Why Addicts Lie To The Ones They Love

Published 2016-04-23
People who are in a relationship with an addict are consistently hurt by lies and manipulation. However, an addict's lies have more to do with maintaining their addiction than a desire to hurt the ones who love them.

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Jonathan League
Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor
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All Comments (21)
  • @HollyMurphy3
    If you stay you might as well take the drugs yourself. You have all the suffering of an addict and none of the benefits. That thought helps me stay away from them.
  • Its so heartbreaking how they are in soo much denial and is so childish about lying
  • @TheFlamingJason
    I’m an amphetamine addict in early recovery. Man... this comment section really hits hard. Because I totally understand the point of view of all of these people, and I totally agree, your all victims of terrible manipulative people. But honestly, everyone in the situation is a victim. I do think that if you’re in a relationship with an addict, you should get out as fast as possible, but don’t hate them for the things they do... it is their choice but it is not their fault. Every day I mourn the fact that I have touched these terrible drugs and that I have such a predisposition and that I have hurt so many people and that I have to live with the knowledge that I could return to this terrible cycle any day.
  • @demanlopez5256
    I needed to hear this. My childrens father is an addict. He lies constanly and he left us again for another addict. Thank you for this video.
  • @ryannorman4293
    Its weird how after I sobered up, it took months, but eventually my head cleared up, and I saw through all the bullshut, I saw my old friends who used over 1 year later and I just looked at them like omg, that was me, I couldn't even fathom being that way, but if I relapsed I would be that way, in the blink of an eye" just to clarify I saw them at a store and quickly left" the craziest part is they didn't even recognize me, I was sober and healthy, and working out lol
  • @Teddietonbear23
    They will bring you down with them, don't do it, get out of the drug relationship,it's toxic being with em 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
  • @JPhilipFaranda
    Truly helpful and thanks so much. I just had to end an engagement to an alcoholic and two weeks later the web of lies that I have uncovered is truly unsettling
  • @fayetaylor1998
    I finally had to let go of my addict boyfriend of two years. He was addicted to Heroin. I had actually known him from my teenage years. I knew he was into the streets back in the days. But I had NO CLUE that he used drugs. Anyways, he told me he was in recovery and two years clean. He said that he was turning his life around and was serious about his recovery. I was still a bit skeptical as I never dealt with a situation like this before. BUT he was so damn CONVINCING! Every thing was peachy at first, then after three months I started to see the nodding effect. He blamed that on being tired. I didn't quite believe it but I thought ok he works and workout at the gym a lot. So maybe that's true or maybe I just wanted to believe what he was telling me. We didn't live together so I didn't know what he was doing all the time. However, I knew something wasn't right but I just couldn't put my finger on exactly what it was. I started having anxiety and just couldn't shake the sicking feeling in my stomach. So I broke up with him, got back together then broke up again. Then the last go around he moved in with me after a year long separation. He looked really good and seem like he was working on himself. Things went well again for about 4 months. Then one morning I got up to make a cup of coffee. And there he was at the kitchen table getting high. IN my house! This was my first time actually seeing "evidence". I was so shocked I didn't know what to do. He had totally violated my trust. I told him if I ever caught him doing anything like that he would have to go. And in true addict form he told me " I wasn't seeing what I though I was seeing" lol I told him he has a month to get some cash together and leave. I also cut off every thing in term of helping him i.e. money, food, etc. He had to provide for himself. And guess what? He did! See what they can actually do when you put your foot down. Called his family to make them aware of what was going on. And the enabler's that they are they welcomed him with opened arms. I sent him home to his mother. It was one of the HARDEST things that I ever had to do. Because I has actually grown to love him. But I had to muster up the strength to love me more. It's been over six months now. I still love him and spoken to him a few times. But he's seeing someone "new" now. It's probably a rebound situation and wont last. Because I know he's lying to her. They seem to move on very quickly when you aren't playing along with their addictive lifestyle. I have realized that he was lying and manipulating me, friends, and family. And he wasn't actually serious about his recovery. He was just buying time and in the end wanted me to except what he was doing. He told me that now that the cat is out of the bag he doesn't care what happens. ha smh But I just couldn't deal. It's not the life I want to live.He just isn't ready to face the man in the mirror. And this ex addict girl (well always and addict) he is with now proves it. Sorry for the long post but this was such and extraordinary event in my life. Not in such a good way either. I just hope in the end he gets the help he needs. Because I wasn't qualified to give it to him.
  • @TheDiamondtwins
    The saddest part was my addict got sober and still lied and appears to have cheated either a fellow AA person. I was under the mistaken notion he would be a better man, but I liked the addict better. Now he is angry, tells me things are black when they are white and is cold and aloof.
  • @msve5636
    Had to let my son go, 26 yo. It hurts but he was draining me emotionally and financially, I haven't spoke to him in a month after I put him out for stealing, I don't know where he is, and he has a son 3yo that I help raise he just walked away, Im sad and mad but I have to move on.....God help him...
  • @christyg6412
    My four year relationship just ended after 7+ times he could never tell me but I would always find out, its was hard to go through this pain and unhealthy relationship the past two years because he is the one that found me and wanted this relationship. He said he was scared to lose me that’s why he never told me, in reality he was being selfish and trying to just not get in trouble or caught in order for me to not see him in a different way in resulting to me eventually leave him... All you want to do is see best for the person when they are just hurting themselves and down spiraling but it hurts because all the pain and frustration is on your chest and your worrying for someone else who could careless at this moment for it all or for themselves in that matter.
  • Even when you find their meth pipe, they will never admit defeat or wrongdoing. Even when they destroy every relationship you have and ruin your life with lies and deception. They will never admit it. Thank you for this video. How do I deal with the ptsd I have to cope with after a toxic relationship such as this? It's exhausting and difficult to swallow.
  • I needed to hear this as reassurance that I did the right thing.. It was so hard.
  • @alyngomez5369
    I was an enabler for 3 years. I can never be with my daughters father again, and it hurts a lot. I’m really lost right now, but I’m trying my best for my daughter. My days are a bit dark
  • I don't love my brother anymore, I am completely drained. The relationship is toxic. We are better off not dealing with eachother. I am over it. I don't feel anymore obligation to care for him.
  • @cliveholt4573
    My stepson is an alcoholic and the 2 years we tried to help him were the hardest 2 years of our lives. In the end, with the constant stress of each relapse our own mental health was badly effected. We had to ask him to leave. Boundaries are so important. Don't let the addict ruin YOUR health, finances or relationships as they are slowly destroying their own lives.
  • @everyday1776
    This is what got me to leave even though it broke me. The stress finally stopped after I left which was hard.
  • @dennispeel715
    After 20 years. Listen to me 20 years I finally get it! She left me- did me the biggest favor ever! Let them go-they can’t change! I cried when she left- thought what now. What am I going to do with our son?? Guess what it was actually easier- I was doing everything anyways. No more drug dealers, boyfriends I had more money. More time. Go to church and get right with the Lord. He has blessed me so richly taking this woman from my life. I’m not angry. I’m finally happy and at peace! 1 Cor 7:15!
  • @jayh8702
    Thank you for this video. It brang to light alot of the things my ex was telling me. Lies lies and denial. Every time i confronted him he said, i was judgeing him and critical and i was wrong for that.. He made himself look like he had everything under control and believed his own lies. Even when i found the homemade crack pipe, He still did not hold himself accountable. He blamed me for stressing him out and that though he was clean, for 3 months, which was a lie. I pushed him back to drugs. My ex has been an addict for 30 years but, like your video said, i thought it was under control and it was not. I finally made the decision to walk away from our marraiage of 28 years because, he does not seem to want to change. And this video made me realize, i made the right choice. Thank you.