Is The Sims 4 actually bad... (or am I just being dramatic?)

Published 2023-10-01
Why does The Sims 4 get such overwhelmingly negative reviews, despite being one of the best selling games of all time?

Discussing the controversies surrounding The Sims 4 and its impact on The Sims franchise as a whole.

*im not wearing lipstick my lips just naturally look like this.

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All Comments (21)
  • @Bbtwink
    Sims 4 is a modern digital doll house, and the sims 3 is a story telling drama based game that doesn’t just teleport your sims everywhere
  • @meh_lady
    What bugs me the most is how there’s no challenge to it. You can rags to riches way too easily. There’s zero real life struggle.
  • @piperbird7193
    I watch a lot of James Turner and DrGluon videos, and I'm always shocked by how often the game just plain doesn't do what they want to do. They are constantly fighting sims to get them to do the commands. I don't understand how EA isn't just embarrassed by their own product at this point.
  • @Taybray985
    You’re not dramatic, you’re just holding the Sims 4 to a proper standard.
  • They have less extras to buy for the sims 1, 2 and 3 combined. Yet the base games alone are more challenging and fun to play than the sims 4 with the 67 DLC.
  • @athros7624
    I think the biggest issue with games being “worse” nowadays is because we as consumers allowed big distributors like EA etc. to get away with it. EA are not publishing games because it’s a passion project, they’re publishing games sorely to gain financially. As long as consumers keep buying lacklustre, buggy games, they’ll change nothing and even push the limits. There’s a reason indie games are so popular nowadays too. Indie games are most of the time actual passion projects. We really need to understand that the only ones who can turn around this negative development are US. If we don’t pay for half assed games, we will force big companies to push out better ones.
  • @kokoboy6993
    The sims 4 is "look busy the boss is coming" epitomized
  • @monkeymelia
    Ok wow, I am early… but honestly, for me the sims 4 is just a pretty game of lacking quality. Unfortunately, the sims 5 is not going to be better 😂
  • @jlstotes
    The last DLC I bought for the Sims 4 was the Werewolves pack. I decided after that one that I’m no longer buying anything else. It was a pack that I enjoyed, but I completed the gameplay aspect within a couple of hours and after that, I was just like “now what?” It made me realize that I would get so excited about new packs and romanticize new stories for my sims only to realize there’s little to absolutely no gameplay and it’s basically just slapping an enticing and glittery bandaid on a piece of crap.
  • @vomm
    My problem with Sims 4 is just that all the thousand things that exist have no substance. It doesn't come together. Everything comes down to some progress bar filling up (relationships, skills) or some animations being played (first clumsy, then normal, then exaggerated). But what doesn't happen is that great life stories emerge from all the features, DLCs, and possibilities. I completely miss the social aspect in Sims 4. They throw in thousands of dialogue options, most of which are completely meaningless and just play some animation and fill progress bars. Friendships just lead to you being annoyed because the phone rings every 5 seconds and you can't really do anything with friends except fill progress bars together. As a player, you don't really form a bond with your Sims because everything just leads to silly animations. You have a million collectibles without it bringing anything substantial to collect them. Millions of recipes but they are basically all the same, you don't impress anybody with super nice meals like in Sims 3. Everything in Sims is somehow just shallow or annoying, like when you're doing excavations and constantly getting mail and the corresponding message with some findings. Every achievement leads to the game punishing you with annoying things. And yeah, then all the bugs on top.
  • @nash3689
    The only problem i have with the sims 4 is that there's no challenges or consequences unless you have mods. Its crazy to me how easy it is to make your partner like you again if you cheat on them. I remember in the sims 2 it was so hard, especially with the fury system, i couldn't even amend the relationship without them automously starting a fight with my sim. Or how if your house was messy, you could get roaches and get sick or if you bought something expensive, there was a risk of getting robbed. There's nothing like that in the sims 4.
  • @corabeani
    I think a lot of the issue with TS4 is that it's been 9 or 10 years now and whatever coding is left of "project Olympus" could have and should have been fixed. There was even a giant gap between base game and the first packs being released. Who is deciding on how many bugs they can fix per month as well? It seems like so little and usually incredibly odd bugs nobody has ever seen before. Pair this with COVID and the fact apparently every dlc release has had fewer and fewer people working on it with less testers too. Not to mention the cinematic trailers and over hyped content. Then add in the fact nothing is tested with all "currently released" packs until the present causing gigantic oversights in bugs that have broken the entire game with nearly every release of dlc. There has never seemed to be a sense of urgency on fixing the bugs and glitches and there's definitely not any urgency on fixing the code from base game which is the foundation of the entire game and all dlc. Instead more content gets added onto the pile making it hard to fix anything at all, which is the very reason many of us are in the comments saying we want "fix the game pack" over anything else. All that being said... TS4 isn't really an awful game. I do have fun when playing the game, but I can tell how much of a pain it is to get my sims to do basic fundamental things that are in the base game. (Sleep, try for baby, have conversation, etc). Other times... it cas where male sims have much less, infants-elders are left out, or the straight chaos of having more than 4 sims in a home constantly dying. I should not need mods to fix the game for all these issues that are wrong because nobody that created the game is saying "I should fix this".
  • @KimL1000
    The problem with Sims 4 is they tried to go in another direction from the previous Sims and it failed just like SimCity. Leaving out cars. toddlers and cars say a lot.
  • @vascoemyer
    I really like your channel, one of the few who isn't s*****g the d**k of EA 👍 we've every Sims4 pack and the game is definitely broken. The game play is so incredibly bad - looks great but oh my lord, I cannot wait until the new games release. Thank you for your posts, always a great pleasure to view someone who isn't afraid to honestly and intelligently speak their mind 🌻
  • @CarmindyOnline
    One of the things that frustrates me the most is having to click 3 times JUST TO OPEN THE FRIDGE!
  • @ViceCityExtra
    My issue is also that they keep adding but not multiplying if that makes sense. For example, they add a new social media but we already had a previous social media, but they don’t tie well together. Wouldn’t it be better if it expanded on the already established social medias like simstagram. Cause it doesn’t feel.. rewarding and as you said its more confusing than anything when they add this like socil media career where you collect followers but we also have social bunny etc. It would be better if they instead ”lock” features of the same social media used in sims 4 by the packs rather than always make a new one.
  • @Xadaj127
    Personally, I like how all the gameplay elements of The Sims 2 & 3 flow together more easily than in The Sims 4. The developers took the time to actually interconnect all of these things so that it's a more realistic and more streamlined experience overall. The Sims 4, however... feels more like a series of patchwork features that bump into one another instead of adding to each other's gameplay. They just feel really disjointed most of the time.
  • @brookelynnwu8016
    Sims 4 is like trying to build a castle on a foundation of pudding. It doesn’t matter how hard you try if the foundation is crap, everything added to it will be crap.
  • @alexbarton3020
    It is bad for the consumer that pays. If not fair for the gamers to constantly be let down. Thats why so many are getting fed up. The sims isn’t the problem. EA is.