The ruins of Marineland

Published 2007-01-15
My son and I recently visited the ruins of the famed Marineland theme park on the Palos Verdes peninsula in California. The ruins have since been cleared to make way for yet another resort hotel.

All Comments (21)
  • @Walteria
    Thanks for the post. Marineland of the Pacific was a really cool place. Growing up in California in the '60's, I went there often. Lots of fond memories!
  • WOW - thanks for preserving, what some of us would consider, a bit of childhood history. I still remember seeing Orky and Corky. They even had a cameo on a Six Million Dollar Man episode.
  • @Vauxdracanis
    My dad used to take me to Marineland when I was a kid. When they opened Baja Reef, I thought it was the coolest thing in the world. I still remember swimming in that salt water pool with all kinds of fish and yes there were even a few small sharks.
  • @SpaceAceTX
    My parents took me to this around 1973, remember my dad putting the bumper sticker on our 1972 Pontiac. It was in the shape on a dolphin, was blue and said Marineland on it in script text. Funny how you remember the little tings like that from childhood
  • @snardlefarb
    thanks for posting this. haunted the empty grounds for years. scattered my granny's ashes off the coast here. pre-development, it was breathtaking. Terrornea is SUPER SPOOKY. Luxury ghost town ready to follow Marineland's path to obsolescence. so sad.
  • @tombradyfan7594
    I loved this place as a kid just about very weekend we went there:) Thank u for showing it. My dad passed away on 11-28-2007 and Its my childhood special place:) Patty 32 who misses my dad Thanks daddy for a great childhood I love and miss u very much so does Mike and Johnny your sons:)
  • I was there a young lad in 1960. Place made a huge impression on me. Got to visit one last time a month before it closed.
  • @patland1762
    I worked there summers for two years (1975 to 1976) and during the Christmas holidays while I was in High School. Very fond memories of Marineland of the Pacific.
  • @bearhollis
    I had forgotten all about this place until just now watching the movie "2010" (1984, the sequel to "2001") and noticing in the credits a producer 'thank you' to Marineland. A flood of memories of several visits as a kid came back; thank you for the visual reminder.
  • @jrae50021
    Thank you for the tour down memory lane. I went there as a kid and loved it.
  • @voicefromparis
    MArineland was a great destination for all who lived nearby like our family. You would take the curvy landslide-ridden road from San Pedro up through the EMPTY hills of Palos Verdes and past the strawberry and flower vendors to a spectacular destination. The biggest shame of its closing is the loss of the marine mammal hospital and rescue teams as well as the studies that were done there. It was a fun place and so wonderfully placed.
  • @300gradymarlin
    just watched the Emergency episode were Johnny and Roy rescued a man from the top of the tower ride. Sad to find out this place no longer exist.
  • @ErwinTipton
    I went there back 83 on a school field trip when they were open.
  • As a child, it was amazing. We went all the time! In retrospect, It makes me sad that I was entertained by captive animals, that has been proven weren't happy.
  • @pawolverine70
    I have been archiving my slides of my familys 1963 trip to California including Marineland. When labeling the slides I have been surfing the net for info and ran across your video. Good job. It brought back memories.
  • @okrajoe
    Fascinating video - thanks for posting. 
  • @CherzieBear
    SO MANY great memories of Marineland. Grandma used to take to me there & gosh was it a happy time. I live in NorCal now & last time I was down there, the line on the road was all wavey, like earth movement. Heck, we have earthquakes up the yin-yang here in The Geysers area quite often up here & I live close to the fault, so what can you say. I also adored The Pike in Long Beach & Knott's Berry Farm. It was FREE to get in back then & I'd ditch school on occassion to go there. Cool!
  • @thebakerman1
    Never even been to California but I know exactly how everybody feels about this. I've been in South FL all my life and we've seen the same things happen here as in most other places. It truly is sad to see so many true landmark places close after such a long run in society. It saddens me to see this even though I've never even been to any of these places because I can translate it to where I live. Life was so much simpler back then as was entertainment in general. Makes me sad thinking about it.
  • @jasonnwest
    I loved those ruins- they were sooo cool! When I went there one day and saw them bulldozing it all down, it made me sick to my stomach. A few weeks ago I drove through those stupid, ugly apartment buildings and felt sick again. Nice job, developers, for ruining such a cool place and replacing it with crap.