The Ugly Truth About Walt Disney

Published 2022-06-20
How could the creator of the "Happiest Place on Earth" have such a conflicted and questionable past? Check out the ugly truth about Walt Disney to discover a darker side to the Mickey Mouse creator!


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All Comments (21)
  • I was under the impression the dwarves on snow white were the mystical humanoid creatures that are able to prospect and mine already polished diamonds in a raw diamond mine, not humans suffering from dwarfism.
  • Growing up, I never made the connection that the dwarves in snow white was a representation of people with dwarfism. I just assumed it was an implementation of a fictional race of people, like the dwarves from world of warcraft, or other fantasy race dwarves. Like garden gnomes, elves, and fairy's.
  • It should be stated that the dwarves in Snow White did not live in a cave but in a house, and were very wealthy because they had mined all of those gemstones. It was also the dwarves that ended the witch. They were never portrayed in a negative light.
  • @ssdd4424
    Peter Dinklage actually got a quite a bit blow back from the small people community for those comments. They equated it, to him trying to pull the ladder up after he got his. One of my favorite comments was “Peter Dinklage is not king of the dwarves and does not speak for us.”
  • @maida-vale
    In 1971, at the end of a working day I went to the Disney offices in The Strand, London, to meet an employee to go to the theatre that evening. Peter went to use the restroom before we left and he was to lock up on the way out. As I waited, I answered an "out of working hours" telephone call. It was an executive of Disney in California, calling with the news that Roy Disney had died. The US executive had presumed that I too was an employee but I was not, I was a record company exec. For me, as for many of my age, the very last Disney film was "Fantasia" I love it to bits!
  • @astrahcat1212
    I used to be a Walt hater, but these days I'm like...'what did this society do to that poor man to be so tormented'...
  • @NotMyRealName6
    From what I've heard, the dwarfism community heard Peter Dinklage's thoughts on Snow White and told him to shut up. There were a lot of articles talking about the outrage over how he'd cost them what could have been career-making roles.
  • @BriGuyIL1980
    Meryl Streep bad mouth's Walt but it didn't stop her from being in Into the Woods, which was produced by his company.
  • 4:17 I have no doubt that this habit caused not only vocal cord issues but problems with his esophagus in general. I find it odd that in all of his years, no one told him he was consuming his cigarettes wrong. Not a single person mentioned cigarettes are meant to be smoked, not chugged. That many years spent chugging dry, shredded tobacco along with the paper and filter. Have you ever tried to eat multiple crackers without taking a drink? Same principle just with a harmful substance. I'm surprised he could speak at all.
  • He was a business man, he was playing both sides, he would then always be on the winning side.
  • @girl1213
    The older I got, the more I realized Walt Disney was a person. He was genuine yes in his vision of a better world, but he had his dark sides to like everyone else. It's in a lot of these cartoons, especially in those early years, that are often banned or have changes implemented. But what redeems him is his integrity. He kept his private thoughts private and showed respect even towards people he privately did not like being around for whatever his personal reason is. He wasn't saintly, but he did his darnest to be the better person because he wasn't blind to suffering. Walt Disney was not perfect, but he was a person.
  • @OptimusNero
    3:46 Shame Oswald hasn't been depicted in more Disney products as part of Mickey's group of friends after recovering the rights of the characters in order to use him in Epic Mickey. It's like they completely forgot about him after the second game flopped
  • @JohnDoe-tx8lq
    "He became conservative... that's ok, lots of things need conserving." 😃 yep, he loved his antique clocks collection.
  • @simbaka451
    the 7 dwarves didn't live in a cave they lived in a house......their job was that of miners. how is that offensive.?
  • @BigBiz9
    Walt Disney wasn’t a villain, but he sure was flawed in ways, but you have to remember, there were different standards in his time
  • @jdoteasy
    The animation on infographics is insanely good. Salute guys.
  • @JLP627
    The biggest problem with modern critics is that they fail to take into context the times a person lived in. It's so easy to be so morally superior when you weren't raised or grew up during a said era. My personal take is that Walt was an idealist and saw some of the good of some philosophies but personally didn't adapt what he thought was bad in them. Which is why Jews, black people etc. Who knew him defended him. He was searching for an ideal, an ideal he put into words when he was describing his future world. Also, dwarves are a mythological race, in real life terms the only practical way to represent them is to cast short people. That also gives rare job opportunities for them who aren't Peter Dinklage. Something that was voiced by these actors. It's easy to virtue signal when you're already in a position of privilege, another thing when you don't live in that bubble and have to deal with everyday reality.
  • @MrGrimjaw
    It's sad what Disney Company has become in modern times