A Day In My Life With Chronic Lyme Disease!

Published 2021-11-06
I enjoyed making this "day in the life" video to show what one of my "better days" during lyme disease treatment looks like. There is a lot more I want to share with you guys, so I'm excited to make more videos soon. Let me know what you'd like to see. 💚

Things/products I have found useful for living with chronic illness →
DNRS Program (Brain Retraining): retrainingthebrain.com/?wpam_id=104
Low-Histamine Meats: www.whiteoakpastures.com/?rfsn=6527073.0053413
(15% off code: FUSEDWITHLOVE)
Redmond's Real Salt: shop.redmond.life/discount/RIBEYERACH?redirect=%2F…
(15% off code: RIBEYERACH)
Amazon favorites: www.amazon.com/shop/gonnetopots

My etsy store → www.etsy.com/shop/FusedWithLoveCo
My instagram → www.instagram.com/gonnetopots/
My blog → gonetopots.com/
My facebook page → www.facebook.com/gonetopots.rachael
My twitter → twitter.com/gone_to_pots

Some of the links in the description may be affiliate links! This basically means that if you purchase something through the link, I might receive a small commission (at no extra charge to you). Thank you so much for supporting my channel! ❤️️

#LymeDisease #ChronicIllness

All Comments (21)
  • @deborahkish5411
    It took 27 years after the bull's eye rash to finally be diagnosed with Lyme disease. I have late stage Lyme and I've had it for a total of 38 years. It destroyed my jaw joints and I've had a total jaw joint and mandible replacement. It was a 9 hour surgery with 2 surgeon's. I've had a total of 3 jaw surgeries. I suffer from horrible pain, but I'm still alive.
  • You are very lucky to have a boyfriend like that,trust me I’m surrounded by people that don’t and do not want to understand what I’m and we are passing
  • Thank you for sharing your journey ❤. I just started treatment for chronic lyme 1 year ago, so I can relate.. I like to see the different treatments...everyone is different. We are lucky to be getting treatment, considering that most Dr's don't believe in chronic lyme. And I can't stand that insurance does not cover it. It's expensive being sick! Hang in there, you will definitely be in my prayers. Healing takes time...
  • @DeadeyeDgen
    Hello how are you? Sorry you're going through this. I have been dealing with Rocky mountain spotted fever since 2019 definitely the worst thing I've ever dealt with in my Life. Glad that I found your channel
  • @ryankonesky7159
    Hey Rachael, I remember you from the climbing gym awhile back! Very surprised to see you on here when searching about chronic illness. I miss the climbing adventures and being strong also! A lot of memories to be grateful, but sometimes hard to accept things are currently different now. Thanks for sharing and I hope you're doing well!
  • @EE-xo3qr
    It's my 5 year chronic illness anniversary too - mine was in August. I always get sad in August because of this, the grief hits. I can relate to you looking back at old photos. I love watching your videos, keep hanging in there💜
  • @connorprovan2331
    you’ve come so far from this video to now 😭 it’s so cool to see & it amazes me that you stopped all these pills only to get better in the long run without them.
  • @NurseLisaTV
    Thank you for sharing your journey. I can relate so much to you and the Lyme days where I know I’m grateful for so many things, but at the same time crying because life is so difficult, challenging and sometimes depressing. I got so down on myself because I finally tried a short hike on thanksgiving and was in so much pain for days. I faked it through the visit with family but crashed when I got home and cried myself to sleep. I know there’s so many people in the world suffering so I often feel guilty on the days I’m sad. I was diagnosed in 2016 with Lyme, bartonella, babesia and mold toxicity finally after years of not knowing why I was sick. You’re so sweet, inspirational and kind and I thank you again for sharing your journey. It makes me and I’m sure many others feel not so alone. Hugs Lisa 😊
  • @flowerpixel
    I'm skinny as a rail with insulin resistance (heds,cci too) and going low carb changed my life. Even tho I love vegetables they make me extremely bloated. I have to lie down all day. Thanks for sharing your experiences. It makes me feel less crazy. Seeing old pics of myself makes me extremely emotional also. If I had known I would be this ill the rest of my life I would've *lived* more. I have to mourn for all the things I'll never experience
  • @The333Wanderer
    Rachael, my Giraffe and I are always excited to see how you are doing. Belated Happy Halloween. Even though it's first thing in your morning, you look great. 🎃🎃🎃🌹🌹🌹
  • @violetblythe6912
    Not sure if you’ve been able to eat vegetables again, but I once was on the same diet when my chronic illness was at its absolute lowest point. I can’t say for certain what helped improve it, as I tried a lot of things, anything that seemed to help a little, but over several years I did start having less and less bad days. I still have flare ups but I’ve been so much more functional overall, and can eat vegetables, fruits, and rice again (!!!!) with no issues which is amazing. I avoid the processed stuff still because it’s really hit or miss whether it causes me to flare up, but finally properly digesting and using fiber and antioxidants again has me feeling awesome.
  • @kamiloldak944
    Hi l got injured during bjj training. I was diagnosed with craniocervical instability. I have many symptoms that I deal with on a daily basis, including my entire body, problems with balance, vision, digestion, heart problems and many more. I've tried everything. Thanks to your videos, I decided not to have the surgery because I thought it was not worth it. as of today, unfortunately, medicine does not help us, I hope that one day they will be able to help us. I keep my fingers crossed for you and I will pray for you
  • @greybunnisoap72
    I have alpha gal and lyme, i have also been carnivore for 3 years now. I can eat chicken, turkey, seafood, alligator, duck, chicken livers, . I recently became allergic to eggs. The severe fatigue is the worst. I also have Dysautonomia but not officially diagnosed yet.
  • @iammellbell
    hehe I have those moments too where it's like this is so vibrant, pretty sure it looks like something I shouldn't be eating :P It will be so exciting to be able to set up your store stuff in a room in your home! That is so nice of the postman (or as we call them in Australia "the Postie" :P That pumpkin is soooo cute!!!!!! Thank you for the real talk in this video. Do you have any advice on chairs to sit on while you're outside? I noticed you're sitting on an outside reclining chair? that is a good idea :) Your skin is looking very bright and your cheeks have more colour - maybe another benefit of the diet? :) Loved seeing the trees!! That fire looks so nice!! I am so glad you are getting to enjoy your home more and more and am loving seeing it. I didn't know about the hack!!!! It was so good to see a day/s in your life and to hear from you! Looking forward to hearing more about how you're diet is going :) Lots of love and I hope you're neck flare has settled :\
  • @carissafunk7023
    Hey Rachel! Glad you're seeing some improvements!!! Just wondering (maybe you said in a different video) how long does lyme disease treatment last? Once you've treated it, is it done/over, or will this be a life long process? Would you expect to see some of the EDS/CTD issues improve once Lyme is addressed?
  • @dutyofcall7659
    Hey Rachael, I'm currently in antibiotic treatment for bartonellosis + lyme disease and could achieve great improvements in terms of my neck instability as well as my overall connective tissue problems. Maybe it gives you hope and even tho it's still a long way to for me it was worth it.
  • @EE-xo3qr
    Hi Rachel, I was wondering if you had any advice for me. I remember in one of your vlogs you mentioned you work from home. I'm a nurse but my health isn't great, so I'm looking into jobs from home. I don't really know what my options are. I have a nursing degree and I enjoy writing but I don't know what kind of fields would accept me with this qualification. Do you have any pointers?
  • @anson.meadows
    Rachael, quick question…I have CCI, POTS/OH, Lyme, EDS genes, IH, Low Iron, and spoke w/ Dr. Klinge just today, who said she thinks I have Tethered Cord. So many things that you have or have had. The Q: Would you recommend I do the surgery for TC and CCI? I’m having severe muscle wasting and a burning spine with terrible nerve pain and damage. I feel like the surgery is my only choice and am hoping it would help my symptom progression to stop. Thank you for any advice 🙏
  • @Missy33960
    If the yellow stuff is Mepron mixing it with apple sauce makes it taste less like toxic waste lol