My story with Benzodiazepines

Published 2020-06-05

All Comments (21)
  • @blankwhite6163
    It’s refreshing to get all those “bad/embarrassing” times off your chest. I’m lucky to have a friend I can let it out too. I’m not brave enough to tell anyone else lol
  • @rawtooth4704
    Just keep doing ur thing and stay on Track Gabe... Much Love From Canada.
  • @CMoore8539
    The blackouts that benzodiazepines cause always stopped me from getting addicted to them. It’s like playing with fire. Anyone who does it will get burnt eventually. For anxiety or sleep, occasionally, yes, but never long term use. Too dangerous for me! Great Video Gabe!!!💘🍿🇺🇸💯🔥
  • @nickwhite3947
    1 mg of K is lots, I’ve been trying now to get off Benzo for two years and two failed tapers. Started on Ativan then switched to klonopin then now I’m on Valium and tapering. I’m on Effexor too. But be warned sir. The HELL your going go through for years coming off them is going be fifty million times worse then opiates. Benzodiazepines are the worst worst decision I’ve ever made asking my doctor for something because I was sad and lonely and depressed after a family break up. Take it really really slow dude or it’ll bite you big time. Like cut 10% every two weeks or more and then when you get low switch to scale or liquid taper to get that 10% cut. Not to scare you but don’t worry about the seizures going slow it’s the mental aspect and physical symptoms that are going scare you. It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever tried doing and I did it all. Reach out if you need help boss!!
  • @nwetthbomb
    just make sure you eat (rehydrating and healthy food if you can) i sparingly ate for the first 2/3 days of my benzo withdrawal which made me feel so bad. i guess they say if you can eat and you're craving something, no matter what it is, it's better than nothing, good luck!
  • Your honesty is really inspiring, considering how hard you used to go its even more impressive that you are so dedicated now Glad i never went down the benzo route, I have struggled with bad anxiety and panic disorder for a long time so I knew i would have liked them a little too much...not that being on oxy for 13 years is much better tho lol but it is what it is Looking forward to your future videos
  • I’m so proud of you for getting on Wellbutrin. I went to my dr immediately after I kicked subs and got on Wellbutrin for the PAWS. PAWS caused my relapse at 7 months in 2019. So I’m on it and had hardly no PAWS this round. I made it to 8 months so far and no thoughts of using subs. Wellbutrin actually gives me energy. I take 150 in the morning and 150 at lunch to get me through the rest of the day. So I am also prescribed Klonipin or clonazepam and have been for years. I was first prescribed Xanax at 20 years old. It was the .25 but I was getting them on the streets since 17 and continued to get them illegally cause the .25 was BS. But that allowed me to increase my dosage or tell the next dr that I’ve been on Xanax before and it works which got me more Xanax at a higher milligram. I was up to legally 3 .5s a day. Once again I illegally got way more. Then I like had two kids in the middle of all that and had to get off during those times. It sucked but I couldn’t really tell withdrawal cause I was pregnant, moody, emotional, tired and sick anyway. Do you have like years of your life or months that you kinda blacked out? Like they are just missing from your life from all the benzos you were taking?? I do. It’s sad that I lost like 10 years due to benzo blackouts just from daily high dosage benzo use. I got a new dr and he took me off Xanax and put me on Klonipin about 12 years ago. I’m on .5 mg now. I had to get off again to have a baby 5 years ago. I lived through the withdrawal which once again who really knows what I was really feeling. Basically I’ve been on benzos for 31 years. That’s not to brag but to say that I get it. I get the fear. I tried to get off about 6 months ago and I went a week and decided I wasn’t sleeping and that sucks for my mental health cause I’m bipolar 1 and I have to get sleep or I have an episode. Nobody wants that. When I did decide to try to get off. I started full spectrum hemp oil or CBD at 25mg. Then I took magnesium pills at night. I also took adrenotrate for anxiety supplement at lunch everyday. So my anxiety was fine. It was the sleep that I couldn’t deal with. I only take my Klonipin before bed and haven’t abused benzos in 2 years now. I had a manic episode and went crazy on the benzos. In fact I went so crazy I swallowed 30 .5s to get my husbands attention. It didn’t work btw. Long story short you will be fine. And if you decide that getting off of them is more dangerous than staying on them like I did, don’t beat yourself up about it. I really wanted to get off them and be completely narcotic free but sometimes we have mental issues like me bipolar- you seizures- that don’t allow us to get off some meds and that’s okay. You aren’t abusing them and that’s what really matters. Good luck Gabe!!! Oh my most important thing out of all of this is holistic treatments if you aren’t going to be on medication. You were on it for a reason and that reason will present itself again. I also use essential oils. Believe it or not they help. All of the stuff I mentioned combined work. I have no idea which one or any is not needed because it’s a packaged deal for me. Just make sure you have a plan for the anxiety that’s coming and also Wellbutrin causes anxiety lol and will cause problems sleeping in some people. My friend couldn’t sleep at night on it so she got off of it and she didn’t even take drugs at all- legal or illegal. She was using it to quit smoking. Now I’ve said all I wanted to say. If you ever wanna ask me anything, feel free to. As you can see I am an open book. Here to help if you need it.
  • @eleusis7778
    I am Withdrawing right now .. thank you for posting !! I can get distracted and have a laugh with your vids plus you give away good info. Keep it up! God bless
  • @SAMEntalhealth
    As an opiate addict i was never addicted to the Benzo. Strictly used for panic attacks or unbearable anxiety. No dopamine shot from it, yeah i get relaxed but not like "i wanna do that again tomorrow " loll Idk man, they do do a lot of damage though . Around here we call them "soul stealers "
  • @todharper3964
    Keep hangin in there Gabster. God bless you too buddy. Thanks for sharing. I never been attached to benzos.... thank God. I've takin them but not for any length of time.
  • @humbug4478
    🙏 for you mate !!! You got the power. I’m still on a micro dose of sub coward that I am but it keeps me off other crap and I worry relapse could happen but I don’t know might be me justifying to myself
  • @datdudedill8841
    Bro i really dont think youre gonna have a bad time. it will be a little mental but i think you got this man and it wont last but maybe a couple days, in myt exp. at least. good luck. oh and cravings suck.
  • @Lisasanti1
    I have epilepsy, and I’m prescribed Ativan, along with Keppra. I don’t understand those that abuse it. It doesn’t give me any euphoria at all. I know everyone is different. I am prescribed 3 milligrams per day. You’re a great storyteller, by the way.
  • @E--ik8hx
    I had a old friend loose his life to benzos, Its easy to see the potential of addiction though. I refuse to take them after watching what they can do. I'm so sorry to hear your story. After years of suboxone for pain I turned to drinking to kill the pain on top of the subs. The withdrawal of anything on the gaba receptors are terrible. But manned up and quit that a year ago and, quit the subs 1 year later to date. If you ever need to talk durring your taper or withdrawl feel free. Anything to help.
  • @PimpDomingo
    Quitting from 1 mg will have you experiencing insomnia, hallucinations, sensitivity to light and sound for a little bit (in my experience it gets really bad around days 7-9). Create your own micro taper program and take yourself off the med a tiny bit at a time over the course of say a year. If you’re prone to seizures it’s the safest way or actually liquid micro tapering is but that requires science 🧪. If you do most of the hard work upfront you wont have much damage to repair on the back end (once off). Great video! 🙏🏼 Reference the ashton manual if you need assistance.
  • Never cared for benzos! Thank God! My best friend of 20 years loved them. Always heard the withdrawals were horrible.
  • @beanzx2
    hey buddy man i relate to so much you been thru and man i really commend u man for making it this far and sharing ur story man.. . i have had my fair share of adivan zannies resterol man i used to have to eat 4 resterol 30s every morning just to be normal man thank god those days are gone but i am on methadone tis other beast and have been for 4 -5 years the highest i was is 150 mg and now i am at 32.. and i am contemplating switching to suboxin or at the least im looking in to it anyways bro yeah you got some real good content that has been helping for sure thank man
  • @NoName-pu5ls
    I've been on clonazepam 23 years taken as prescribed I have tapered down to tiny particles now..ready to jump off soon. I had no issues tapering. When I was cut off cold once I almost died.
  • @edmon7943
    I’ve been on Clonazepam for almost 15 years @2mg 2x a day. The past 6 years I would take 1 every 3 days bc I was going to the clinic and I didn’t want to test dirty. I would sometimes only take .5mg and then not take anything for 3 days. I legit have over 1,200 2mg kpins in my cabinet bc would only take like 10-15 out of a 60 count bottle