Disc Golf Discs that Seniors and Low Arm-Speed Players Can Throw.

Published 2023-05-19
There are lots of videos suggesting discs for beginners, but few, if any suggest discs for seniors and those with low arm speeds. Here are a few discs I can throw as a senior citizen disc golfer. These are just my opinions and suggestions. I’m just a recreational disc golfer and want other seniors and those with low arm speed to enjoy the game as much as I do!

00:00 Intro
00:56 Starter Pack
01:47 Farther, Not Further!
02:01 Discs to Try After Starter Pack
03:12 Premium Plastic Drivers
05:27 Type of Plastic Affects Flight
06:11 Type of Plastic Flight Comparison
07:34 Midrange Discs
08:55 Putters
10:04 Discs That Are a Little Faster
11:21 A Couple Disc Golf YouTube Channels I Recommend
11:47 We Need More Videos Geared Toward Seniors and Low Arm-Speed Players

Disc Golf YouTube Channels I recommend:
Robbie C Disc Golf: youtube.com/@RobbieCDiscGolf
Rippin Discs: youtube.com/@RippinDiscs
Follow-up video with a list of discs viewers recommended:    • List of Discs for Seniors and Low Arm...  

All Comments (21)
  • Thank You for the kind words Nick!! Great video! I can definitely make sure I throw some more love and focus towards our older players!! Everyone deserves the opportunity to enjoy this sport even more, even if you are starting at 60+ years young!
  • @Latitude64
    Great topic and video, Nick. You have a really natural and genuine manner! Have a great day! /Jonathan
  • Finally, a video on disc golf that I can relate to. I don't think younger guys realize that if I could get my body to move the way theirs does to throw the way they do, I would be throwing the same way they do. But I can't. While I enjoy watching those channels, Robbie C's included, they are talking about things I just can't do anymore. Would love to see some instructional videos for people over 65, who throw like old fogies because we are. A lot of good discs for our group have been mentioned and I've tried a lot of them. The Diamond and Jade are two that I like, but the one disc that would absolutely ruin my day if I lost is an Opto Air River. I can throw it just as far as any other disc I own on a straight line. The only problem I have with it is a crosswind and unfortunately, I live in a windy place. So, the disc stays in the bag more than I would prefer. It is also hard to throw on a fore hand for me. Recently obtained a Viking Cosmos in storm plastic, that is almost as good as the River, but does better in the wind.
  • @zafotbeeb
    I am 78 and just learning the game myself. Love the Diamond that you mentioned. I am not able to throw forehand and for that reason, love the MVP Uplink and Axiom Paradox mid ranges. For putters I started with MVP Anodes and still prefer them over many others I have tried. Many putters are to deep for me. Good idea to encourage us old farts to get off our backsides and get out there and do something physical.
  • @hsu939
    As a geezer (64) who loves disc golf, I'm so glad this video popped up! While I'm still in my 20s in my head, my physical reality is a bit different. 😬😅
  • @jeffpeterson939
    We are not old we are well seasoned. I enjoy all the info .
  • @stevewells5580
    70 year old dude here. My 14 year old grandsons got me into disc golf and wow, can they throw! Me, not so much. But your video is a GREAT HELP! You are correct -- there is NOT much content for us boomers.....ha, not a surprise. My forehand is getting better - had my best throws with the Beast, Leopard and Mamba. At this point, it's not the disc, it's me. And I'll get better. Thanks again!
  • @Wolfrunner25
    I love this. As a 58 yo female, I don't have the arm speed so I tend to throw lighter stuff as well. I've only been playing for about a year and a half. I have some of those same discs in my bag. I'm so thrilled to see a video geared towards the older player. Thank you for this. Keep on playing and enjoying the game!
  • @kevincobb4346
    I purchased a diamond after watching your video because my arm does not allow me to throw high speed. That is absolutely my new favorite disc! I am so glad I found your video and appreciate the advice. Now I’m looking for more that fly like it does! Thank you again.
  • I'm 57 years old and my go to disc's are the Innova Sidewinder, Westside Hatchet, Innova Mako 3 or Innova Atlas. Putters for approach MVP anode and foe putting the Paige pierce fierce.
  • The Number one goal of Disc Golf IS To Have Fun .My wife and I are bosh over 64. my wife being 5 ft. tall, loves the the Enova IT. It is a little heaver than what you recommend but it fly's nice at lower speeds. Her fav. disc is the box Leopard, she calls her the Warrior princess Diva. Does all.
  • @tombohr5802
    Great video. I am 66 and have been playing since the 80's. I remember when if you threw 350' you were a beast. I am amazed by the distances the kids throw these days. I have a bunch of disc's that are PDGA approved but were made prior to the flight numbering. We used to play courses where the holes used trees with two rings of tape to mark the baskets. I love the enthusiasm the young players have, but I also kind of miss when disc golf was a stoner sport player by tie dyed shirt wearing deadheads.
  • @cosmolean
    My son bought me the Innova starter disc set for my birthday when I retired and immediately became addicted to the game. I've probably got around 60 discs now and agree with most of your suggestions. The Infinite Discs Sphinx and the Yikun Wei are the first two distance drivers I had good results using and are usually inexpensive. Nice to see some content aimed at senior disc hurlers.
  • @sobikn
    Thanks Nick, great video for us older people (74 next month). My son got me started and enjoying every day. Plus great exercise walking. I think my favorite is the pink Lobster. When it hides in the bushes it’s easier to find it. Thanks again
  • @alexflynn8753
    Nick, this is great to see!! I feel like so many people are afraid to be amateur at something. I appreciate what you’re doing here.
  • Great video!! I’m 67. Been playing a while! Battled with cancer last year. And won but lost 50 lbs and all my distance. I now throw mostly mid ranges (. Love rocs. 162 gm. ). Don’t need a lot of arm speed and they will glide a long way!! I do have a destroyer in my bag. 175 gm. That is used for going around corners or trees because with my slow arm speed it bends corners very easy! So higher speed discs can be used by older people but for different reasons! Keep discing!!
  • @jhines0042
    I'm 50 and just getting into the sport -- wife is 52 and has slower arm speed than me. Thanks for putting this out!
  • @jgildeajr
    Westside underworld seems to be a great beginner driver for my newbie friends. I think a lightweight Crave could be a good first step into fairways too, as its in between a traditional mid and fairway. Rule of thumb, understable and lightweight discs will provide more glide(and usually by association, distance) to someome with a slower arm. These all seem to be great auggestions!