[Piano] 枫丹Fontaine 原神枫丹主题曲 高还原度超优雅钢琴改编!钢协段落高能

Published 2023-08-25



非常感谢@拾廿七 廿七 大佬对谱面规范的查漏补缺,以及up主@钢铁女侠V 的帮助和鼓励,和两位老师一起学习交流是我莫大的荣幸


Original Artist:@HOYO-MiX
Arranged by:Purrvoice热狗

All Comments (21)
  • @lucasmita3058
    Navia, Focalors, Furina and Neuvillete are simply peak of genshin impact and in my personal opinion, Furina was the best of the best. I was absolutely moved, I want a happy ending for her but it is true that part of what caused such a stir in the community is that the ending is not completely happy... It left several scars on several characters. Navia managed to save Spinna di Rossula and cooperated in the salvation of Fontaine but along the way she lost her father, discovered that she was betrayed by people close to her and lost 2 of her best friends and most trusted servants. Focalors lived from day 1 when she became an archon, imprisoned for 500 years only to prepare her suicide to deceive Celestia and give happiness to her people. Neuvillete always felt distant from humans, finally he managed to understand them and recover his original power... But he was seriously distressed to see so much sacrifice made by Furina and Focalos just for him to recover his powers and give his verdict of innocence to the citizens of Fontaine, in addition, of the serious depression that immortal entities usually have. And Furina, ufff, Furina. The 500-year act is already one thing but it is explained to you that for hundreds of years she did everything she could to prevent the prophecy. She spread informants throughout Teyvat to gather information against the prophecy, Furina traveled through the 7 nations of Teyvat without managing to find anything and Furina invested in the scientific community of Fontaine so that they would find something to counter the prophecy with Science but NOTHING worked, then Neuvillete shows her the list of Spinna di Rossula's dead and Furina understood that all her efforts were being useless, people were still dying and the only thing she could do was continue acting like a goddess, in addition, they also explain to you what to act for so many years she mentally broke her in such a way that she no longer knows what she was like originally, she only knows her personality when it comes to acting as an archon, she was attacked by Arlecchino leaving her traumatized, doubted by her own people and the cherry on the top int the depression cake is that Furina never asked for some fame in exchange for this... Simply, according to Neuvillete, after hearing the end of Focalors, she just sighed saying that she was tired of everything and packed her things to live like a normal person. Charllote offered her an interview to tell everything and Neuvillete possibly would have been open to helping Furina spread the news about everything she sacrificed... But she simply rejected those 2 opportunities. She simply accepted a normal life without any kind of pleasure in a city where they will never be aware of everything she also did for it while the spotlight will focus on Navia, those who found the gigantic ark that Wriothesley used and in Neuvillete. That's what I call a hero... And a tragic one at that, since even though people still seem to love her and applaud her in theaters, it's just that, theater. Furina knows that no one applauds her for who she is, Furina has no friends and if you have her as a character you will know very well that she is a very lonely person. She always wanted friends but being an archon made her a very lonely person since people put her on a pedestal where no one wanted to get close to her because they thought that being friends with a goddess like her was impossible. According to her elemental ability, in the background there is a text that explains that usually on Wednesdays she suffers attacks of melancholy and says that she would like to have friends to eat cake with her and says that surely one day she will have someone like that. Furina's need for friends is such that she developed a personal attachment to her hydro creations that she uses in her elemental ability... Oh my god Hoyoverse, what a character they just made.
  • @GavinLiuranium
  • @user-me9bs3bm5h
    森林書 花神 楓丹的鋼琴曲都讓我很沉浸在遊戲中 花神的最讓我印象深刻 有一天掛在花神地圖就去睡了 喇叭開很小聲 花神的音樂真的讓我那晚做了個美夢 至今難以忘懷 起床還很氣憤 為什麼要醒來
  • @PseudoP69
    this particular song is depict fontaine the most, elegant, extravagant yet tragic with a hint of sadness but at the end of the day everyone dancing to this
  • @mirokunova999
    This is definitely one of the best arrangements I’ve ever heard. Truly amazing!!
  • @DylanYeee
    這一定是我在各個平台見過最完美 最還原的改編了
  • @c2678a
  • @bahanotbach
  • @iXland_Yt
    I absolutely loved this piece, looking forward to seeing more covers! 非常 好!
  • Underrated, your arrangement is pure fire. One day I'll be able to play it !
  • @Carsian
    Best cover I've found so far. Fantastic.
  • @DellCrazy411
    1:47 kinda crazy. there's bass chord, arpeggio, and melody line. we need 3 hands to play that!
  • @SereNekoChan
    I was searching exactly this piece on piano, THANK YOU SO MUCH
  • @geethaprem580
    Beautiful ❤️ the best arrangement of this piece of greatness on YouTube
  • @Rosayi
    This is beautiful 😭
  • @navibongo9354
    Aw you bring tears to my eyes, its beautiful!!!!!!