people are just dumb.
  • @cp4512
    Karen complaining about filming, thinking it’s all about her and her kids and not filming the massive convoy with blue flashing lights coming up the road. How entitled and self obsessed! 😂😂😂
  • @ABLYamimash3
    "Just got some lorries". What a reductive way of putting that 😂
  • @TheVicar
    BluelightTV obviously looks for very rare scenarios where a nuclear convoy passes near to where kids are crossing roads, in twilight whilst they're heavily clothed in winter gear, and then he can get the camera rolling with a perfect cover story for his actions But Karen was onto him like a hawk There's no fooling her
  • @garthcox4307
    A convoy with everything. Police, soldiers, a fire engine and breakdown trucks. Leaving nothing to chance!
  • @jons6125
    Thats so funny “is there any reason you need to take photos?” um….have you seen the massive blue light flashing heavy truck nuclear convoy? No I’m not at all interested in your poxy kids Karen.
  • @NickLea
    I never realised before that there was also a spare tractor unit and also a recovery unit following on behind just in case.
  • @boiledelephant
    Fun fact: although specifically targetting and filming one person can constitute harassment, in general, everyone in the UK has a right to just go into public spaces and film whatever and whomever they want. By going into public you are considered to have waived your right to not be filmed or photographed. (Contrast France, where the opposite applies and it's illegal to film anyone, even in passing)
  • @nelsonclub7722
    The sign saying 'Give Way To Oncoming Vehicles' was literal to the extreme.
  • @dabrahamturner
    Love the fire engine giving the kids a little toot on the horn there.
  • @smooley
    Bit scared that my next recommended video is "biggest fireworks you've ever seen"
  • i like to think the bloke filming was holding the nosy bint away with one hand and filming with the other
  • @PLuMUK54
    Some of the comments suggest that it's unusual to see these convoys. I've seen many across the country, and I just thought that they were ordinary military convoys when I first began seeing them. I happened to mention them to a colleague whose son, I think, was in the military. I was quite surprised when I was told what the convoys were. My surprise was not that they were transporting these, but that I'd never given it a thought before then. Maybe I used to think that they sprinkled them with fairy dust, and they were magically tranferred across the country powered by unicorn farts! 😂