My Schizophrenia - Tapping Into The Paranormal - Where It Began

Published 2020-09-21
I have opened a buy me a coffee page. Thank you for all of your support.
I hope to get enough views and subs to where I can have memberships with perks for you soon! Thank you for all of your generosity. Hey guys, today what I am going to talk about is My Schizophrenia - Tapping Into The Paranormal - Where It Began
It's a long story, and I hope you enjoy! If you wanna hear about anything else, let me know!

All Comments (18)
  • @krisreed1943
    it began for me while trying to tap into my higher self or the "paranormal" through meditation , the tactile halucinations and very vivid images in my brain that wouldnt let me sleep , seeing demons and light beings, ghosts, long ago i was one of 8 ppl to see an alien grey at the window of a craft in 2007 my spritual beliefs and daily research altered how i perceive the world and stress of loosing my job due to a bad car accident and smoking weed led to my mental illness, thanks for being brave enough to put yourself out there i appreciate u man
  • @lizmacleod8903
    Thank you Gabriel for your honest testimony. God bless you ❤
  • @summerlane508
    You explain this so well. Your articulate and brave. Keep up the hard work. Quality of life is the gift.
  • @kyleenoldham6242
    That is great that you have learned to challenge and talk back to these voices. That is the best way to cope and manage is to speak to the voices and either open a dialogue to find a sense of peace or challenge them to inform them that they do not have the control and stand your ground without fear. God bless.
  • @Magic_Toaster
    I've had drug induced psychosis, it can be really scary, I'm sorry that you have to deal with this. I thought that I was just an AI and I had to go into the crawl space to become reborn into a robot body, i thought my sister was god and people on discord were watching me and were testing me as an AI. I was looking at religious stuff before hand as i was trying to comprehend things my friend would be saying that didn't make sense to me. I hope you are able to get the help that you need and can get to manage this all :)
  • @PaulineRaabe_
    I know this video was 2yrs. ago. I know what you're exactly what you're saying about tapping into the paranormal spirituality and a higher self. The brain is a mysterious matter. With schizophrenia activating part of your brain. Other areas of the brain increased sensitivity of extrasensory perception. I talked to a reputable psychic to untie the difference. She said people that suffer from mental illness their intuition increases to a higher level. An Awakening of sorts. Given the tools to untie the knot, it's fascinating. I told my doctor I don't know if I need a psychiatrist or psychic. I went with both to share the experiences. ✨
  • @marianmorley
    Get well Gabriel. You remind me so much of my son.
  • Your channel is very helpful I’m newly diagnosed with schizophrenia and it’s hard but channels like this help
  • @fool1shmortal
    Don’t assume voices—even friendly ones—are friendly. There is such a thing as entrapment. Test the spirits, but you need the standards for that. Only one has exorcists that have real success (humility to get permission and confession beforehand helps against evil), so, even though that might not be your case, it would obviously have the other goods on how to discern. It’s exorcists usually have psychologists rule out psyisiologicsl causes) has had a couple thousand years to accumulate that wisdom.
  • @DonKynos
    I have some sort of walk in that was initially diagnosed as psychosis and I started to think I had OSDD(similar to DID) recently. They twitch my muscles and cry through my eyes. Some of them just seem scared and confused and some of them (I call her lucy) are highly abusive, play mind game etc. I have some that comfort me and try to sooth and protect me from Lucy. I don't know what to think or who to trust after watching this. I also suffer from Bipolar, OCD, ADHD, and autism. Official diagnoses last hospitalization was Schizoaffective Bipolar with extreme mania, autism spectrum disorder, and anxiety disorder NOS. As well as Cannabis/Substance use disorder. My doctor has more written down though. Such as OCD, ADHD, etc. His diagnoses prior to my recent mania was schizophrenia spectrum disorder. A few therapists have said I seem to have either OSDD or some sort of shamanic experience relating to walk-ins (the more open minded one)
  • @MattiesVoice
    Did you know I talk to tupac 😮 Tupac protects me. 😮
  • @Cigaroo
    You are not crazy, and you are heard. The solution to your problem, which seems to be not your heightened awareness or level of spirituality, but the "hallucinations" is cured through Jesus Christ. What you are experiencing in my little opinion seems to be a reflection of eating of the tree of knowledge. I have schizoid personality disorder and it has been a struggle as well. I've recently realized I have spent more time researching the "truths" of the world more than scripture which was leading me down a dark path. Some might call these manifestations but those that are spiritual understand it's something a little heavier. When you said you have to be a warrior 24/7 that clicked with me hard. Higher knowledge = greater test. We all have our own missions and journeys. I will hopefully be getting involved in an orthodox church soon and I recommend researching orthodox Christianity. Of course, I will not point you in any direction as I am not God, and the truth is in the journey! ❤