Total MK Is A Total JOKE - An Anti-DEI Grifter

Published 2024-06-30
This week, MK content creator Total MK decided to head to Twitter and go on a seemingly unhinged and completely uninformed tirade against Takeda Takahashi's upcoming inclusion to Mortal Kombat 1. Today we take a look at those tweets and discuss why he's completely full of it and why anti-DEI grifters should be exposed.

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#mortalkombat1 #takeda #streetfighter6

All Comments (21)
    Bro will stand in direct sunlight for a couple hours then cry he's getting race swapped.
  • @Uber_scorpion
    Ah yes a guy named Takeda Takehashi son of a Japanese guy named Kenshi and a Thai woman named Suchin was clearly a white guy all along.
  • @espurrseyes42
    >Japanese Name. >Japanese Father w/ Japanese Name. >Asian Mother w/ Asian Name. >Asian Mentor (not relevant, but I'm still mentioning Scorpion). "Is this a white guy?"
  • Takeda’s father is Japanese and his mother was Thai in the original timeline. Quite the mix we have here. The question is, how are you gonna call Takeda white when 1)His first and last name give half of his ethnicity, 2)MKX used custom face models rather than faces of real people so how could you judge Takeda’s ethnicity on that?
  • @Re-PhantomZero
    HOOO, oh my god "Asians can have tan skin too?", oh man is this man for real how can he say something like that. 😂
  • @bladekyro
    My thing is that did he always think Takeda was white? Cause how come he didn't have an issue with it in MKX?
  • @soloeclipse8050
    As dumb as this situation is, I can’t imagine what his reaction is gonna be when he finds out what they did to Cyrax and Sektor.
  • @blytchez
    total MK aint the sharpest knife in the drawer.
  • @theotherky
    So, what, he got mad that Takeda's face actor changed? NRS has done that for the past 3 MK games. Surprised he didn't complain about Scorpion in 11.
  • @ZackExplorer28
    it doesn't take a genius to realize that Takeda was and always has been Asian.
  • @duatchol7710
    This guy is grifting, but he’s highlighting one of NRS’ biggest mistakes with MKX MKX (although assigning different races in lore) presenting everybody as Caucasian in both skin and voice acting Takeda, Tanya, Mileena, Kitana What’s so annoying is that the real criticisms they got at the time did help them solve these problems to having slightly more accurate representations of culture But instead it also lead for them to go even farther than they ever needed too working with companies like sweet baby inc
  • @OtaniNoAsagi
    These grifters are becoming so annoying. Just trying to follow the bandwagon of hating on something, anything without knowing why. They are so dumb.
  • These people are the reason DEI exists. They have no issues when characters are race swapped to white.
  • @wildsword6856
    This stupid culture war really needs to stop right now beacuse its really getting out of hand
  • @espurrseyes42
    Ya know, this reminds me of the dumb drama over some guy calling Kimberly the first black female character in Street Fighter, ignoring the existence of Elena from 3 and 4 and Menat from 5 and failing to understand that black doesn't exclusively mean African American.
  • @mc_zittrer8793
    Next he's gonna imply that Jax was a DEI-op this whole time since like....1993. A lot of things about MK have rubbed me the wrong way in recent years, but the fact that it's always been a boiling pot of nationalities and cultures has never been one of those reasons. It's a fight for Earth Realm against an invading super-powered dictator. It makes perfect sense that every nationality in the world would have a stake in this fight, and send all their biggest badasses to help. Getting hung up on varying skintones between games seems like such a tiny-brain strategy to do. People in this game are friends with Johnny Cage, you gonna tell me none of them went to the tanning salon with him?
  • Games have always have diversity. Players care about that what they care about is if the story is gonna be woke, dumb or preachy. Look at Warhammer 40k trailer. That's a rather diverse cast. No one cares because it looks like it's gonna be a really great game that you can play with your friends.
  • You got to remember though; anyone of any ethnicity can have tanned or dark skin. It's dependent usually on how much melanin is activated by UV raidiation, as we all have melanin in our skin cells to protect us from UV radiation. Environment is also a factor too. The more tropical or arid the climate, the darker skin you're gonna get. Europeans and some Asians are paler because of environment, climate and personal treatment of their skin. Generally, the more genetically predisposed toward melanin content in your skin cells, the darker you'll be. For myself, I quite like dark skin on people, it looks rather beautiful.