Published 2022-07-21

All Comments (21)
  • All One Punch Man fans know this fight is gonna break the internet when fully animated for sure.
  • @Melodic22
    This proves Saitama is also a genius himself. Remember Saitama without training killed that crab monster with a necktie, A FREAKING NECKTIE!
  • @db5094
    Was so interesting how as soon as Garou was no longer a worthy challenger, the drawing of Saitama changes and he goes right back to not caring. Speaks a lot to the aims of saitama.
  • @Doflaminguard
    This actually proves that Saitama is a genius. He learned a meta-martial art that gives time powers in a single session. He just doesnt wanna train because punching is enough.
  • @ikshu2708
    Just imagine if they would have decided to continue with the story of Garou and Saitama discussing it out while having tea we would have never got these spectacular fights....Whoever decided to change the story - Big W
  • @avillegas8857
    My theory is that Saitama's power is simply ultimate force of will, mind over matter. If he believes he can do something, no matter how silly or impossible, he can do it. It started when he was training, collapsed and WILLED himself to get up, to ignore pain, to reject weakness. Now he feels no pain and has no weakness.
  • OMG..the climax is so cleverly delivered by the creator. He saved the legacy of One Punch Man. Saitama and Garou threw so many punches in their fight but in the end everyone saw Saitama defeating Garou in One Punch. Smart.
  • @ellie2501
    I don’t know if this was obvious or not but what I found coolest was that instant change of tone when Saitama mentioned it was cold. I doubt he was very cold at all, rather, he simply became so powerful that he no longer was paying any mind to the fight. He had grown so much that garou became yet another weak enemy.
  • It’s the fact that the Serious Sneeze and Serious Fart are basically two of the most powerful attacks in the series truly shows the wonderful absurdity of OPM.
  • @arob3987
    The image of Garou in tears about his own failure and own righteousness only to see Saitama standing there patiently, holding onto Genos' core has got to be one of the best defining moments for Saitama yet. He isn't acting as a hero for fun, he's acting entirely out of his own sense of what is right and expresses a mental capacity beyond his own righteousness. Truly a spectacle to behold.
  • Notice how the further Saitama got in strength from Garou, the more Saitama started to devolve from his Serious mode. Showing he is taking things less seriously.
  • @whitewing2
    By the looks of it, Even the laws of time travel doesnt affect Saitama, that core shouldnt be in his hand if Genos hasnt yet been killed, but because Saitama holds it firmly, Its existence still remains
  • I appreciate seeing character improvement from Garou, when he notices what happened to Tareo. Even though he caused the radiation himself.
  • @BrydyC
    "I'll leave tomorrow's problems to tomorrow's me" - Saitama This chapter puts this into a literal sense now
  • @EinManU
    Imagining that saitama just keeps multiplying his power thats already made people think "will he ever even be challenged?" if hes in a dire situation is insane. He's basically going "oh, so you copied my "unbeatable"? I'll just go "unbeatable³" then."
  • @roquelabs7092
    I feel like knowing how dumb saitama is, he's gonna forget how to time travel and just move on with his life. Now that this arc is done, i can't wait to see Murata's version of Saitama vs Tatsumaki.
  • @akshayshah483
    Serious Sneeze, normal fart, time travel and Saitama learn ultimate martial art technique while testing salt, all in one chapter. Saitama is seriously genius too 😂😂.
  • @Andrewxx20
    This is a perfect example of the difference between broken limiter, and removed limiter. Garou broke his, and continued to grow infinitely at his genius martial art rate. Saitama removed his limited and basically adjusts the slider bar of power to what ever he wants. if he wants to double it, he doubles it.. tripple sure? he dont need to fight and grow, he just flicks a switch.
  • @GorbonM
    The sneeze feat is really insane when you think about it. In space there isn't any air, this means that you can't create a shock wave (unlike say while on earth). This means that the individual air particles where expelled with such force that they managed to get to jupiter and cause the giant shockwave there. Essentially the particles that were ejected would have to have to have gained energy probably quite a few times larger than earth's total energy (collectively) This gives us a Lorentz factor of 10^27 which means that they were going very close to light speed.