Jehovah's Witnesses cancel Gospel and Grace!

Published 2024-05-24
Jehovah's Witnesses, despite self-identifying as a Christian group, have bizarrely removed the words 'gospel' and 'grace' from their 'The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures'. These words don't even appear in the NWT glossary of Bible terms. They have also removed these beautiful English language words full of rich spiritual meaning from their teachings and vocabulary entirely, replacing them with more ambiguous terms such as 'good news' and 'undeserved kindness'. Why? What are the effects? And on whose authority?

Cited verses: Acts 20:24; Mark 1:1; 1.Corinthians 9:12,18; 2.Corinthians 9:8; Philippians 2:12,13; Acts 4:10-12. Apart from one use of NWT all quotes are from NKJV or NIV.

All Comments (21)
  • @RikTheMix
    The other week I was talking to two JW Sisters and asked them, “can a man serve two masters?” No, was their reply. “So, who do you serve then?”, I asked. And simultaneously one sister said “Jehovah” and the other said “Jesus”. You should have seen the look on their faces! So, I said, “don’t worry, you are both correct”.
  • @sarahyoung6799
    A very beautiful message. I'm currently learning about this!
  • @wookiedude21
    Grace definitely wasn't a part of growing up in the org!
  • @mikepuccini4932
    Yes! "the link to Jesus" you said. Watchtower marginalizes the only way to the Father. Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: NO MAN COMETH UNTO THE FATHER, BUT BY ME. - John 14:6 KJV God Bless 😊
  • J'ai toujours été très choqué depuis longtemps de m'apercevoir que durant les réunions personne ne parlait de Jésus, mais par contre, mettez toujours en valeur l'esclave avisé.
  • Love this message, listened to it several times. I think I will bring up these things next time I see the JW's that set up near my work, every Wednesday. Grace and peace to you in the Gospel of Christ. Shalom
  • @Alittle06
    Yes, I’m disgusted that they replaced grace with undeserved kindness. Undeserved kindliness’ emphasis is you don’t deserve it, grace emphasis is, this is Gods gift to you. Satan is subtle like the serpent
  • @Antlil2023
    I remember that the elders would stumble over each other when the overseer would come I can’t imagine how they would act if the gb was to come to the hall , I remember thinking is Jesus coming so sad that they literally worship men! Thank you great video ❤
  • @sim448
    They seem tired, practically "dead" in their ministry work. I am an ex member and was trying to take interest , ive walked past recently at their carts encouraging them etc, but they seem so indifferent compared to former times! This is the message of the new kingdom, and they are so passive about it, makes 0 sense
  • @Hilde-dj2xf
    I love your Videos thanks. Grüße aus Deutschland ❤
  • @allandahma4825
    I don’t mean this in a weird way, but you are absolutely beautiful!!!
  • @Non-ditTv-nf9nc
    God bless you my sister, your short video are so powerful, g]keep up good works
  • @ciscokidfab7595
    No Jesus in glossary, lower case HolySpirit, capitalize satan. They have a different Christ and false gospel. No cross, no resurrection but reincarnation. Rejection of the body and blood of Christ. They make Jesus is an angel, they make satan a god. Etc. May “the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all”.
  • Undeserving kindness my ass. As Gods daughter I definitely deserve kindness. I just didn't earn it. But I definitely deserve it. Just because you didn't earn something doesn't mean you don't deserve it. A child deserves a parents love but doesn't have to earn it.
  • @2Peter14
    Brilliant dissertation, Samantha! Thank you! It’s all about putting trust into Jesus Christ and having a personal relationship with Him for our salvation, since He is God! I can prove it with one more Bible passage, that the GB and WT cleverly manipulated to fit their false theology: “Theirs are the patriarchs, and from them is traced the human ancestry of the Messiah, who is God over all, forever praised! (Rom. 9:5)
  • @markjones1337
    Your videos have been so helpful to me, I've been wanting to join a Cult for a long time, was going to go with scientology but it's far too expensive. JW is definitely the cult for me, thanks again. 😊