How to throw the javelin | #3 | The javelin grip

Published 2020-08-29
In this Video you can learn three different grip styles for javelin throwing. Of course I also show you the way I do it in most situations!

All Comments (21)
  • @erick.supermoto
    This is the peak of interaction with fans, if your idol teaches you how to improve, cheers to you Thomas!
  • @mikeknowshow
    Tried the "V" grip today throwing with a practice javelin, and I like it a lot. I would have never thought to hold the javelin that way. Danke
  • @thehawkman8017
    I LOVED THE " V " GRIP, you can actually hear the " whoosh, or whang" noise when I hit the javelin at the moment of releasing the javelin, people around me and especially the officials, I could always hear them commenting on how much " power" was in that throw lol, u can truly hear the noise the javelin makes at the moment of release , I started of with what Thomas calls the American grip, and I then upgraded too V grip and at the age of 14 years old, I started my first ever comp with 33metres, then within 3 months at the national championships I won 2nd place with a 74metre throw.
  • @thehawkman8017
    You have one of THE BEST THROWING TECHNIQUES EVER, U ALSO PROVE THAT javelin throwing isn't about how massive the thrower is, it's all down too technique and the use of fast twitch muscle fibres that enables you too really hit the javelin, and as soon as it leaves my hand I would know straight away if it's going too be a big throw, as i love that feeling of how it propels u forward and the way the arm just EASILY follows thru, only throwers who know what I'm talking about when it comes too that " FEELING" U GET ONCE IT LEAVES THE HAND AND IT FEELS LIKE YOU REALLY PUNCHED IT OUT THERE. GOOD LUCK AT THE OLYMPICS MY FRIEND, I DREAMT U WILL HIT AT LEAST 94M.. YOU WILL DEFINITELY WIN A MEDAL, IT WILLBE BETWEEN YOU AND JOHANNES , GOOD LUCK THOMAS. FROM HAKAN
  • @stanleyhahaha
    Cleared the myth of the grip, such a good lesson. Coach Thomas! : P
  • @Brijesh_Nailwal
    Nice to have you back. Thank you sir. And congratulations for the baby 🥳🥳
  • @krutharthr1768
    Man, I was waiting for this ever since the last video, nice to see you, sir.
  • @mong24
    I wished I seen your training videos 10 years ago, when I was throwing in middle school to high school…
  • Thanks a lot for this video, it will rly help when i have my athletics comp tomorrow. I hope your hands r ok, they looked a bit rough. Stay safe and happy!
  • @somamisra6350
    absolutely the great man n great athelet.I am big fan of u sir
  • @kutiess7636
    Sir which is the good grip for jawline throw
  • Hii sir ,Thank u for its and please upload video continuously 💓💓💓