The real reason why amateur golfers lack speed and distance!

Published 2024-07-03
Hey guys in today’s lesson video I’m going to show you why amateur golfers lack distance. I’m going to show you guys my secret hack when I try to hit the golf ball a far ways. It’s a lot easier than you think! If you want to gain distance and clubhead speed this video is just for you. Gain distance withyour irons and driver immediately!

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All Comments (21)
  • @TeddyCavachon
    The reason recreational golfers don’t generate pro level swing speeds is not knowing how to release the club around the hands in the downswing and how to extend and stay in balance in the finish. Until you can learn swing the club on a well balanced “groove” finish the swing in perfect balance the reflexive brain is going to try the steer club with the hands with mixed results. I had balance problems in my swing until I read Hogan’’s Five Lessons a dozen years ago and actually tried what he suggested. The most helpful part of the book was the learning ladder he suggested: do not attempt to anything beyond and ‘extension-to-extension’ 1/4 swing until being able to hit them consistently straight and feel in balance at the finish. Then you increase the swing arc to 1/2, then 3/4, then Full stopping whenever a balance problem creeps back in. At is will because the kinetic energy in the club head causing the loss of balance increases EXPONENTIALLY as velocity increases linearly. That is why pros usually swing at 70-80% effort; because swinging at 100% is likely to cause balance / accuracy problems. Given that there are 13 lofted clubs in the bag is rather silly to try to hit a PW 150 yards and 7i over 200. What is more important for scoring is being able to hit an approach shot with an iron, creating enough spin loft to predictably shape it, which increases the odds of keeping it on the green and moving toward the hole after landing.
  • @giaovu5811
    My wife sent me this video 3 weeks ago after I totally lost my swing and gonna be honest. This video, of the countless I’ve watched on YouTube and IG, is the one that spoke to me. I went to the range the next day with these thoughts in my mind and never hit it so pure, effortlessly, lofted, and straight. Thank you, KHJ! You saved my golf game and I have a swing and swing thoughts to fall back on if I hit a few bad shots. Now I watch this video everyday (no lie). 😅😂
  • Really appreciate the video. This is great information and perfectly aligned with what my current coach teaches. There are so few people that teach the golf swing correctly and it’s refreshing to see this type of content. Wishing you nothing but success!
  • @Agogeify
    Kevin, this is a great feel to incorperate. trying to hold on to these angles was killing my swing distance and consistancy. once i understood this concept it really changed the way i think about my swing. i almost feel like im casting the club but in reality becuase im also turning at the same time the swing releases properly through impact. Great lesson to understand here!
  • @ctan1118
    I can say this lesson works. I smoked some range balls today. Thank you for the lesson.
  • @touristguy87
    I largely agree with you on this, bu there is also a certain art to learning what lag to hit the ball with, in the middle of releasing the club and therefore when exactly to release as a function of club speed. Not enough lag at impact and you either blade the ball or shovel it forward with the clubface sliding under the ball, too much lag and either you hit big divots or hit the ball at too low of a launch-angle. You don't want to hit much if any of a divot and you definitely have to be careful not to blade the ball. That all comes from having functionally-sufficient lag at impact during the process of releasing the club. Good releasing is definitely an acquired skill and you have to build into it to do it right. Unfortunately it's just not all technique. You have to have the muscle-power behind it also...the club doesn't swing itself just because you drop the head down out of the backswing. So the other half is to get swing-power into the ball without getting wild in the swing. The way that I found the release timing was to hold that wrist angle through impact until I got good strikes and then it kinda came naturally to me, to realize when to release. You need to hold lag until you get your shot down holding lag and you can feel the release-point essentially from experience.Your thing here is that you are dropping your hands and increasing lag in the downswing and therefore you need a lot more time to get the clubhead back to the ball in your release, so for you it's almost one continuous motion. The point is that anything in terms of a golf swing will work as long as you square the clubface decently, get the blade under the midline of the ball, hit the ball at a decent lag and don't swing across the ball too much. If you don't do that you're simply not going to hit a good shot. You obviously have that all down. It doesn't matter how far you hit it, long, short, intermediate, whatever, if you're not hitting good strikes then you're not going to hit good shots. You're at best hitting something playable. Many people play just fine with playable shots. It's not like your swing and your shots have to be optimum to play good golf. They definitely cannot be poor and play good golf. Hitting poor strikes and poor shots trying to hit the ball "long" is not the way to play good golf. We all learn this sooner or later, and if you really care to play good golf, then you sort it all out. That doesn't mean that you ever actually do hit 7-iron 200 yards. Maybe that's just not the game that you're destined to play. Some of us were destined to play that game. #1 rule of golf is that you have to pay the green-fees. #2 is that you need to learn your limitations on the course or they will be forcibly taught to you. Doesn't mean that you won't grow and evolve as a golfer. Hitting superhuman irons RELIABLY is definitely going to wait until you become a superhuman golfer. Hitting them UNRELIABLY will keep you from achieving even mediocrity. When you can't even predict what line they will land on much less what distance? Then you have a decision to make. Do you go for distance or go for the line. Cause I'll tell you, it sucks to hit a shot the exact distance that you want but 5 deg left and into the shoulder sand-trap. Or 5 deg to the right and into a lake. It never looks good to spray your shots all over the course. This is why I don't make too much out of distance claims. I need to see where the balls are landing to be impressed with someone's swing.
  • @ebttt
    I like the way you Express what you thinking while you swinging. Now you need to let us know what are you thinking to hit that ball clean with the same swing
  • @seancooper8815
    This tip just clicked for me, added 20-30ms on all my irons while having 140kmh effortless swings thanks so much Kevin!
  • @go4jackson
    Revolutionarily simple stuff here. Keep it coming! At 8 minutes. It's pretty short, but could be even shorter I think. Thanks for the lesson!?
  • @Chris_Traynor
    Very cool discussion of concept. I'm gonna try this!
  • @azcharlie2009
    I went to pro about 10 years ago to see why I had no distance. He said "You have no release". He told me to start releasing the golf club way up at the beginning of my downsing. Kind of contrary to what most people think, but it worked very well for me.
  • @marvfj6451
    I have enjoyed each of your “hit 7i 200 yards” videos. In a previous video, you also recommended speeding up the swing from about waist high. But how do I get the club to that position?
  • @AJTramberg
    This is probably one of the least articulated, and most important keys to better ball striking. Well done.
  • @RobM333
    Great video, definitely going to try this swing thought. I average 170, I have with really swing hard hit 193 but it’s definitely not as smooth as yours.
    Once again, thinking and doing less means a better ball strike. A couple of weeks in now and I have to dial way back what I percieve to be effort. Thanks to you I now have to recalibrate my whole bag. Oh bother. :)
  • @mycommentpwnz
    Honestly, I think people with VERY LONG ARMS have a huge advantage. I'm 6'4, fast, and very strong. But, I have the upper-body length of someone who is like 6'1, and the legs of someone who is like 6'9. Consequently, I can only hit my 7-iron 190 (on my BEST shots.)
  • @b.l.275
    I'm a fan of your videos! What shaft do you use in your irons?
  • @andy1or2
    Great video ... glad I found this ...!