I Talk For Far Too Long About Metal Gear Solid 3 | A Retrospective

Published 2024-07-21

All Comments (21)
  • @arturo182
    "I Talk For Far Too Long" But it's only 104 minutes!
  • @RaiohTheHunter
    Aww Son, you didn't save and load in the jail for Snake to have a nightmare and play a cool mini-game.
  • @Mokujin
    Another banger of a video. I know you probably didn't want to spend too much time on that section, but one cool thing about The End you could have mentioned is that you can actually hold him up (When Snake sneaks up and says "Freeze"). This lets you shake him down and make him drop his unique camo for you to use. He's the only boss I can remember where this is possible.
  • @wbpaulejr
    Wooooo! Been loving the metal gear series. Thank you son!
  • @iansmith1369
    Son, i dont think you realize how much you just made my day. I'm proud of you, slugger
  • I find it odd how most people miss that Snake never once denies that there were aspects of his and The Bossā€™s complicated relationship that may have been romantic. Perhaps they were lovers on a night or two. I think simplifying the relationship as a mother role is doing it a disservice. Snake always says ā€œit isnā€™t that simple.ā€ That means it was a lot of things, all of which were deep. He couldnā€™t put into words their bond because it was unique to them.
  • @eRasedXem
    Love the first 2 vids. This is good to have on for a Sunday. Perfect timing fam!
  • @si3ge
    Pleasant surprise for me on a Sunday morning. You always say you talk for too long, but these videos are perfect to just listen to while I do other things. These are often some of the few videos I love to put on as soon as they come out and they make my day pass so much faster and more enjoyable.
  • @agroed
    Hey son, you've probably already gotten this comment but, the PS3 has always-on HDCP protection that stops it from being recorded by most capture cards. You need to get an HDMI splitter that can bypass the HDCP protection in order to record it. If you google around there are some good threads on which splitters have this capability. Personally I use the OREI HD 102 and it was worked splendidly in my experience. Hope that helps. Thanks for all your hard work. This was a fantastic essay.
  • Your timing could not have been more perfect! Just sat down with my dinner and was wondering what to watch... thanks!
  • @IAmNVA92
    One of my favorite things to do was to make Snake eat rats over, and over, and over again, until he likes them. Such a silly mechanic but yet another insane layer of depth to this game.
  • You notice how the Master Collection version of 3 (all the games really) have have had quite a bit of work done polishing up through patches? Yes, they should have launched without omissions and bugs, but i think as it stands now itā€™s a great first volume.
  • @sologotit785
    Been waiting for this breakdown!!! Keep up the hard work!!!
  • @gamerboy6787
    Lori Alan as The Boss. She did a PHENOMENAL job. She was able to portray so much nuance and subtlety in all her lines, and layers and layers of different emotions... at the same time! And all this, despite the fact that Kojima's writing can sometimes come across as ham-fisted and stilted. Personally, one of my favorite VO performances of all time, across all media, not just video games.
  • @wowie-ree131
    YES, been hoping and waiting for this, you kept us waiting!
  • @mynameisNeo369
    I'm so happy to see you cover the metal gear solid series, the retrospective has been great so far. Thanks for that, Boss šŸ«”
  • My favourite metal gear and the only one Iā€™ve cleared on European extreme. I love everything about it. I first played it while doing my history A levels which was about the Cold War - this is an exaggerated, very ā€œkojimaā€ take on it, but it was relevant enough to feel uncanny. I could never work out snakeā€™s feelings toward The Boss. Was he in love with her? Was it a maternal relationship? I can feel genuine sadness and disappointment when encountering the ghost of her lover; and the final shot to put her down felt more like an ending to what could have been than what was. Incredible work as always son. You make us all proud.